| 469k | Unique view of the Oregon's (BB-3) starboard side riding high in the water. | Photograph PR-03-Box-74-1 courtesy of the Library of Congress & National Museum of the U.S. Navy via |
 | 591k | Oregon (BB-3) after turret between 1896 and 1901. | Photo by Edward H. Hart, Detroit Publishing Company Photo LC-D4-20822 A / 4a14604v from
 | 1.01k | Oregon (BB-3) Athletes. | Photo # Lot 3000-G-2, Detroit Publishing Company, Courtesy of the Library of Congress from the National Museum of the U.S. Navy via |
 | 879k | Oregon (BB-3) crew. | Photo # Lot 3000-G-10, Detroit Publishing Company, Courtesy of the Library of Congress from the National Museum of the U.S. Navy via |
 | 591k | Switch Board in Dynamo Room of Oregon (BB-3). | Photo # Lot 3000-G-6, Detroit Publishing Company, Courtesy of the Library of Congress from the National Museum of the U.S. Navy via |
 | 845k | Oregon (BB-3) torpedo tube and torpedoes. | Photo # Lot 3000-G-10, Detroit Publishing Company, Courtesy of the Library of Congress from the National Museum of the U.S. Navy via |
 | 1.05k | Oregon's (BB-3) quarterdeck, circa 1900. | Photo by Edward H. Hart, courtesy of via Ron Reeves (of blessed memory).
 | 1.01k | Oregon (BB-3) dynamo room. | Photo # Lot 3000-G-12, Detroit Publishing Company, Courtesy of the Library of Congress from the National Museum of the U.S. Navy via |
 | 1.29k | Oregon (BB-3) berth deck cooks. | Photo # Lot 3000-G-13, Detroit Publishing Company, Courtesy of the Library of Congress from the National Museum of the U.S. Navy via |
 | 812k | Oregon (BB-3) forward from top of after turret. | Photo # Lot 3000-G-15, Detroit Publishing Company, Courtesy of the Library of Congress from the National Museum of the U.S. Navy via |
NR |
New York gave a royal welcome to the victorious squadron of Rear Admiral William T. Sampson. When the armored cruiser New York (ACR-02), the flagship of Rear Admiral Sampson; the armored cruiser Brooklyn (ACR-3), the flagship of Rear Admiral Schley; the formidable battleships Massachusetts (BB-2), Oregon (BB-3), Iowa (BB-4), Indiana (BB-1) and Texas began their parade through New York bay and up the North river, they were surrounded by a monster fleet of excursion boats and tugs profusely decorated with Old Glory. The battle scarred ships were also decked with bunting, and as they steamed slowly along they were greeted by the booming of cannons from the pleasure yachts and the shrill shrieks of the whistles of the excursion fleet. Proceeding up the North river, the New York floating Rear Admiral Sampson's flag, was in the lead. Then came the mammoth cruiser Brooklyn, with Rear Admiral Schley's new flag floating proudly at her fore truck, and, following the Brooklyn in the order named, were the Massachusetts, the Oregon, the Iowa, the Indiana and the Texas. When the fleet of cruisers and battleships reached Grant's tomb, the guns that spoke at Santiago were again heard in a grand national salute of 21 guns. | Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside. Photo from The Record-Union. (Sacramento, Calif.) 1891-1903, 26 August 1898, Image 1, via |
 | 235k | Deck of the battleship Oregon (BB-3). | Courtesy of Pieter Bakels. |
401k |
A buff colored Oregon (BB-3) with an awning covering her stern.
Photo courtesy of Arnold A. Putnam. |
 | 1.22k | Bow view of the Oregon (BB-3) in dry dock, Brooklyn Navy Yard". | Detroit Publishing Company Photo by Edward H. Hart. Photo LC-DIG-det-4a14594 courtesy of |
 | 1.19k | Oregon (BB-3) in dry dock, Brooklyn Navy Yard. | Detroit Publishing Company Photo by Edward H. Hart. Photo LC-DIG-det-4a14596 courtesy of |
 | 1.13k | Stern view of the Oregon (BB-3) in dry dock, Brooklyn Navy Yard. | Detroit Publishing Company Photo by Edward H. Hart. Photo LC-DIG-det-4a14597 courtesy of |
 | 533k | Gangway on Superstructure Deck, 1898. | Photo courtesy of Ron Reeves (of blessed memory).
 | 72k | Crewmen loading small caliber fixed ammunition, 1898. The original photograph was published on a stereographic card by Webster & Albee, Rochester, NY. | Naval History and Heritage Command # NH 94260, from the collections of the U.S. Naval Historical Center. |
 | 562k | BATTLESHIP OREGON (BB-3), (BULL DOG OF THE U.S. NAVY), OFF HONOLULU HARBOR. | Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI. Photo from The Hawaiian Gazette. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918, 07 February 1899, Image 1, via
 | 675k | DEWEY SENDS A HURRY CALL FOR THE OREGON (BB-3) Wants Her at Manila at Once for "Political Reasons." "We're Coming, Admiral" | Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC. Photo from The Evening Times. (Washington, D.C.) 1895-1902, 24 February 1899, Image 1, via |
689k |
THE OREGON (BB-3) HAS REACHED MANILA. The Formidable Fighting Machine Arrives in Good Condition.
| Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA. Photo from The Times Dispatch. (Richmond, Va.) 1903-1914, 19 March 1899, Image 1, via |
 | NR | Oregon (BB-3) in Manila Harbor, Philippines, during the Philippine Insurrection, 1899-1902. | USN photo # LC-USZ62-1252-LOT 5046 courtesy of the Courtesy of the Library of Congress via National Archives, from the National Museum of the U.S. Navy, courtesy of
 | 574k | Distributing mail to the Oregon's (BB-3) crew, circs 1896-1901. | Photo Reproduction Number: LC-DIG-det-4a14633 by Edward H. Hart from the Detriot Publishing Co. via LOC |
NR |
Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside. Photo from The San Francisco Call. (San Francisco [Calif.] 1895-1913, 16 July 1899, Image 24, via
60k |
Oil on canvas painting entitled "Return of the Conquerors, September 29, 1899", by the artist Edward Moran (1829-1901), which appears in the collections of the U.S. Naval Academy Museum, Annapolis, Maryland, features the Texas,
Indiana (BB-1), Massachusetts (BB-2), Oregon (BB-3), Iowa (BB-4) and other ships of the victorious U.S. fleet. |
Partial text and drawing courtesy of USNI. |
 | NR | ADMIRAL DEWEY HEADS A MOST MAGNIFICENT MARINE PAGEANT More Than Three Million Spectators Witness the Passing of the Nation's Hero on the Bridge of the Olympia (C-6), Followed by a Great Fleet of Warships and a Thousand Vessels of Peace Ships in Water Pageant Passing in Review Before Dewey on the Olympia, Off Grant's Tomb On the port beam of the Olympia was the escorting ship Sandy Hook, with the Mayor and other dignitaries aboard, and in her wake at intervals of 400 yards, stretched out a mile long, were the great towering warships, the armored cruiser New York (ACR-2), the battleships Indiana (BB-1) and Massachusetts (BB-2), the cruiser Brooklyn, second-class battleship Texas, the old wooden frigate Lancaster, the gunboat Marietta (Gunboat-15) and the Chicago (CA-14), the flagship of the South Atlantic squadron.
| Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside. Photo & text by The San Francisco Call. (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, 30 September 1899, Image 1, courtesy of |
 010303a | 469k |
Oregon (BB-3) gunner George Sanderson and his 2 gunner mates, circa 1895-1906. |
Photo Reproduction Number: LC-DIG-det-4a14330 by Edward H. Hart from the Detriot Publishing Co. via LOC |
 | 90k | Oregon (BB-3) aground on Pinnacle Rock, near Hankow Light, China, 28 June-5 July 1900.
| USN photo # NH 42972, courtesy of Allan J. Drugan, copied from Album of Lewis H. Rockey, from the collections of the U.S. Naval Historical Center. |
 | 270k | Oregon (BB-3) aground on rocks off Hankow Light, China (Pinnacle Rock), while carrying supplies to the fleet in the boxer incident, 28 June-5 July 1900.
| USN photo # NH 42970, courtesy of Allan J. Drugan, copied from Album of Lewis H. Rockey, from the collections of the U.S. Naval Historical Center via Mike Green. |
 | NR | BATTLESHIP OREGON (BB-3) ASHORE NEAR CHEFU Strikes on the Island of Hoo Kie During a Fog—Steamer Sent From Shanghai to Her Assistance. | Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside & Library of Congress, Washington, DC. Photo from The San Francisco Call. (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, 30 June 1900, Image 1, & New-York Tribune. (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, 30 June 1900, Image 1, courtesy of
 | 1.56k | BATTLESHIP OREGON (BB-3) IN PERILOUS POSITION ON PINNACLE ROCK Great Rent Torn in the Side of the War Vessel When She Crashed Ashore — Now Impaled on a Jagged Reef | Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Photo from The San Francisco Call. (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, 01 July 1900, Image 20, courtesy of
 | 76k | Bow view of the Oregon (BB-3) in dry dock at Puget Sound Navy Yard on 6 July 1900 for overhaul.
| USN / USNI photo. |
 | 874k | ONCE MORE THE FAMOUS OREGON (BB-3), BULL DOG OF SEA, VISITS HAWAII AT ANCHOR OFF THE HARBOR | Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI. Photo from The Pacific Commercial Advertiser. (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, 31 May 1901, Image 9, via |
 | 811k | THE OREGON (BB-3) BEING PULLED OFF THE ROCKS. The above picture was furnished the Advertiser by J. S. Pollock, engineer's yeoman aboard the United States battleship Oregon. It shows the Oregon being pulled off the rocks in the Straits of Pechili. The two-stern lines are plainly visible in the picture. Five minutes after the Oregon struck on the rocks all the pumps were going, and the water was being pumped out as fast as it came in through the great rent in her bottom. | Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI. Photo from The Pacific Commercial Advertiser. (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, 01 June 1901, Image 12, courtesy of |
 | 848k | VICTORIOUS BASEBALL NINE OF BATTLESHIP OREGON (BB-3) NOW IN PORT | Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI. Photo from The Pacific Commercial Advertiser. (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, 01 June 1901, Image 13, courtesy of |
 | 898k | THE SCENE aboard the United States battleship Oregon (BB-3) while she was on the rocks in the Straits of Pechili was a busy one. All the pumps were hard at work throwing out the water as fast as it came in through the great hole in the ship's bottom. The above illustration shows the pumps at work. The picture was furnished the Advertiser by Engineer's Yeoman J. S. Pollock of the Oregon .
| Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI. Photo from The Pacific Commercial Advertiser. (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, 03 June 1901, Image 12, via |
| Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside. Photo & text by The San Francisco Call. (San Francisco [Calif.] 1895-1913, 06 June 1901, Image 7 courtesy of
| Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Photo from The San Francisco Call. (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, 13 June 1901, Image 1, courtesy of |
2.08k |
The Iowa (BB-4) and Wisconsin (BB-9) are the war vessels closest in shore. The former is about off the transport wharf, while the Wisconsin is off Harrison-street wharf. Out in midstream and almost between the Iowa and Wisconsin lies the cruiser Philadelphia (C-4), while south of her and almost in a line with Stuart-street wharf lies the Oregon (BB-3). |
Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside. Photo & text by The San Francisco Call.
(San Francisco [Calif.] 1895-1913, 14 June 1901, Image 4, courtesy of |
 | NR | BATTLESHIP OREGON (BB-3) IS THE CENTER OF ATTRACTION ON THE WATER FRONT Crowds Overrun Huge Fighting Machine — Wisconsin (BB-9) Has Her Final Trial and Proves Herself an Admirable Sea Boat—All of Her Guns Are Brought Into Action During the Run | Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside. Photo & text by The San Francisco Call.(San Francisco [Calif.] 1895-1913, 17 June 1901, Image 5, courtesy of |
 | NR | ALABAMA EDITORS PAY A VISIT TO FAMOUS BATTLESHIP OREGON (BB-3) Writers From the Sunny South See the Park and Ocean and Later Accept the Courtesies of the San Francisco Club | Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside. Photo & text by The San Francisco Call.(San Francisco [Calif.] 1895-1913, 29 June 1901, Image 3, courtesy of |
 | 1.64k | The Fourth of July and the Oregon (BB-3) | Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside. Photo & text by The San Francisco Call.(San Francisco [Calif.] 1895-1913, 30 June 1901, Image 5, courtesy of |
Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO. Photo from The St. Louis Republic. (St. Louis, Mo.) 1888-1919, 04 August 1901, Magazine Section, Image 36, courtesy of
 | 906k | THE WRECKED OREGON (BB-3) IS BEING REBUILT. FAMOUS BATTLESHIP NOW RESTS IN DRY DOCK AT PUGET SOUND NAVAL STATION | Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO. Photo by The St. Louis Republic. (St. Louis, Mo.) 1888-1919, 15 December 1901, PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLEMENT, Image 47, courtesy of |
 | 397k | BIG WAR GAME OFF NEW ENGLAND COAST Never in the history of the United States navy or army have there been held naval and military maneuvers of a magnitude such as those scheduled to take place at the end of this month. The mammoth mock war has been as carefully planned as if our fleet and forts were really in imminent danger of attack from a foreign foe. No expense is to be spared In making the maneuvers as elaborate and realistic as possible. Full service charges and service projectiles are to be used in most of target practice, and every discharge of a turret gun on a big battleship costs nearly $600. Thousands of dollars worth of coal will be burned up. All the available ships of North Atlantic squadron will be employed; battleships, cruisers and gunboats as well as a fleet of fifteen torpedo boats and twelve torpedo boat destroyers. The European squadron and the South Atlantic squadron may be ordered to attack the eastern coast. All along the eastern coast modern powerful searchlights have been established. Wireless telegraphy will be actively employed. The forts have been thoroughly prepared to resist attack. Flans and details are shrouded in greatest secrecy. The press is to be kept in the dark as in war times. The above cut shows the locality where the attack and will take place. Admiral Higginson will command the naval end of the fight. Gen. MacArthur will conduct the coast defense. Note: Oregon's (BB-3) photo is included, but she was on the west coast undergoing repairs. | Image and text provided by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE. Photo from The Courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, 16 August 1902, Image 3, via
 | 814k | BATTLESHIP OREGON (BB-3) WHICH WILL STOP AT HONOLULU EN ROUTE FROM COAST TO ASIATIC STATION | Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI. Photo from The Pacific Commercial Advertiser. (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, 13 October 1902, Image 10, via |
 | NR | COALING BATTLESHIP OREGON (BB-3) OUT AT THE ANCHORAGE The battleship Oregon being coaled at the anchorage. The above is a remarkable photograph as it was taken with a telescopic camera which made the battleship appear to be within a stone's throw of the boat house when in reality the big war vessel was at least a mile distant. This sort of photographic work was very useful to the British during their extensive campaign work against the Boers in South Africa. | Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI. Photo from The Pacific Commercial Advertiser. (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, 12 November 1902, Image 10, via |
 010312d |
1.13k |
Workmen at Navy Yard, Bremerton, Wash, presenting souvenir of the Oregon (BB-3) to Pres. Roosevelt. | Reproduction Number
LC-DIG-stereo-1s03688 (digital file from original stereograph). Copyright 1903 by Underwood & Underwood. Source: Library of Congress |
 | 136k | Capt. Albert Weston Grant commanded the battleship Oregon (BB-3) in 1903.
| Photo courtesy of the Library of Congress & submitted by Bill Gonyo. |
 | 997k | CAPTAIN W. T. BURWELL of the Battleship Oregon (BB-3).
| Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI. Photo from The Pacific Commercial Advertiser. (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, 18 December 1903, Image 2, courtesy of
 | 879k | OREGON (BB-3) IS BUILT FOR BUSINESS THE OREGON ENTERING HONOLULU HARBOR. | Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI. Photo from The Pacific Commercial Advertiser. (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, 20 December 1903, Image 1, courtesy of |
 010604f |
NR |
PACIFIC SQUADRON OFF HONOLULU, DEC., 1903. Kentucky (BB-6) (Flagship),Wisconsin (BB-9) & New Orleans Cincinnati (C-7) & Oregon (BB-3) & Raleigh (C-8) and Albany. | Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI. Photo by The Pacific Commercial Advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, 01 January 1904, PART 1, Image 1, courtesy of
NR |
ASIATIC FLEET OF THE UNITED STATES WHICH WILL SAFEGUARD AMERICAN INTERESTS IF WAR OPENS IN THE FAR EAST Cruisers Raleigh (C-8) and Albany. Battleships Oregon (BB-3) and Cruisers Cincinnati (C-7) & New Orleans. Battleships Kentucky (BB-6) & Wisconsin (BB-9). |
Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library. Photo & text by The Salt Lake Tribune. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1890-current, 11 January 1904, Image 8, courtesy of
 | NR | WHAT COULD OUR OWN NAVY DO? BATTLESHIP OREGON (BB-3) IN BROOKLYN NAVY YARD DRY DOCK KEEPING THE MEN IN PHYSICAL CONDITION | Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Photo from The San Francisco Call. (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, 25 June 1905, Image 6, courtesy of |
 | 579k | Oregon (BB-3) leaving Manila Bay February 1906. Flying Homeward Pennant. | Photo courtesy of Mike Brock.
|  | 785k | THE HOMEWARD BOUND CREW OF THE OREGON (BB-3) | Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI. Photo from The Pacific Commercial Advertiser. (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, 22 March 1906, Image 5, courtesy of |
 | NR | BIG GUNS ON THE OREGON (BB-3) USELESS | Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI. Photo from The Hawaiian Gazette.(Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918, 23 March 1906, Image 2, via |
 | NR | BATTLESHIP OREGON (BB-3) HOME FROM A LONG STAY IN FAR EAST Will Discharge Ammunition at Mare Island and Then Go North to Go Out of Commission | Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Photo from The San Francisco Call. (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, 02 April 1906, Image 13, courtesy of
482k |
BATTLESHIPS FOR NEWLY ORGANIZED PACIFIC FLEET. Three battleships and six armored cruisers of the first-class are the warships in sight for the nucleus of the consolidated United States commands in the Pacific ocean, which are hereafter to be known as the Pacific fleet. The battleships are the Oregon (BB-3) and the Wisconsin (BB-9), these two being out of commission, but could be gotten ready in a short time, and the Nebraska (BB-14), nearing completion at Seattle. The armored cruisers are the West Virginia, the Colorado and Pennsylvania and Maryland, now afloat, and the California and the South Dakota, nearly completed at San Francisco.
Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI. Photo & text by The Hawaiian Gazette.(Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918, 29 March 1907, Image 6, courtesy of |
653k |
| Image and text provided by University of New Mexico. Photo by Albuquerque Citizen. (Albuquerque, N.M.) 1907-1909, 09 August 1907, Image 7, courtesy of
 | 158k | Bow on view of the Oregon (BB-3), circa 1908. | Photo courtesy of Girls Polytechnic High School year book, 1943,Portland, Oregon. Submitted by Viola & Walter Nasmyth, QM 3/c LST 19.
NR |
SHIPS SAN FRANCISCO HAS ADDED TO THE NAVY. Gunboats: Wheeling (PG-14) & Marietta (PG-15), Cruisers: Charleston (C-2) & San Francisco (C-5), Armored Cruisers: South Dakota (ACR-9), Milwaukee (C-21), California (ACR-6), Battleships: Oregon (BB-3), Wisconsin (BB-9) & Ohio (BB-12), Destoyers: Preble (DD-12), Perry (DD-11) & Paul Jones (DD-10) Torpedo Boat: Farragut (TB-11), Monitors: Wyoming (BM-10) & Monterey (BM-6) Submarines: Pike (SS-6) and Grampus (SS-4). |
Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside. Photo from The San Francisco Call. (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, 26 April 1908, Image 8, via |
 | 114k | U.S. Navy Recruiting Poster, circa 1908 poster featuring the historic U.S. Navy ships (clockwise from upper left): Bon Homme Richard, Constitution, Oregon (BB-3) and Hartford, with Michigan (BB-27) in center, plus information on pay and other benefits. Published on behalf of the Naval Recruiting Station, Saint Louis, Missouri. A faint stamp near the view of Oregon states: "After July 1, 1908, pay herein mentioned will be increased 10%". | Photograph from the Collections of the U.S. National Archives, Naval History and Heritage Command # 121-M-2. |
 010313f |
822k | Remaining in the Puget Sound area for well over a year, it was not until 18 March 1903 that Oregon (BB-3) returned to Asiatic waters, and arrived in Hong Kong on that day. Visiting various Chinese, Japanese, and Philippine ports, the battleship remained in the Far East until returning to the West Coast in February 1906. She decommissioned at the Puget Sound Navy Yard 27 April that year. She appears here at PSNY, 1908, when her main guns were replaced prior to recommissioning in 1911. | Text courtesy of DANFS. Photos courtesy of David Wright.
 | 482k | OREGON (BB-3) BEING HOME CAN "HELP HERSELF "FIGHTING BOB SAYS IT IS BETTER TO HIT THAN TO BE HIT; EVANS WANTS FLEET OF 48 BATTLESHIPS T0 COMPEL PEACE HE SAYS THAT UNTIL THE MILLENNIUM BLOWS WILL BE GIVEN, AND "IT IS BETTER TO GIVE THAN TO RECEIVE" | Image and text provided by University of Oregon, Knight Library; Eugene, OR. Photo from Daily Capital Journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, 11 February 1909, FIRST EDITION, Image 1, & The Washington Times. (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, 08 December 1907, Magazine Section, Image 51, courtesy of
613k |
Oregon (BB-3) Versus Delaware (BB-28). What Would Happen if Old and Modern Met? | Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI. Photo from The Pacific Commercial Advertiser. (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, 17 April 1910, Sunday Edition, Feature Section, Image 13, via |
 | 121k | The Oregon (BB-3) in dry dock at Puget Sound Navy Yard sometime close to her recommissioning on 29 August 1911.
| USN photo by Wale, courtesy of Robert M. Cieri. Text courtesy of DANFS. |
 | 880k | A Wale of a photo! Oregon (BB-3) lays in Puget Sound Navy Yard, circa 1911. | US National Archives photo by Wale, # 80G-1035098, from NARA, College Park, Maryland, courtesy of Sean Hert.
|  | NR | OLD OREGON (BB-3) IN LEAD OF MIGHTY FLEET Four Columns of Powerful Wardogs Steam to San Pedro Rear Admiral Hugo Osterhaus, commanding the Atlantic fleet (upper portrait); Captain William R. Shoemaker, his chief of staff, and the rear admirals flagship, the battleship Connecticut (BB-18).
| Photo by Underwood & Underwood. Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Photo from The San Francisco Call. (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, 1 November 1911, Image 3, courtesy of |
 | NR | GREAT U. S. FLEETS REVIEWED Readiness for War Is Proved DEFENDERS Of PACIFIC MAKE BRILLIANT SHOW Battleship Oregon (BB-3), the mighty ship of bygone days, that passed through yesterday's review with flying colors. | Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Photo from The San Francisco Call. (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, 2 November 1911, Image 3, courtesy of |
 | NR | Welcome, Old Oregon (BB-3) ! Noted Warship Here. Battleship Oregon, which returned to this port yesterday; after an absence of many years and will be the first ship to go through the Panama canal. "Bulldog of Sea" On Social Cruise; Will Lead Way Through Canal | Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Photo from The San Francisco Call. (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, 18 November 1911, Image 1, courtesy of
|  | 231k | Lieutenant Commander James Joseph Raby was the commanding officer of the battleship Oregon (BB-3) in 1912. | USN photo courtesy of James Carr via Bill Gonyo. |
 | 312k | 4 photo PDF of Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Dry Dock No. 2, Docking of Oregon (BB-3), looking NW, C.J. Erickson, contractor., 1 March 1913. | National Archives Identifier: 299614 Photo courtesy of |
 | NR | Save Good Ship Oregon (BB-3), Is Plea 'Bone Yard' Order Menaces Historic Cruiser | Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Photo from The San Francisco Call. (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, 9 March 1913, Image 6, courtesy of |
860k |
Image and text provided by Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT. Photo by The Bridgeport Evening Farmer. (Bridgeport, Conn.) 1866-1917, 14 June 1913, Image 9, courtesy of
3.87k |
WHAT A DREADNOUGHT COULD DO--A BATTLE AT SEA TODAY WOULD BE MOST DREADFUL AFFAIR ...A dreadnought like the new battleship New York (BB-34) could sink a fleet of more than a hundred Oregon's before the Oregon's could get near enough to the New York to even hit her. | Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA. Photo from The Tacoma Times. (Tacoma, Wash.) 1903-1949, 28 July 1913, Image 3, via |
 | 188k | The Oregon (BB-3) taken in 1913. | Photo courtesy of the Library of Congress via Bill Gonyo.
 | 692k | BATTLESHIP OREGON (BB-3) FIRST TO PASS THROUGH ISTHMIAN CANAL; SENTIMENT PROMPTS NAVY SECRETARY TO GIVE OLD SHIP HONOR | Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library Photo from The Ogden Standard. (Ogden City, Utah) 1913-1920, 16 August 1913, 4 o'clock p.m. City Edition, Image 1, courtesy of
|  | 91k | The Oregon (BB-3) all decked out in flags following her recommissioning 2 January 1915. She then sailed to San Francisco for the Panama-Pacific International Exposition. | USN photo courtesy of Robert M. Cieri. Text courtesy of DANFS. |
 010312 |
822k | CDR. Joseph Mason Reeves reads his orders as he becomes the 19th Commanding Officer of the Oregon (BB-3). | Photo courtesy of Mike Brock.
 | 594k | Famous Battleship Oregon (BB-3) to Leave Frisco Soon The reconstructed battleship Oregon, which became famous in the Spanish American war, ready to lead the procession of battleships through the Panama canal at the official opening. At the right is Captain Reeves, who was on the boat in the war and will sail with her through the canal. | Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL. Photo from Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, 29 January 1915, HOME EDITION, Image 1, courtesy of |
 | 1.13k | BEACHEY WENT, AS HE WANTED TO GO, WITH HIS STRAPS ON Greatest of Sky Pilots and His Shroud Lincoln Beachey and the wreckage of his monoplane being hauled from San Francisco bay, from which his body was reclaimed by divers from the battleship Oregon (BB-3). | Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA. Photo from The Tacoma Times. (Tacoma, Wash.) 1903-1949, 18 March 1915, Image 1, courtesy of
|  | 139k | Oregon (BB-3) 1915 all in costume for the parade they participated in for the Panama Pacific International Exposition and they're all in pirate costume. My grandfather Roy Warren Sr has his arm up over buoy on ‘Captains gig' in WWI. | Photos courtesy of Cameron Heath.
|  | 601k | Raising the three ton anchor of the battleship Oregon (BB-3) which was thought to be the missing F-4 (SS-23) when first grappled. | Image and text provided by Penn State University Libraries; University Park, PA. Image and text provided by University of Oregon, Knight Library; Eugene, OR. Photo from Medford Mail Tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, 08 April 1915, SECOND EDITION, Image 1, via |
 | 370k | Oregon (BB-3) at the Panama-Pacific International Exhibition in San Francisco, 1915. Interesting background to the photo: The advertisements read: "Fly with the Loughead Brothers: 10 minutes for $10." More than 600 people were safely carried at the fair with Allan and Malcolm Loughead (pronounced: "Lockheed") flying their personally designed and built, 3-place, 80-HP Model G Hydroplane. They netted $4000 in fifty flying days. Such were the beginnings of the Lockheed Aircraft Company. | USN photo & text courtesy of Robert M. Cieri. |
 010321 |
650k | I have no idea if this photo is part of a sequance related to the above Panama-Pacific International Exhibition in San Francisco, 1915. The plane looks similiar to my untrained eyes. | Photo courtesy of John Spivey.
|  010371 |
1.23k | The Oregon (BB-3) sailing on the Willamette River in front of downtown Portland. Many flags are displayed on the ship. Several airplanes fly over the city. Label on the print reads, "The Oregon at Home, Portland, Oregon. ... circa 1915-25? | Photo courtesy of |
|  | NR | Navy Salutes Labor Man In U. S. Cabinet Commander J.M. Reeves of the battleship Oregon (BB-3) | Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA. Photo from The Tacoma Times. (Tacoma, Wash.) 1903-1949, 2 September 1915, Image 8, courtesy of |
 | 200k | During World War I, Commander Charles P. Synder commanded the battleship Oregon (BB-3), flagship of the Pacific Fleet. He graduated from the Naval War College in 1925. Promoted to captain, he served as commandant of midshipmen at the Naval Academy. He was promoted to rear admiral with date of rank 1 March 1933 while serving as chief of staff to Admiral David F. Sellers, who was Commander Battleships, Battle Force, U.S. Fleet from 1932 to 1933 and Commander in Chief, U.S. Fleet from 1933 to 1934. Snyder was commandant of the Portsmouth Navy Yard from 1934 to 1935, then commanded a heavy cruiser division of the Scouting Force, followed by a battleship division of the Battle Force, before serving as president of the Naval War College from 2 January 1937 to 27 May 1939. He returned to sea in 1939 as Commander Battleships, Battle Force, with the temporary rank of vice admiral.
| Image scanned from USNA Yearbook - Class of 1930 & submitted courtesy of Bill Gonyo.
NR |
MASCOT GETS HIS Ginger, mascot of the battleship Oregon (BB-3), recently got lost while on shore leave. Later he showed up along the water front and was given five days in the brig for falling to show up at four bells in the evening.
| Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO. Photo by The Kansas City Sun.
(Kansas City, Mo.) 1908-1924, 13 November 1915, Image 2, courtesy of
 | NR | BATTLESHIP OREGON (BB-3), ONCE NAVY'S IDOL, NOW SENT TO THE REAR AS TRAINING SHIP FOR NAVY MILITIA When she made her 50,000-mile trip around the Horn at the time of the Spanish war she was supposed to be the greatest fighting machine afloat, but alongside a modern, dreadnought she would look like pigmy. She displaces 10,288 tons against the Arizona's (BB-39) 31,400. | Image and text provided by Penn State University Libraries; University Park, PA. Photo from Evening Public Ledger.(Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, 18 February 1916, Night Extra, Image 20, via
NR |
Battleship Oregon (BB-3) coaling in San Francisco; members of her crew. The famous old battleship Oregon, which has recently been remodeled by Uncle Sam at big expense, is now in San Francisco harbor. She will leave noon for Panama, where she will have the place of honor in the great naval parade that will celebrate the formal opening of the Panama canal. After the opening of the canal she will return to San Francisco, where she will remain until the close of the Panama-Pacific exposition.
| Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA. Photo by The Seattle Star. (Seattle, Wash.) 1899-1947, 09 September 1916, Image 21, courtesy of
 | 1.40k | Oregon (BB-3) at Mare Island on 15 September 1917. | USN photo courtesy of Darryl L. Baker. |
 | 1.90k | The Oregon (BB-3) in Mare Island's dry dock #2 between 20 and 30 September in 1917. | USN photo courtesy of Darryl L. Baker. |
 | 377k | Bow view of Oregon (BB-3) circa 1918 dressing ship, location unknown. Note: Added 3" guns on top of the forward turret. | USN photo courtesy of Darryl L. Baker. |
 | 521k | Broadside of Oregon (BB-3) circa 1918, location unknown. Note: She has sprouted more 3" gun topside not shown in her 1917 photo.
| USN photo courtesy of Darryl L. Baker. |
897k |
Navy's Pace Emphasized by Scrapping of Fleet's Erstwhile Giants | Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation Photo by The Sun. (New York [N.Y.]) 1916-1920, 15 June 1919, Section 7 Magazine Section, Image 82, courtesy of
517k |
OLD BATTLESHIP Oregon (BB-3), TO BE GIVEN TO STATE WHOSE NAME SHE BEARS, BOASTS PROUD RECORD Battleship Oregon and Rear Admiral Charles, who commanded her during her famous dash around Cape Horn at the opening of the Spanish-American war. | Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ. Photo by Arizona Republican. (Phoenix, Ariz.) 1890-1930, 05 July 1919, Image 12, courtesy of
 | 486k | The Oregon (BB-3) at San Francisco, California, 1 September 1919. | Collection of Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels. USN photo # Lot 5422-5, courtesy of the National Museum of the U.S. Navy, via |
 | 112k | Fluttering flags float from her foremast; fighting fearsome flow of flame from the sizzling sun sees shade seeing sailors seeking shelter submerged in the ship's stern during the summer of August 1919. | USN photo # USN 482599 courtesy of Scott Koen & |
 | 52k | PDF article comprising 4 pages on the occasion of a Victory Loan in 1919 for the Oregon (BB-3). | Courtesy of Robert M. Cieri. |
80k |
President and Mrs. Wilson reviewing the Fleet from the bridge of the Oregon (BB-3) on 12 September 1919 at Seattle, Washington. From left to right, Mrs. Wilson, President Wilson, Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels and Mrs. Daniels. | Source: Seattle Public Library, Seattle Historical Photographic Collection, Photo No. spl_shp_14570 via Mike Green. |
 | 1.21k | President Woodrow Wilson and Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels on board Oregon (BB-3) to review the Pacific Fleet at Seattle, Washington. Note the cameras on deck. | Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels Collection, USN photo # PR-06-CN-454-C6-F4-23, from the National Museum of the U.S. Navy, courtesy of
|  | 604k | The latest picture of the historic Oregon (BB-3). President Wilson, Secretary Daniels and Admiral Rodman reviewed the new Pacific Fleet from the Oregon's bridge in Seattle a week ago yesterday. | Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC. Photo from New-York Tribune. (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, 21 September 1919, Image 47, courtesy of |
708k |
"President Wilson, Secretary of the Navy Daniels and others of the reviewing party stand with bare heads while.." ..The super-dreadnought New Mexico (BB-40), flagship of the Pacific Fleet, steamed past with the band playing The Star Spangled Banner. The new American Pacific Fleet, first great dreadnought squadron on the Pacific coast, making it's historic entry into Seattle Harbor for its first review by the President of the United States." ..Reviewing the Pacific Fleet from the bridge of the Oregon (BB-3). From left to right are Mrs. Wilson, the President, Sec. Daniels & Mrs. Daniels... "Mrs. Wilson cautiously descending a staircase on the battleship Oregon, the President assisting." |
Times Wide World Photo Service. Text courtesy of N.Y. Times 28 September 1919, Page 7, courtesy of
1920's plus
 010320b |
NR | Battle Cruisers, $23,000,000 Each, Are Greatest of Fighters The new battle cruisers, to be built at a cost of approximately $23,000,000 each, are to be called the Constellation (CC-2), Constitution (CC-5), Lexington (CC-1), Ranger (CC-4), Saratoga (CC-3) and United States (CC-6). Briefly, they are the largest and most powerful ships of war ever designed. Those who remember the battleship Oregon (BB-3) and the thrill of pride every American felt when Capt. Clark sailed her around Cape Horn will be interested to learn that each of the battle cruisers is four times as large as the Oregon, has nearly twice its speed, and singlehanded could probably defeat six or eight Oregons in battle.
| Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC. Photo from The New York Herald. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1920-1924, 26 December 1920, SECTION SEVEN, Image 61, via
NR |
Plan Sinking of Old Battleship. Below is the Kentucky (BB-6), which may be chosen for the honor. Above are the Iowa (BB-4) (left), which may be retained for experimental purposes, and the Oregon (BB-3), which may be kept an a relic. |
Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC. Photo & text by The Washington Herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, 20 January 1922, Image 4, courtesy of |
270k |
The Oregon (BB-3) in Portland, 1924. |
Photo via Tommy Trampp. |
 | 82k | The Oregon (BB-3) leaving Seattle going to Portland 1925 being assisted by the Bagaduce-class tug Mahopac (ATA-29) | Photo i.d. via David Wright. Photo courtesy of Jim Geldert. |
1.32k |
From the Seattle Harbor patrol dock when the fleet was in, navy gigs and other small craft would transport sailors back and forth from the big battlewagons cruisers, destroyers and axillary craft. The Oregon (BB-3) is in the background, circa 1919 - 1925. |
Photo from the book Maritime Memories of Puget Sound by Jim Gibbs and Joe Willamson, 1987, via Tommy Trampp. |
 010325l |
NR |
On Way to Permanent Berth at Portland With her decks stripped and poles bare, America's famous old battleship Oregon (BB-3) cleared from her berth at Bremerton, Washington, for her last voyage as a naval vessel. The Oregon will be preserved as a state museum at Portland. |
Image and text provided by Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT. Photo by New Britain Herald. [volume] (New Britain, Conn.) 1890-1976, 17 June 1925, Image 14, courtesy of |
 010345 |
822k | Crowds visit Battleship Oregon (BB-3) on Willamette River, Portland, Oregon. | Photo courtesy of |
|  | 1.10k | The Oregon (BB-3) appears here in a photo taken in 1929 while it was a floating museum in Portland Oregon. The photo was taken of the Broadway Bridge in down town Portland, OR. In the foreground on can see the stern wheeler Portland, now providing dinner cruises on the Willamette and Columbia rivers. On the right side of the photo is the unmistakable Oregon. According to older Oregonians, the ship was purchased after demilitarization by the school children of Oregon through donations of their milk money. Many are angry that the ship was subsequently given back to the Navy for a trip to Guam as an ammo barge then to the scrap heap. | USN photo & text courtesy of Rick Hart. |
 | 430k | Caption reads Oregon (BB-3) on her last trip. | Photo courtesy of David Wright. |
 010322 |
4.09k | Stern wheeler Portland & company moving Oregon (BB-3) upriver from the Broadway bridge location to a temporary location at the seawall on the north side of the Hawthorne bridge until it moved to the Battleship Oregon park location on 15 October 1938. | Text i.d. via Dennis. Photo courtesy of
|  | 1.65k | Portland meets Oregon (BB-3) in the Willamette River at Portland, Oregon. | United States Navy Photo courtesy of Ron Reeves (of blessed memory). |
 | 1.87k | 1939 view of the Oregon (BB-3). She was moored on the west side of the Willamette, just south of the Hawthorne Bridge. That area is now the bowl at Tom McCall Waterfront Park where the Blues Festival is held every year. The Riverplace Hotel sits about where the boxcars are at the left of the photo. Alaska Junk Co. (which would become Schnitzer Steel) is at the corner of Water Ave. (no longer in existence) and Clay. | Text i.d. via Photo courtesy of David Buell. |
 010337 |
2.59k | Battleship Oregon (BB-3) and Park, Portland, Oregon in 1940. | Photo courtesy of |
 | 1.10k | Oregon (BB-3) in the Willamette River at Portland, Oregon on 20 April 1941. | Source: United States Navy, Photo No. unknown, via Mike Green. |
 | 91k | Ship's appearance as a museum / historical center in Portland, Oregon. Photo dated from 1941-1942. | USN photo. |
 | 482k | Undated (probably 1942 / 43) view of the Oregon (BB-3) at the Puget Sound Navy Yard. | Photo courtesy of Ron Reeves (of blessed memory). |
 010357 |
NR | SEVEN PATTEN BROTHERS SURVIVE LEXINGTON (CV-2) Home in Portland, Ore., on furlough, the seven Patten brothers, who survived the sinking of the Lexington in the Coral Sea, were with their father (extreme left), on the old battleship Oregon (BB-3), now a museum piece at Portland. | Image and text provided by Alaska State Library Historical Collections. Photo from The Nome Nugget. [volume] (Nome, Alaska) 1938-????, 20 July 1942, Image 1, courtesy of
|  | 185k | The initial scrapping of the Oregon (BB-3), from the book McKinley's Bulldog, The Battleship Oregon written by Sanford Sternlicht. Her main mast is in the process of being removed; a process that would eventually see her transformed from a once stately battleship into a floating hulk of an ammunition barge.
| Photo courtesy of Scott Honodel.
 010350p |
1.13k | Battleship Oregon (BB-3) scrap iron going into Liberty engine bases at Commercial Iron Works, Portland, 1943. | Photo by Alfred Anthony Monner. Image and text provided by via Daniel Hacker.
|  | 1.22k | PDF article comprising 6 pages on the occasion of the Memorial Battleship Oregon (BB-3) Mast and Park, 29 October 1944. | Courtesy of Robert M. Cieri. |
 | 541k | Barging in. Oregon (IX-22) overhead shot, 18 May 1944. | USN photo # 80-G-240136 courtesy of the National Archives, from the National Museum of the U.S. Navy, courtesy of
|  010340 |
1.36k | The mast of the Battleship Oregon (BB-3) being dedicated at Waterfront Park in Portland, 4 June 1944. Men in suits stand next to a microphone at the base of the mast, facing towards an audience. A photograph from this series was published on the last page of the Oregon Journal on Wednesday, 5 July 1944. | Photo by Alfred Anthony Monner. Image and text provided by via Daniel Hacker.
|  010345t |
NR | Manila Trophy The Battleship Oregon Comimission may, as reported, be preparing to send General MacArthur the American flag that first flew over Manila, on 13 August 1898, but they can’t send all of it. That’s because John W. Trimmer, Cleveland, O., Spanish War veteran, has the piece he proudly displays in photo above. Though he values it highly as a souvenir of his service in the Philippines, he is more than willing to give it to General MacArthur. | Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC. Photo from The Wilmington Morning Star. [volume] (Wilmington, N.C.) 1909-1990, 30 January 1945, FINAL EDITION, Image 8, via
 | 73k | Oregon (IX-22) as an ammunition barge 1945, Guam. | USNI/USN photo , from the collections of the U.S. Naval Historical Center. |
 | 208k | Former battleship Oregon (BB-3) being used as a barge, June 1945. | Photographer: J. R. Eyerman, courtesy of time & |
 | 460k | Stripped of her guns, Oregon (IX-22), is now at in Port Merizo on idle side of Guam waiting further disposal. During World War II, she carried 1,400 tons of dynamite across the Pacific of Service Squadron Twelve, 20 August 1945.
| USN photo # 80-G-343698 courtesy of the National Archives, from the National Museum of the U.S. Navy, courtesy of
|  | 460k | View of Wisconsin (BB-64) taken in AFDB-1, at Apra Harbor, Guam, 5 April 1952. Note the hulk of Oregon (IX-22) in upper left background. | Courtesy of Captain Church Chappell, USN (Ret.), 1974. Source: U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command, Photo No. NH 81228, via Mike Green. |
 | 252k | Bow view of Wisconsin (BB-64) taken in AFDB-1, at Apra Harbor, Guam, 5 April 1952. Note the hulk of Oregon (IX-22) in foreground (L). | Courtesy of Captain Church Chappell, USN (Ret.), 1974. Source: U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command, Photo No. NH 81212, via Mike Green. |
 010319u |
NR | VETERAN WARRIOR TO SCRAP HEAP The battered, barnacle-encrusted hull of the U. S. battleship Oregon (BB-3), veteran of three wars, is soon to be scrapped by a Japanese salvage company which bought her. During the Spanish-American war, the Oregon raced 17,000 miles from the Pacific, around Cape Horn on the tip of South America, in 68 days to bolster the Atlantic fleet off Cuba. It was flagship of the Pacific fleet in World War I, became a memorial in Portland, Oreg., until 1943, and then was taken over by the Navy to serve as an ammunition barge in World War II. At Guam, the Oregon drifted onto a reef and later was pulled into position to serve as a breakwater. | AP Wirephoto. Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC. Photo from Evening Star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, 03 June 1956, Image 3, courtesy of
|  | 52k | September, 1956 photo of the ship being scrapped in Kawasaki, Japan. | USN photo. |
 | 18k | September, 1956 photo of the ship being scrapped in Kawasaki, Japan. This large opening in the deck once housed the powerful 13" rifles that helped forge a new world power. Note the yard worker at the upper left of the photograph. | Photo courtesy of Mr. Robert Lawrence via Pre-Dreadnought Preservation
Bits & Pieces
by Mark Howells
 | 539k | Slabs of the Oregon's (BB-3) armor lay piled up dockside, September, 1956 after the ship was completely scrapped in Kawasaki, Japan. | Photo courtesy of Mr. Robert Lawrence via Pre-Dreadnought Preservation
Bits & Pieces
by Mark Howells
 | 196k | Chain from Oregon (BB-3) memorial display at Fleet Activities, Yokosuka, Japan, July, 1957.
| Photo by Doug Guy, courtesy of Gary Priolo.
|  010316d |
484k | Three masted sailing ship docked at the downtown waterfront south of the Burnside Bridge. Includes views of people along the waterfront, Harbor Dr, Front Ave [Naito Pkwy] and the mast of the Battleship Oregon (BB-3), 1 June 1968. | Photo courtesy of
|  | 376k | A guest studies a painting depicting the history of battleships. The artwork was painted by George Skybeck and presented to the Pearl Harbor Survivors Association during their annual banquet at Honolulu, Hawaii, on 8 December 1991.
| USN photo # DN-SC-92-05391, by PHC Carolyn Harris, from the Department of Defense Still Media Collection, courtesy of |
 010322s | 483k | PMG PHOTO: JAIME VALDEZ – Roger Gertenrich and Terry Emmert with one of the smokestacks from Oregon (BB-3) at the Emmert International headquarters and storage yard. | Photos by KOIN Portland courtesy of via Robert Haner.
| | | | | | |