NavSource Photo Archives:

Patrol Craft Coastal (PC)

The new patrol craft coastals (PC) were originally designated as patrol boat coastal (PBC), changed to PC's on 25 July 1991. Patrol Craft Coastal ships are built by Bollinger Machine Shop and Shipyard of Lockport, LA. All PCs were/are assigned to the United States Special Operations Command (USSSOCOM) and manned by Naval personnel of the Naval Special Warfare Command. The PCs mission is to conduct Maritime Special Operations, including: maritime interdiction operations, forward presence, escort operations, noncombatant evacuation, foreign internal defense, long-range Special Operations Forces (SOF) insertion/extraction, tactical swimmer operations, reconnaissance, intelligence collection, operational deception and SOF support as required. The operational capabilities of the PC are designed to meet the unique requirements of their Special Warfare missions.

Click on ship name to view image(s) and DANFS history.
Patrol Craft Coastal (PC)
PC 1 Cyclone
PC 2 Tempest
PC 3 Hurricane
PC 4 Monsoon
PC 5 Typhoon
PC 6 Sirocco
PC 7 Squall
PC 8 Zephyr
PC 9 Chinook
PC 10 Firebolt
PC 11 Whirlwind
PC 12 Thunderbolt
PC 13 Shamal
PC 14 Tornado
PC 15/17

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This page created by Gary P. Priolo and maintained byDavid L. Wright
All pages copyright NavSource Naval History