![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() George - Vice - King - Cast |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Negative - Roger - King - Cast |
SC-438 served only in the Coast Guard
Commanding Officers | ||
01 | ENS Daniel Joseph Duggan, USN | 15 May 1919 - 29 October 1919 |
At 10:30 A.M. received telephone message from Capt. Conner USCG request that five enlisted men be subsisted at this station while getting the Sub Chaser No. 438 in readiness to sail for Duluth, Minn.
October 16th, 1919
Sub Chaser No. 438 was towed to station at 3:00 P.M. and moored, crew insisting in getting same in readiness, fitting out and overhauling equipment.
October 24th, 1919
District Superintendent and Keeper commenced taking inventory of equipment on Sub Chaser which are to be turned over to Coast Guard.
October 25th ,1919
Superintendent and keeper taking inventory of equipment on Sub Chaser No. 437-431, and 433.
October 26th, 1919
Surfman Elmer C. Anderson from Coast Guard Station #289, arrived at this station at 10:00 A.M. having been temporarily transferred to this station as SHIPKEEPER on Sub Chaser’s laid up at Chicago, H.L.-10/20/19 (73-531).
October 28th, 1919
District Superintendent, Keeper, and surfman Anderson, taking inventory on Sub Chasers No. 431, 433, and 437, making preparation for laying up the ships for winter.
January 29th, 1920
Surfman Anderson who is ship keeper on Sub Chasers , Chicago River was directed to hospital which will probably require a few days.
December 27th, 1920
Boatswain (L) left station and proceeded to Sub Chaser at North Ave. Bridge, looked over all the engines and found that the Auxiliary engine which is used for generating light system, and charging storage batteries, had not been drained on the night of the 25th, by Surfman Shipley, and caused the cylinder heads and compressor to freeze and crack. Report of the above has been forwarded to District Superintendent. Returned to station at 4:00p.m.
January 20, 1921
District Superintendent 12 District, Green Bay Wisc., arrived at the station 10:45 A.M., mustered crew and looked at all property on the station. Departed station at 1:30 P.M. accompanied by Boatswain (L) J.O Anderson, to Sub Chasers 431, 433, 437, and launch open boat search arriving on board at 2:30 P.M. Made a thorough examination of the heater and engine which has been cracked on December 25, 1920 by neglect by Surfman Shipley and S. Martin whom were left as charge as caretakers. District Superintendent left Sub Chasers at 4:00 P.M.
March 30th, 1921
Note: Coast Guard General Court Closed after 4 days of hearing of accused Surfman Martin and Surfman Shipley. Officer Molloy, Super B. G. Mothberg and R. C. Hiemer (JG) were conveyed on shore
by surfboat.
June 26th, 1921
At 8:00 a.m. Boatswain (L), and two Surfman left the station for North Ave. Bridge and River. removed Sub Chaser No.431-433-437, from North Branch, Chicago River to North end of Lincoln Park Lagoon and moored safe. Permission for mooring Sub Chaser was granted to the Coast Guard by Park Commissioners, Lincoln Park. Reasons for mooring Sub Chasers is that the North Branch Chicago River being very dirty and unfit for the men to live on board.
August 26th, 1921
Letter received from District Superintendent pertaining to the Sub Chasers No. 431-433-437 to be transferred from the Coast Guard to the Navy Department. Arrangements for return of these vessels are being made with Commandant, 9th Naval Dist.
August 31st, 1921
Boatswain(L) J.O Anderson left station at 1000 am proceeded to Lincoln Park and completed the inventory of public property on board the three Sub Chaser 431-433-437. Transferred to the Navy Department August 31, 1921.
Contributed by Herbert J. Harmon, CWO3
Commanding Officer
U. S. Coast Guard Station
Calumet Harbor
4001 E. 98th St Chicago ILL, 60617
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