. Commercial Battleships

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NavSource Online: Battleship Photo Archive

Commercial Battleships

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Commercial Battleships4.06kON THE WEST COAST. Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN.
Photo courtesy of The Saint Paul Globe. (St. Paul, Minn.) 1896-1905, 28 October 1899, Image 6, via chroniclingamerica.loc.gov.
Commercial Battleships145kLos Angeles County, CA - Our Navy Indiana class (BB-1 /3) Battleship, American Orange Citrus Fruit Crate Box Label Advertising Art Print. California Citrus Crate Label originally printed in the early 1900's. Photo courtesy of Tommy Trampp.
Commercial BattleshipsNRThe Nebraska (BB-14), battleship of the first class, launched at Seattle, Friday, 7 October 1904. Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA.
Photo courtesy of The Seattle Star. (Seattle, Wash.) 1899-1947, 06 October 1904, Night Edition, Image 5, via chroniclingamerica.loc.gov.
Commercial Battleships 366k Admiral Schley Uses Peruna In His Home
Battle of Santiago, Where Admiral Schley Made History.
Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society.
Photo from The Muskogee Cimeter. (Muskogee, Indian Territory, Okla.) 1901-19??, 03 November 1904, Image 11, via chroniclingamerica.loc.gov.
Commercial Battleships 309k What looks to be a Maine class (BB-10 / 12) battleship welcomes the Great White Fleet to Hawaii. Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI.
Photo from The Hawaiian Star. (Honolulu [Oahu] 1893-1912, 06 July 1908, FLEET EDITION, Sction 4th, Image 30, via chroniclingamerica.loc.gov.
Commercial Battleships NR The Food. Behind the Men Behind the Gun
When the American Battleship Fleet visited the Thames last November, the London Daily Mirror sent a representative aboard the flagship with instructions to find out the cause of the splendid physical condition of the American jack-tar. An officer of the American flagship, upon being questioned regarding the food of the American Navy, said: "They have the best food of any navy on earth, and when they ask for more, like Oliver Twist; they have it without question...
Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA.
Photo by The Times Dispatch. (Richmond, Va.) 1903-1914, 12 September 1911, Image 5, courtesy of chroniclingamerica.loc.gov.
Commercial Battleships 2.22k Uncle Sam Buys Only the Best for His Sailor Boys
That's Why He Installed McKEE REFRIGERATORS On the Battleships of the Navy
At sea the health of a thousand men depends on the keeping of food for weeks food is only as pure as the refrigerator keeps it.
On the cleanliness of your refrigerator depends your family's health. If government experts select the McKee, why don't you investigate the reason.they believe them most sanitary of all refrigerators. All sizes for all purposes.
The Battleship "Texas (BB-35)," One of the Newest and Finest Ships.
Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC.
Photo from Evening Star. (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, 11 May 1913, Image 17, via chroniclingamerica.loc.gov.
Commercial Battleships784kProved by BroadsideImage and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL.
Photo & text by Rock Island Argus.(Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, 17 September 1913, HOME EDITION, Image 8, courtesy of chroniclingamerica.loc.gov.
Commercial Battleships NR From actual photograph, 17 April 1914. Our Bluejackets loading Post Toasties on U. S. Flagship Virginia (BB-13), Rear Admiral Beatty commanding, at Charleston Navy Yard, preparatory to possible war with Mexico. Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.
Photo by The Public Ledger. (Maysville, Ky.) 1913-1968, 28 April 1914, Image 3, courtesy of chroniclingamerica.loc.gov.
Commercial Battleships248kIn the U.S. Navy
Every fighting vessel in the US Navy has the Burlington watch on board. The Connecticut (BB-18) alone has ....
Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC.
Photo from New-York Tribune. (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, 31 May 1914, Image 72, courtesy of chroniclingamerica.loc.gov.
Commercial Battleships507kBIG BATTLES Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library.
Photo courtesy of The Logan Republican. (Logan, Utah) 1902-1924, 01 October 1914, Image 3, via chroniclingamerica.loc.gov.
Commercial Battleships NR The United States Navy is our first line of defense. It is our main dependence in the event of a crisis. Its monster Superdradnaughts and its high speed Battle Cruisers great floating arsenals of destruction are the main protection of our cities, our property, our lives and our homes. These great Sea Fighters are going to "pass in review" before the readers of the CHICAGO SUNDAY TRIBUNE. Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL.
Photo from Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, 12 June 1915, Image 3, via chroniclingamerica.loc.gov.
Commercial Battleships843kMARJORIE STERRETT, whose dime started the fund to build the America, will appear with leading theatrical people at the HIPPODROME Sunday Night Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC.
Photo from New-York Tribune. (New York [N.Y.] 1866-1924, 04 March 1916, Image 4, courtesy of chroniclingamerica.loc.gov.
Commercial Battleships554kDon't you want to see the World?
Look Here is the globe spread out flat before your eyes. See those stars? Every star shows where a U. S. Navy ship was on September 2nd, 1919. The Navy travels the Seven Seas....
A Nevada (BB-36 / 37) class battleship is pictured.
Image and text provided by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE.
Photo from The Alliance Herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, 02 October 1919, Image 15, courtesy of chroniclingamerica.loc.gov.
Commercial Battleships731kRhode Island (BB-17) PASSING THROUGH PANAMA CANAL, l ST AUGUST 1919.Image provided by: Library of Congress, Washington, DC.
Photo & text by New-York Tribune. (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, 14 December 1919, Image 53, courtesy of chroniclingamerica.loc.gov.
Commercial Battleships 743k The Battleship Tennessee (BB-43) is Equipped with "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Steam Jacketed Kettles
The Battleship Tennessee newest and finest ship in the U. S. Navy reflects the most modern ideas in construction and equipment......
Image and text provided by Penn State University Libraries; University Park, PA.
Photo from Evening Public Ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.] 1914-1942, 3 June 1920, NIGHT EXTRA FINANCIAL, Image 10, courtesy of chroniclingamerica.loc.gov.
BB-43 Tennessee521kElectrifing Tennessee (BB-43).Photo courtesy of A&N Journal via Ron Reeves (of blessed memory).
NR BELEIVE IT or NOT PROVES IT Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC.
Photo courtesy of Evening Star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, 29 September 1930, Image 30, via chroniclingamerica.loc.gov.
Commercial Battleships 3.41k LAUNCHED IN 1893..FIFTY YEARS AGO
The Famous Battleship OREGON (BB-3) ....and KAHN'S.... one of WASHINGTON'S leading Department Stores. The battleship Oregon was launched in 1893 and became the pride of the United States Navy. And indeed, the Navy had reason to be proud, when one remembers that it was only 31 years since the Monitor. Yes, in 1893 the Oregon was a great ship, quite capable of serving her country faithfully and well. In 1893, Kann’s was launched in the city of Washington ... a fine big store back in those days ... a store that served the homes of the nation’s capital with honor and distinction. Today, the Oregon of 1893 has vanished into the limbo of old ships. But KANN’S is still one of Washington’s great mercantile institutions.
Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC.
Photo by Evening Star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, 18 July 1943, Image 43, courtesy of chroniclingamerica.loc.gov.
NRBattleship X sinks an enemy ship


How was this done?
What made it possible?

To hit an enemy ship miles away, from a rolling, pitching warship, involves complex problems, the complete answers to which are known only by our naval personnel and by a small group of companies specializing in such problems. Here are a few of the factors which enter into the solution of these problems:
1. Direction and speed of enemy ship.
2. Direction and speed of our ship.
3. Distance to enemy ship.
4. Time required for shell to travel to enemy.

Furthermore, the shell travels in a curve, its true course being affected by many things, such as:
5. The rotation of the earth.
6. Direction and velocity of wind.
7. Weight, shape, and velocity of shell.

The answer, which takes into account these and other problems, must be available immediately, since both our ship and the enemy ship are on the move.
Our Navy must know where the enemy ship will be when our shells arrive, many seconds or even a minute after leaving the guns. And to get our shells to arrive at this precise spot, the angle of gun elevation, lead, and all other factors must be calculated with unbelievable accuracy, and the gun put into correct firing position.
The present mechanical marvel, called fire control, which solves these problems, involves among other things the use of hydraulics, optics, calculating machines, and electronics. Naturally, it did not spring into being overnight.
It is the result of years of inventive development by companies like Sperry, co-operating fully with and receiving full co-operation from the Armed Forces.
Since it takes so many years to perfect such equipment the development work, engineering, and testing had to be completed during peacetime. Otherwise there would have been no equipment ready when war came.
All this took large sums of money and the best efforts of highly trained, specialized engineers.
In addition to the development of many peacetime devices, Sperry companies have specialized in the creation and manufacture of fire-control equipment for the Navy since 1908.

The United States Navy leads the world in accuracy and speed of gunfire.

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC.
Photo & text by Evening Star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, 25 October 1943, Image 16, via chroniclingamerica.loc.gov.
NR Have a Coca-Cola = As you were... a way to relax on a battleship
Wherever a U. S. battleship may be, the American way of life goes along! in sports, humor, customs and refreshment. So, naturally, Coca-Cola is there, too, met with frequently. Have a "Coke" is a phrase as common aboard a battle-wagon as it is ashore. It’s a signal that spells out We’re pals. From Atlanta to the Seven Seas, Coca-Cola is spreading the custom of the pause that refreshes,— has become a symbol of happy comradeship in many lands..
Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC.
Photo by The Wilmington Morning Star. [volume] (Wilmington, N.C.) 1909-1990, 25 May 1944, FINAL EDITION, Image 6, courtesy of chroniclingamerica.loc.gov.

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