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NavSource Online: Patrol Craft Coastal
Photo Archive

Courtesy of Mike Smolinski

Typhoon (PC 5)

Call sign:
November - Echo - Foxtrot - Papa

Cyclone Class Coastal Patrol Craft:
  • Built by Bollinger Machine Shop and Shipyard, Lockport, LA (YN 248)
  • Ordered, 03 August 1990
  • Laid down, 15 May 1992
  • Launched, 03 March 1993
  • Commissioned at Tampa, FL, 12 February 1994
  • Decommissioned at Manama, Bahrain, 28 February 2022
  • Transferred to Royal Bahraini Naval Forces as RBNS Damsah (71), 30 March 2022

  • Displacement 288 tons (lt), 334 tons (fl)
  • Length 170'
  • Beam 25'
  • Draft less than 8'
  • Speed 35 kts.
  • Complement 28, eight Special Warfare Det./USCG Det.
  • Armament: Two Mk 38 25mm mounts; two .50 cal. machine guns, six Stinger missiles, two Mk 19 automatic grenade launchers and one Mk 52 Mod 0 chaff launcher
  • Propulsion four 3,350shp Paxman diesel engines, four shafts.
    One crewmember died in service aboard and remain on duty

    EN2 Douglas Bolles USN, off Cape Henry, Virginia, 07 November 2003

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    for full size image
    Size Image Description Source
    Typhoon 64k An annual, seasonal prevailing wind in the region of South and Southeast Asia that blows from the southwest between May and September and brings rain, or from the northeast between October and April Tommy Trampp
    USS Typhoon (PC 5)
    Typhoon 51k 1 April 1993
    Lockport, LA
    The patrol craft Typhoon stands moored to a pier while undergoing construction at the Bollinger Machine Shop and Shipyards
    Fred Weiss
    Typhoon 104k 12 February 1994
    Tampa, FL
    Commissioning Ceremony
    E. J. Comeau PC 553/1228
    Typhoon 101k 12 February 1994
    Tampa Bay, Florida
    An overall view of the commissioning ceremony of the coastal patrol craft Typhoon showing the first crew, the Plankowner`s manning the rail as the ship comes to life at the Harbor Island ceremony
    Fred Weiss
    Typhoon 363k 12 February 1994
    Tampa Bay, FL
    A view of the honored guests and military officers on the reviewing stand at the commissioning ceremony of the coastal patrol craft Typhoon at Harbor Island
    U.S. Navy photo DN-SC-95-01927 by OS2 John Bouvia
    Robert M. Cieri
    Typhoon 382k 12 February 1994
    Tampa Bay, FL
    An overall view of the commissioning ceremony of the coastal patrol craft Typhoon showing invited guests touring the vessel
    U.S. Navy photo DN-SC-95-01931 by OS2 John Bouvia
    Original photo: Robert M. Cieri
    Replacement photo: Robert Hurst
    Typhoon 66k E. J. Comeau PC 553/1228
    Typhoon 148k
    Typhoon 100k Camouflage design by QM2 Vick
    Painted by BM2(SW) R. J. Taylor
    BM2(SW) Raymond J. Taylor, USN
    Typhoon 141k Flying the CO's University of Texas flag. M. Munro
    Typhoon 140k Port Gentil, Gabon
    Typhoon 209k 30 April 2004
    Little Creek Amphibious Base Norfolk, VA
    Lt. Khary Hembree-Bey, Commanding Officer, Typhoon, speaks with news media before deployment. His ship is deploying along with USS Sirocco (PC 6) to relieve the patrol craft USS Firebolt (PC 10) and USS Chinook (PC 9). The ships will be forward deployed for 18 months while crews are swapped out every 6 months. This "crew swap" initiative increases the Navy's forward presence by providing an extra 90 days of on-station time per vessel when the ships stay deployed for 18 months
    U.S. Navy photo 040430-N-1464F-003 by Chief Journalist Dave Fliesen
    Bill Gonyo
    Typhoon 267k 30 April 2004
    Little Creek, VA
    A starboard beam view showing sailors manning the rails aboard the Cyclone-class, coastal patrol craft, Typhoon as it maneuvers away from the pier at Little Creek Amphibious Base, Virginia for an 18 month deployment with the USS Sirocco (PC 6). These ships were forward deployed for 18 months while crews were swapped out every six months. This 'crew swap' initiative increased the Navy's forward presence by providing an extra 90 days of on-station time per vessel when the ships stay deployed for 18 months
    U.S. Navy photo 040430-N-1464F-018 by JOC Dave Fliesen
    Robert M. Cieri
    Typhoon 248k 30 April 2004
    Little Creek, VA
    A port bow view showing sailors manning the rails aboard the Cyclone-class, coastal patrol craft Typhoon as she departs the Little Creek Amphibious Base, Virginia for an 18 month deployment with the USS Sirocco (PC 6). The dock landing ship USS Oak Hill (LSD 51) is moored in the background
    U.S. Navy photo 040430-N-1464F-019 by JOC Dave Fliesen
    Original photo: Robert M. Cieri
    Replacement photo: Robert Hurst
    Typhoon 380k 22 February 2005
    Persian Gulf
    U.S. Navy photo 050222-N-1444C-008 by Photographer's Mate 2nd class Peter J. Carney
    Robert Hurst
    Typhoon 173k 19 April 2010
    A rigid-hull inflatable boat from the amphibious dock landing ship USS Ashland (LSD 48) and the coastal patrol ship Typhoon. Ashland is part of the Nassau Amphibious Ready Group supporting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation operations in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility
    U.S. Navy photo 100419-N-1082Z-167 by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Jason R. Zalasky
    Lee Wahler
    Monsoon 221k 17 March 2014
    Typhoon, plus (left to right), USS Monsoon (PC 5) and USS Thunderbolt (PC-12) of Coastal Patrol Squadron ONE (PCRon 1) carry out a divisional tactics exercise while forward deployed to the Fifth Fleet. PCRon 1 is deployed supporting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations
    U.S. Navy photo 150317-N-SF508-314 by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Charles Oki
    Mike Green
    Tempest 244k 8 April 2014
    Arabian Gulf
    Coastal Patrol Squadron ONE, transits in formation alongside other patrol ships [Tempest (PC 2), Squall (PC 7), Whirlwind (PC 11), Firebolt (PC 10), Typhoon and Thunderbolt (PC 12)] during a maneuvering exercise. Typhoon is deployed to the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility in support of maritime security operations and theater security
    cooperation efforts
    Coastal Patrol Command photo 140408-N-LO156-837 by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Martin Cuaron. U.S. Naval Forces Central Command/U.S. Fifth Fleet
    Robert Hurst

    Commanding Officers
    01LT Scott Jon Phillpott, USN - USNA Class of 198312 February 1994 - October 1995
    02LT Scott Chapman, USN - USNA Class of 1986October 1995 - June 1996
    03LT Roger Hawkes, USNJune 1996 - January 1999
    04LT Daniel A. Starling, USNJanuary 1999 - April 2001
    05LT Joel W. Pedersen, USNApril 2001 - 2003
    06LT Robert Frank Massaro, USN2003 - 9 January 2004
    07CDR Michael Francis Ott, Jr., USN - USNA Class of 19889 January 2004 - January 2004
    08LT Khary Walter Hembree-Bey, USNJanuary 2004 - November 2004
    09LCDR Thomas Charles Kait, Jr., USNNovember 2004 - March 2005
    10LCDR Dennis Micha Burke, USNMarch 2005 - June 2005
    11LCDR Michael Brent DeVore, USNJune 2005 (Crew Foxtrot)
    12LT Christopher Michael Williams, USN2005 - February 2006
    13LCDR Patrick Christopher Thien, USN - USNA Class of 1995February 2006 - August 2006
    14LCDR David Kingdon Faught, USNAugust 2006 - February 2007
    15LT Scott W. Larson, USNFebruary 2007 - June 2007
    16LT Jeffrey David Sturm, USNJune 2007 - August 2007
    17LT Joel B. Lang, USNAugust 2007 - October 2007
    18LT Christopher Anthony Brown, USNOctober 2007 - August 2008
    19LT Mary Kathryn Devine, USN24 February 2009 - September 2009
    20LT Jon Charles Jay Sego, USNSeptember 2009 - October 2009
    21LT Kelley T. Jones, USNOctober 2009 - 14 June 2010 (Crew Mike)
    22LT Bradey L. Stallings, USN14 June 2010 - January 2011 (Crew India)
    23LCDR Robert Woodrow McFarlin, IV, USN - USNA Class of 2000January 2011 - March 2012 (Crew Hotel)
    24LCDR Casey M. Mahon, USNJuly 2012 - March 2013 (Crew Foxtrot)
    25LCDRJohn William Meise, USN - USNA Class of 2003~2014 (Crew Delta)
    25LCDR Brian Crosby, USN2014 - May 2015
    26LCDR Jeremiah "Jerry" Daley, USN - The Citadel, Military College of South Carolina Class of 2003May 2015 - 12 March 2016 1
    27LCDR Steven Scott Whitworth, USN12 March 2016 (Temporary)
    33LCDR Jordan Paul Bradford, USN - USNA Class of 2009January 2001 - 28 February 2022
    ??LT Matthew W. Foster, USN(Crew Echo)
    ??LT David W. Walton, Jr., USN(Crew India)
    ??LT Emily Alexandra Cathey, USN - USNA Class of 1999(Crew Lima)
    ??LCDR Parina Somnhot, USN
    ??LCDR Steven Scott Whitworth, USN (Temporary) - The Citadel Class of 2003
    1. Relived of command for "failing to maintain equipment to the point of exposing 'his crew to unnecessary risk' and interfering with an inquiry into his action."
    Courtesy Wolfgang Hechler, Ron Reeves and Joe Radigan

    View the Typhoon (PC 5)
    DANFS History entry located on the Naval History and Heritage Command website
    Additional Resources and Websites of Interest
    Patrol Craft Sailors Association
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    This page created by Gary P. Priolo and maintained by David L. Wright
    All pages copyright NavSource Naval History
    Last Updated 30 March 2025