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NavSource Online: Amphibious Photo Archive

Contributed by Frank M. Egger

USS Kearsarge (LHD-3)

International Radio Call Sign:
November - November - Kilo - Papa
Awards, Citations and Campaign Ribbons

Precedence of awards is from top to bottom, left to right
Top Row - Navy Unit Commendation
Second Row - Navy Meritorious Unit Commendation (2) - Navy Battle "E" Ribbon (5) - National Defense Service Medal (2)
Third Row - Southwest Asia Service Medal - Kosovo Campaign Medal - Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
Fourth Row - Armed Forces Service Medal - Humanitarian Service Medal (Nobel Obelisk, 25 May 97 - 6 June 97) - NATO Medal

Wasp Class Amphibious Assault Ship (Multi-Purpose):
  • Laid down, 9 February 1990, at Litton-Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp. Pascagoula, MS.
  • Launched, 26 March 1992
  • Commissioned USS Kearsarge (LHD-3), 16 October 1993
  • USS Kearsarge is a unit of Amphibious Squadron Six, Amphibious Group Two, US Atlantic Fleet, and is homeported at Norfolk, VA.
    Displacement 40,650 tons (fl.)
    Length 844'
    Beam 105'
    Speed 20 kts.+
    104 Officer
    1004 Enlisted
    Marine Force 1894 (plus 184 surge)
    two RAM launchers
    two NATO Sea Sparrow launchers
    three 20mm Phalanx (CIWS) mounts
    four .50cal. machine guns
    twelve CH-46 Sea Knight Helicopters
    four CH-53E Sea Stallion helicopters
    six AV-8B Harrier attack aircraft
    three UH-1N Huey helicopters
    four AH-1W Super Cobra helicopters
    planned capability to embark MV-22 Osprey VTOL tilt-rotors
    two 600 psi boilers
    two geared steam turbines
    two shafts, 70,000 total shaft horsepower

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    Kearsarge - a mountain in Merrimack County, New Hampshire. The name of the mountain evolved from a 1652 rendering of the native Pennacook tribal name for the mountain, Carasarga, which it is surmised means "notch-pointed-mountain of pines".
    Photo - View of the north side of Mount Kearsarge (New Hampshire) from The Bulkhead on Ragged Mountain (Wikipedia)
    by Tommorgan555 (real name not known) Licensed under CC BY 3.0 DEED Attribution 3.0 Unported.
    The name also commemorates the prior service of other US warships that had borne the name:
    A sloop-of-war;
    A battleship; and
    An Aircraft Carrier
    Tommy Trampp
    Kearsarge 446k Christening of Kearsarge (LHD-3) by Mrs. Alma Powell, wife of General Colin Powell, USA., 26 March 1992, at Litton-Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp. Pascagoula, MS.
    Litton Industries photo
    Dale Hargrave
    Kearsarge 27k Kearsarge (LHD-3) under way in the Gulf of Mexico prior to Commissioning during builders trials, 1993.
    US Navy photo
    David Holst
    Kearsarge 226k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) Commissioning ceremony, 16 October 1993, at Pascagoula, MS.
    Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp. photos.
    Dale Hargrave
    Kearsarge 303k
    Kearsarge 93k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) under way, 1994, location unknown. Robert M. Cieri
    Kearsarge 75k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) under way, date and location unknown.
    US Navy photo by John M. Hall PH3.
    Robert M. Cieri
    Kearsarge 110k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) first test firing of Sea Sparrow launchers during under way trials in 1993.
    US Navy photo
    Photo by John M. Hall PH3 USN
    Kearsarge 87k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) first test firing of Sea Sparrow launchers during under way trials in 1993.
    US Navy photo
    Photo by John M. Hall PH3 USN
    Orion 331k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) in overhaul, left, and ex-USS Orion (AS-18), right, being prepared for preservation at Norfolk Naval Shipyard Portsmouth, VA., 8 September 1994.
    Department of Defense photo # DN-SC-95-01396 a US Navy photo by Don Montgomery, now in the collections of Defense
    Mike Smolinski
    Kearsarge 44k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) under way during her first Mediterranean Deployment, 1995.
    US Navy photo
    Kearsarge 12k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) under way, 29 May 1997, location unknown.
    US Navy photo # 1-970529-N-0000A-001
    Bernard A. Cardali USN, USS LST-308
    Kearsarge 22k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) moored pierside, date and location unknown.
    US Navy photo
    Kearsarge 43k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) under way, date and location unknown.
    US Navy photo
    Kearsarge 88k Nearing the end of her maiden deployment USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) is at Barcelona, Spain, 1 September 1995, with CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopters parked aft on her flight deck, CH-46 Sea Knights and at least one AH-1 Super Cobra amidships, and "Tilly" (heavy lift crane) forward. Earlier in this deployment (June 8) Marines and helicopters of the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), operating from Kearsarge, rescued Capt. Scott O'Grady, USAF, whose F-16 had been shot down over Bosnia on June 2. For this brilliantly executed operation the Secretary of the Navy awarded Kearsarge the Navy Unit Commendation on 21 September 1995. Photo by Fabio Peña
    Kearsarge 72k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) under way, 18 February 1999, during Joint Task Force Exercise 99-1. A landing craft air cushion (LCAC) returns to the ship operating off the coast of Vieques Island, Puerto Rico.
    US Navy photo # 2-990218-N-9593R-002
    Bernard A. Cardali USN, USS LST-308
    Kearsarge 77k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) starboard view. Photo taken, in port, Rijeka, Croatia, 7 August 2001 Photo by Frank M. Egger - Lienz/Austria
    Kearsarge 100k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) in port, Rijeka, Croatia, 7 August 2001 Photo by Frank M. Egger - Lienz/Austria
    Kearsarge 83k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) flight deck view with aircraft from Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron Two Six Six (HMM-266) on board. Photo taken, in port, Rijeka, Croatia, 7 August 2001. Photo by Frank M. Egger - Lienz/Austria
    Kearsarge 170k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) island view from the forward flight deck looking aft. Photo taken, in port, Rijeka, Croatia, 7 August 2001. Photo by Frank M. Egger - Lienz/Austria
    326k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) underway, date and location unknown. Nicholas Tiberio
    Kearsarge 198k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) ship's bell. Photo taken, in port, Rijeka, Croatia, 7 August 2001. Photo by Frank M. Egger - Lienz/Austria
    Kearsarge 96k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) forward flight deck view with RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile and RIM-7 Sea Sparrow launchers to starboard. Photo taken in port,Rijeka, Croatia, 7 August 2001. Photo by Frank M. Egger - Lienz/Austria
    Iwo Jima 66k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) (left) and USS Iwo Jima (LHD-7) (right) moored side by side at the carrier piers Naval Station Norfolk, VA., 2002 Gerd Matthes
    Kearsarge 97k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3)'s deck loaded with CH-53E Super Stallion helos from Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron Four Six Four (HMH-464) as the ship steams in the Northern Arabian Gulf in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, 30 March 2003.
    US Navy photo # 030330-N-2972R-014 by PH3 Angel Roman-Otero.
    Bill Gonyo
    373k The amphibious assault ships of Commander, Task Force Fifty One (CTF-51) come together in an unprecedented formation during operations in the North Arabian Gulf. This marked the first time that six large deck amphibious ships from the East and West coasts have deployed together in one area of operation. Led by the flag ship USS Tarawa (LHA-1), the ships are (from left to right):
    USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD-6),
    USS Kearsarge (LHD-3),
    USS Bataan (LHD-5),
    USS Saipan (LHA-2), and
    USS Boxer (LHD-4).
    CTF-51 led Navy amphibious forces in the Arabian Gulf region during Operation Iraqi Freedom. The 32 ships of CTF-51 composed the largest amphibious force assembled since the Inchon landing, during the Korean War. Operation Iraqi Freedom is the multinational coalition effort to liberate the Iraqi people and end the regime of Saddam Hussein.
    US Navy photo # 030420-N-2515C-091 North Arabian Gulf (Apr. 20, 2003) by PH2 Larry S. Carlson.
    US Navy photo # 030420-N-7128D-011 North Arabian Gulf (Apr. 20, 2003) by PHC Tom Daily.
    Robert M. Cieri
    Kearsarge 184k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) transits the Bab Al Mandeb after departing the Red Sea and into the Gulf of Aden. Kearsarge is surge deployed to transport elements of the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) to the Central Command Area of responsibility in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and the global war on terrorism.
    US Navy photo # 040701-N-2972R-068 by PH3 Angel Roman-Otero .
    Navy NewsStand
    Kearsarge 83k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) under way in the Atlantic Ocean, 20 January 2005. A Marine Corps CH-46E helicopter, assigned to the "Golden Eagles" of Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron One Six Two (HMM-162), lifts off from the flight deck of Kearsarge.
    US Navy photo # 050120-N-7506R-002 by PHAN Dexter Roberts.
    Navy News Stand
    Kearsarge 53k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) gets under way from her homeport at Naval Station Norfolk, VA. as she departs on a regularly scheduled deployment in support of the Global War on Terrorism, 25 March 2005. U.S. Navy photo by PHJ3 Timothy Bensken (RELEASED) Navy News Stand
    Kearsarge 55k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) off Camp Lejeune, N.C., 26 March 2005. A Landing Craft, Air Cushion (LCAC), assigned to Assault Craft Unit Four (ACU-4), enters Kearsarge's well deck carrying vehicles from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU-26). The 26th MEU is departing Camp Lejeune, N.C., for a regularly scheduled deployment in support of the Global War on Terrorism.
    US Marine Corps photo # 050326-M-5900L-004 by LCpl. Daniel R. Lowndes.
    Navy News Stand
    Kearsarge 229k The Royal Navy Type 23 frigate HMS Argyll (F231) pulling away from USS Kearsarge (LHD-3), following a Replenishment at Sea (RAS) in the Middle East, 9 July 2005
    LA(Phot) Shaun Preston/MOD
    Robert Hurst
    Kearsarge 133k A U.S. Marine Corps AV-8B Harrier launches from the flight deck of USS Kearsarge (LHD 3) during flight operations in the Mediterranean Sea, 19 April 2005.
    US Navy photo # 050419-N-5313A-049 by PHAN Sarah E. Ard,
    Jack Treutle
    184k The Kearsarge Expeditionary Strike Group and Landing Craft, Air Cushions (LCAC), assigned to Assault Craft Unit Four (ACU-4), conduct steering maneuvers while underway in the Atlantic Ocean, 17 September 2005. USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) and embarked Assault Craft Unit 4 (ACU-4) are returning to their homeport of Naval Station Norfolk, Va., after a regularly scheduled deployment in support of the Global War on Terrorism.
    US Navy photo # 050917-N-2382W-126 (Sept. 17 2005) ATLANTIC OCEAN by PHAN Finley Williams.
    Robert Hurst
    284k Amphibious ships of the USS Kearsarge Expeditionary Strike Group USS Kearsarge (LHD-3), USS Ponce (LPD-15), USS Ashland (LSD-48) and Landing Craft, Air Cushions (LCAC), assigned to Assault Craft Unit Four (ACU-4), conduct steering maneuvers while underway in the Atlantic Ocean. Kearsarge and embarked ACU-4 are returning to their homeport of Naval Station Norfolk, Va., after a regularly scheduled deployment in support of the Global War on Terrorism.
    US Navy photo # 050917-N-2382W-255 Atlantic Ocean (Sept 17, 2005) by PHAN Finley Williams.
    Robert Hurst
    171k Units of the Kearsarge Expeditionary Strike Group
    USS Kearsarge (LHD-3),
    USS Ashland (LSD-48)
    USS Normandy (CG-60) and
    Landing Craft, Air Cushions (LCAC), assigned to Assault Craft Unit 4 (ACU-4)"> conduct steering maneuvers while underway in the Atlantic Ocean, 17 September 2005. The Kearsarge Expeditionary Strike Group are returning to their homeport of Naval Station Norfolk, Va., after a regularly scheduled deployment in support of the Global War on Terrorism.
    US Navy photo # 050917-N-2382W-165 (Sept. 17 2005) ATLANTIC OCEAN by PHAN Finley Williams.
    Robert Hurst
    137k Search and rescue swimmers Aviation Machinist's Mate 3rd Classes Wayne Shockley and Ramon Perez watch as the amphibious transport dock USS Ponce(LPD-15) and the USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) conduct steering maneuvers in the Atlantic Ocean, 17 September 2005. Kearsarge and Ponce returning to their homeport after a regularly scheduled deployment in support of the Global War on Terrorism.
    U.S. Navy photo # 050917-N-5313A-002 by PHAN Sarah E. Ard.
    Robert Hurst
    Kearsarge 91k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) steams into New York Harbor during Fleet Week New York City 2006, 21 May 2006. Sam Middleton
    90k Two Landing Craft Air Cushion vehicles perform maneuvering exercises as USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) steams in the distance, during exercise BALTOPS 2007, 2 June 2007. Robert Hurst
    Kearsarge 702k An MH-60S Seahawk, assigned to the "Sea Knights" of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC-22), flies alongside USS Kearsarge (LHD-3), 23 June 2007. Kearsarge is under way in preparation for an upcoming deployment.
    US Navy photo # 070623-N-1928H-094 ATLANTIC OCEAN (June 23, 2007) by MC3 Santos Huante.
    Robert M. Cieri
    Kearsarge 712k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) pulls alongside the former USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67), 30 July 2007, off the Atlantic coastline, as the carrier is being towed to Norfolk, VA.
    US Navy photo # 070330-N-6216H-006 ATLANTIC OCEAN (July 30, 2007) by Aviation Warfare Systems Operator 3rd Class Cesar Huerta
    Chet Morris
    Kearsarge 1157k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) prepares to launch a SH-60F Seahawk and two CH-53E Sea Stallion helicopters assigned to Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron (HMM-261), 3 November3 2007. Kearsarge is on a scheduled deployment in support of maritime operations.
    US Navy photo # 071103-N-1831S-027 INDIAN OCEAN (Nov. 3, 2007) by MCSN Ash Severe.
    Robert M. Cieri
    Kearsarge 824k A CH-46E Sea Knight nears USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) while returning from a relief mission in Pahoraghata, Bangladesh, 1 December 2007. Kearsarge and the embarked 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) Special Operations Capable (SOC) are conducting Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief efforts in response to the Government of Bangladesh's request for assistance after Tropical Cyclone Sidr struck their southern coast, 15 November 2007. The Department of Defense effort is part of a larger United States response coordinated by the U.S. Department of State and U.S. Agency for International Development.
    US Navy photo # 071201-N-5142K-134 BAY OF BENGAL (Dec. 1, 2007) by MC1 Robert Keilman.
    Robert M. Cieri
    Kearsarge 1382k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) moored at Naval Station Norfolk, VA., circa April 2008. Photo by Larry Backus
    Kearsarge 2024k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) steams up the Hudson River, 21 May 2008 during the parade of ships for the 21st Fleet Week New York 2008. More than 4,000 Sailors, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen will participate in various community relation projects and have the opportunity to visit popular attractions in New York City.
    US Navy photo # 080521-N-8907D-131 NEW YORK CITY (May 21, 2008) by MC3 David Danals.
    Robert M. Cieri
    Kearsarge 1869k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) steams up the Hudson River, 21 May 2008 during the parade of ships for the 21st Fleet Week New York 2008.
    US Navy photo # 080521-N-8907D-967 NEW YORK CITY (May 21, 2008) by MC3 David Danals.
    Robert M. Cieri
    Kearsarge 1608k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) steams up the Hudson River, 21 May 2008 during the parade of ships for the 21st Fleet Week New York 2008.
    US Navy photo # 080521-N-8907D-921 NEW YORK CITY (May 21, 2008) by MC3 David Danals.
    Robert M. Cieri
    Kearsarge 3699k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) steams up the Hudson River, 21 May 2008 during the parade of ships for the 21st Fleet Week New York 2008.
    US Navy photo # 080521-N-8907D-879 NEW YORK (May 21, 2008) by MC3 David Danals.
    Robert M. Cieri
    Kearsarge 3067k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) is anchored off the coast of Haiti. Kearsarge has been diverted from the scheduled Continuing Promise 2008 humanitarian assistance deployment in the western Caribbean to conduct hurricane relief operations in Haiti.
    US Navy photo # 080909-N-4515N-428 PORT-AU-PRINCE, HAITI (Sept. 9, 2009) by MCSA Joshua Adam Nuzzo.
    Robert M. Cieri
    Kearsarge 2279k A CH-53E Super Stallion helicopter from Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron (HMH-464) "Condors" lands aboard USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) to drop off personnel supporting disaster relief efforts in areas affected by recent hurricanes.
    US Navy photo # 080912-N-8907D-015 PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (Sept. 12, 2008) by MC3 David Danals.
    Robert M. Cieri
    Kearsarge 2185k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) anchored off the coast of Haiti during a disaster relief mission to areas affected by recent hurricanes.
    US Navy photo # 080912-N-8907D-240 USS KEARSARGE (Sept. 12, 2008) by MC3 David Danals.
    Robert M. Cieri
    Kearsarge 1757k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) seen from the ramp of a CH-53 Super Stallion helicopter departing for Port-au-Prince, Haiti, for disaster relief supplies.
    US Navy photo # 080913-N-5642P-239 PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (Sept. 13, 2008) by MC3 William S. Parker.
    Robert M. Cieri
    Kearsarge 2549k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) visits the Netherlands Antilles for the humanitarian service project, Continuing Promise 08 (CP). Kearsarge is supporting the Caribbean phase of CP, an equal-partnership mission between the United States, Canada, the Netherlands, Brazil, Nicaragua, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago and Guyana.
    US Navy photo # 081021-N-9620B-007 WILLEMSTAD, Netherlands Antilles (Oct. 21, 2008) by MC2 Erik C. Barker.
    Robert M. Cieri
    Kearsarge 403k Line handlers stand by as USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) arrives at Naval Station Norfolk. Kearsarge, with various embarked units, is concluding nearly four months at sea supporting the Caribbean phase of the humanitarian and civic assistance mission Continuing Promise 2008.
    US Navy photo # 081202-N-1713L-012 NORFOLK, Va. (Dec. 2, 2008) by MC1 Lolita M. Lewis.
    Robert M. Cieri
    Robert E. Peary 587k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) transits alongside the Military Sealift Command dry cargo and ammunition ship USNS Robert E. Peary (T-AKE-5) during a replenishment at sea. Kearsarge is conducting sea trials in preparation for a scheduled deployment this spring.
    US Navy photo # 130119-N-RL456-830 ATLANTIC OCEAN (Jan. 19, 2013) by MCSN Hunter S. Harwell.
    Lee Wahler
    Kearsarge 251k Line handlers stand by as USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) departs Naval Station Norfolk as part of the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group to support maritime security operations and regional theater security cooperation efforts in the US 5th and 6th Fleet areas of responsibility. The amphibious group includes Commander, Amphibious Squadron (PHIBRON FOUR) USS San Antonio (LPD-17), USS Carter Hall (LSD-50) and the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (26th MEU).
    US Navy photo # 130311-N-QY430-257 NORFOLK (March 11, 2013) by MC1 Rafael Martie.
    Lee Wahler
    Big Horn 601k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) conducts a replenishment-at-sea with the fleet replenishment oiler USNS Big Horn (T-AO-198). Kearsarge is deployed as part of the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group with embarked Marines from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (26th MEU) supporting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the US 5th and 6th Fleet areas of responsibility.
    US Navy photo # 130314-N-SB587-038 ATLANTIC OCEAN (March 14, 2013) by MC2 Corbin Shea.
    Ron Reeves
    San Antonio 180k The amphibious transport dock USS San Antonio (LPD-17) and the amphibious dock landing ship USS Carter Hall (LSD-50) sail in formation with USS Kearsarge (LHD-3). Kearsarge, Carter Hall and San Antonio are deployed as part of the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group with embarked Marines from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (26th MEU) supporting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th and 6th Fleet areas of responsibility.
    US Navy photo # 130321-N-SB587-213 ATLANTIC OCEAN (March 21, 2013), by MC2 Corbin J. Shea.
    Ron Reeves
    Laramie 245k The Military Sealift Command fleet replenishment oiler USNS Laramie (T-AO-203) conducts a replenishment-at-sea with USS Kearsarge (LHD-3). Kearsarge is the flagship for the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group and, with the embarked 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (26th MEU), is deployed in support of maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility.
    US Navy photo 130522-N-NB538-157 RED SEA (May 22, 2013) by MC3 Sabrina Fine.
    Ron Reeves
    270k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) conducts operations at sea. Kearsarge is the flagship for the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group and with the embarked 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (26th MEU) is deployed in support of maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility.
    US Navy photos # 130530-N-SB587-594 GULF OF ADEN (May 30, 2013) and 130530-N-SB587-131 GULF OF ADEN (May 30, 2013) by MC2 Corbin J. Shea.
    Lee Wahler
    Kearsarge 268k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) and the amphibious transport dock ship USS San Antonio (LPD-17), both part of the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready group, are under way in formation. The group is deployed in support of maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility.
    US Navy photos # 130616-N-SB587-102 RED SEA (June 16, 2013) by MC2 Corbin J. Shea.
    Lee Wahler
    Kearsarge 433k Overhead view of USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) while leading the ships of the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready group. The group is deployed in support of maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility.
    US Navy photos # 130616-N-SB587-731 RED SEA (June 16, 2013) by MC2 Corbin J. Shea.
    Lee Wahler
    Patuxent 234k The Military Sealift Command fleet replenishment oiler USNS Patuxent (T-AO-201) conducts a replenishment-at-sea with USS Kearsarge (LHD-3). Kearsarge is the flagship of the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group and, with embarked 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (26th MEU), is deployed in support of maritime security operations and theater security cooperations efforts in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility.
    US Navy photo # 130720-N-WX580-008 RED SEA (July 20, 2013) by MC3 Lacordrick Wilson.
    Lee Wahler
    Kearsarge 225k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) under way following a replenishment-at-sea. Kearsarge is the flagship for the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group and, with embarked 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (26th MEU), is deployed in support of maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility.
    US Navy photo # 130730-N-NB538-993 GULF OF ADEN (July 30, 2013) by MC3 Sabrina Fine.
    Lee Wahler
    31030-N-XJ788-167 ATLANTIC OCEAN (Oct. 30, 2013)
    245k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) conducts an ammunition offload with the dry cargo ship USNS William McLean (T-AKE-12). The Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group and embarked 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (26th MEU), are deployed in support of maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th and 6th Fleet areas of responsibility.
    US Navy photo # 131030-N-XJ788-167 ATLANTIC OCEAN (Oct. 30, 2013) by MCSN Travis DiPerna
    US Navy photo # 131030-N-XJ788-319 ATLANTIC OCEAN (Oct. 30, 2013) by MCSN Travis DiPerna
    Robert M. Cieri
    131030-N-XJ788-319 ATLANTIC OCEAN (Oct. 30, 2013)
    Kearsarge 311k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) conducts a replenishment-at-sea (RAS) with the Military Sealift Command fleet replenishment oiler USNS Leroy Grumman (T-AO-195). Kearsarge is deployed as part of the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group supporting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of responsibility.
    US Navy photo # 131014-N-NB538-059 MEDITERRANEAN SEA (Oct. 14, 2013) by MC3 Sabrina Fine.
    Robert M. Cieri
    131107-N-PG340-017 NORFOLK (Nov. 7, 2013)
    214k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) returns to Naval Station Norfolk after completing an eight-month deployment. Kearsarge, the lead ship of the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group, supported maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th and 6th Fleet areas of responsibility.
    US Navy photo # 131107-N-PG340-017 NORFOLK (Nov. 7, 2013) by MCSN Stephane Belcher
    US Navy photo # 131107-N-KE519-010 NORFOLK. (Nov. 7, 2013) by MCSA Edward Guttierrez III
    Lee Wahler and
    Robert M. Cieri
    131107-N-KE519-010 NORFOLK. (Nov. 7, 2013)
    Kearsarge 326k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) transits the Elizabeth River from Naval Station Norfolk to BAE Systems Norfolk Ship Repair for a five-month planned maintenance availability.
    US Navy photo # 131216-N-XJ788-274 NORFOLK (Dec. 16, 2013) by MC3 Travis DiPerna.
    Lee Wahler
    Kearsarge 312k Tugboats position USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) to enter BAE Systems Norfolk Ship Repair Yard for a five-month planned maintenance availability.
    US Navy photo # 131216-N-XJ788-480 Norfolk VA (Dec 16 2013) by MC3 Travis DiPerna.
    Robert M. Cieri
    Kearsarge 250k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) returns to Naval Station Norfolk after a planned maintenance availability at BAE Systems Norfolk Ship Repair.
    US Navy photo # 140510-N-SB587-392 NORFOLK (May 10, 2014) by MC2 Corbin J. Shea.
    Lee Wahler
    Kearsarge 344k Landing craft air cushion (LCAC) vehicles approach USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) during Bold Alligator 2014. Bold alligator is intended to improve Navy and Marine Corps amphibious core competencies while working with coalition, NATO, allied and partner nations. The exercise takes place 29 October through 10 November 2014, afloat and ashore along the Eastern Seaboard.
    US Navy photo # 141029-N-SB587-025 ATLANTIC OCEAN (Oct 29, 2014) by MC2 Corbin J. Shea.
    Ron Reeves
    Kearsarge 290k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) is under way with the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) and the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (26th MEU) participating in ARG/MEUEX, a scenario-based amphibious integration exercise, in preparation for a future deployment.
    US Navy photo # 150628-N-XD363-388 ATLANTIC OCEAN (June 28, 2015) by MC3 Michael Gendron.
    Lee Wahler
    Kearsarge 226k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) is under way participating in Egemen 2015, Oct. 25, 2015. Egemen is a Turkish-led and hosted amphibious exercise designed to increase tactical proficiencies and interoperability among participants. Kearsarge, deployed as part of the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group, is conducting naval operations in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations in support of U.S. national security interests in Europe.
    US Navy photo # 151025-N-GR361-072 AEGEAN SEA (Oct. 25, 2015) by MCSN Kaleb R. Staples.
    Lee Wahler
    Kearsarge 267k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) under way participating in Egemen 2015, Oct. 26, 2015. Egemen is a Turkish-led and hosted amphibious exercise designed to increase tactical proficiencies and interoperability among participants. Kearsarge, deployed as part of the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group, is conducting naval operations in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations in support of U.S. national security interests in Europe.
    US Navy photo # 151026-N-AX638-114 AEGEAN SEA (Oct. 26, 2015) by MCSN Tyler Preston.
    Wolfgang Hechler
    Kearsarge 950k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) moored pierside at Port Sultan Qaboos, Muscat, Oman. Kearsarge is the flagship for the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) and, with the embarked 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (26th MEU), is deployed in support of maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations.
    US Navy photo # 160109-N-EC444-480 MUSCAT, Oman (Jan. 9, 2015) by Lt. Sonny Lorrius.
    Lee Wahler
    Kearsarge 920k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) transits the Gulf of Oman. Kearsarge is the flagship for the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) and, with the embarked 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (26th MEU), is deployed in support of maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations.
    US Navy photo # 160115-N-KW492-051 GULF OF OMAN (Jan. 14, 2016) by MCSA Ryre Arciaga.
    Ron Reeves
    Kanawha 961k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) and the amphibious dock landing ship USS Oak Hill (LSD-51) transit alongside the Military Sealift Command fleet replenishment oiler USNS Kanawha (T-AO-196) (center), during a replenishment-at-sea (RAS). Kearsarge, a Wasp-class amphibious assault ship, deployed as part of the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group/26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, is conducting naval operations in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations in support of U.S. national security interests in Europe.
    US Navy photo # 160407-N-TT202-044 MEDITERRANEAN SEA (April 7, 2016) by MCSN Daniel E. Gheesling.
    Lee Wahler
    Kearsarge 457k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) passing the One World Trade Center during the 29th annual Fleet Week New York's Parade of Ships. Fleet Week New York is an unparalleled opportunity for the citizens of New York and the surrounding tri-state area to meet Sailors, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, as well as witness firsthand the latest capabilities of today's military.
    US Navy photo # 170524-N-UN744-216 MANHATTAN, N.Y. (May 24, 2017) by MCC Travis Simmons.
    US Navy Photos of the Day, 05/25/2017
    Kearsarge 190k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) departs Naval Station Norfolk to support Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. U.S. military assets are supporting FEMA as well as state and local authorities in rescue and relief efforts in wake of Hurricane Harvey.
    US Navy photo # 170831-N-EO381-180 NORFOLK, Va. (Aug 31, 2017) by MC3 Casey J. Hopkins.
    Lee Wahler
    170904-N-SZ865-057 ATLANTIC OCEAN (Sept. 4, 2017)
    318k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) with 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (26th MEU) embarked are under way in the Atlantic Ocean in preparation for humanitarian assistance and disaster relief efforts in wake of Hurricane Harvey.
    US Navy photo # 170904-N-SZ865-057 ATLANTIC OCEAN (Sept. 4, 2017) and 170904-N-SZ865-036 ATLANTIC OCEAN (Sept. 4, 2017) by MC3 Michael Eduardo Jorge.
    Lee Wahler
    170904-N-SZ865-036 ATLANTIC OCEAN (Sept. 4, 2017)
    Kearsarge 237k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) under way in the Caribbean Sea off the coast of St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands. Kearsarge is assisting with relief efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma. The Department of Defense is supporting the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the lead federal agency, in helping those affected by Hurricane Irma to minimize suffering and is one component of the overall whole-of-government response effort.
    US Navy photo # 170916-N-AY374-416 CARIBBEAN SEA (Sept. 16, 2017) by by MC3 Jacob Goff
    US Navy Photos of the Day Update 09/17/2017
    Kearsarge 267k US Army Soldiers assigned to the 602nd Area Support Medical Company, 261st Medical Battalion, 44th Medical Brigade, Fort Bragg, N.C., depart USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) aboard a landing craft, utility in the Caribbean Sea. Service members returned to the US Virgin Islands on a landing craft, utility to continue to assist with disaster relief operations in response to hurricanes Irma and Maria.
    US Army photo # 170923-A-PF443-0008 CARIBBEAN SEA (Sept. 23, 2017) by PVT. Alleea Oliver
    US Navy Photos of the Day Update 09/24/2017
    Kearsarge 171k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) fires a SeaRam missile, 2017.
    US Navy photo
    Ron Reeves
    Kearsarge 190k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) arrives at New Orleans for Navy Week New Orleans (NWNO). NWNO showcases Navy and Marine Corps warfighting capabilities and provides the opportunity for the public to learn about interoperability between the services.
    US Navy photo # 180419-N-ED185-116 NEW ORLEANS (April 19, 2018) by MC1 Brian G. Reynolds
    Lee Wahler
    Kearsarge 196k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) departs Naval Station Norfolk to mark the start of the Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 4 amphibious ready group and Marine expeditionary unit exercise (ARGMEUEX). Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group and 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit are enhancing joint integration, lethality and collective capabilities of the Navy-Marine Corps team through joint planning and execution of challenging and realistic training scenarios. CSG-4 mentors, trains and assesses East Coast units preparing for future deployments.
    US Navy photo # 180822-N-SG189-162 NORFOLK, Va. (Aug 22, 2018) by MCSN Keith Wilson
    Lee Wahler
    Kearsarge 182k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) departs Naval Station Norfolk for a composite training unit exercise (COMPTUEX). The Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) consists of the Amphibious Assault Ship (Multi-Purpose)USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) Amphibious Transport Dock ship USS Arlington (LPD-24) and the Amphibious Dock Landing Ship USS Fort McHenry (LSD-43), led by Amphibious Squadron Four (PHIBRON) 4 COMPTUEX is a necessary training evolution, required before an ARG is approved to deploy.
    US Navy Photo # 181013-N-RJ834-0203 NORFOLK (Oct. 13, 2018) by MC2 Tamara Vaughn
    Lee Wahler
    339k USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) under way in the Atlantic Ocean. Kearsarge is deployed as part of the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group in support of maritime security operations, crisis response and theater security cooperation, while also providing a forward naval presence.
    US Navy photo #'s
    181224-N-JN023-0442 ATLANTIC OCEAN (Dec. 24, 2018) by MC2 Megan Anuci
    181224-N-AT530-0313 ATLANTIC OCEAN (Dec. 24, 2018) by MC3 Chris Roys
    181224-N-HG389-0022 ATLANTIC OCEAN (Dec. 24, 2018) by MC2 Brandon Parker
    Lee Wahler

    Kearsarge (LHD-3) Memorabilia
    Commissioning Program
    Contributed by
    Robert M. Cieri
    Welcome Aboard
    Contributed by
    Robert M. Cieri
    Public Affairs Office Booklet
    Contributed by
    Robert M. Cieri
    Welcome Aboard
    Contributed by
    Robert M. Cieri

    Maiden Med Deployment
    Contributed by
    Robert M. Cieri

    There is no DANFS history available for Kearsarge (LHD-3) at NavSource

    For more photos and information about USS Kearsarge, see;
  • USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) Command Operations Reports
  • USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) Historical Chronology
  • USS Kearsarge (LHD-3)
  • Navy Fact File Amphibious Assault Ships - LHD/LHA(R)

  • Commanding Officers
    01CAPT. Montgomery, David James, USN16 October 1993 - 13 January 1995
    02CAPT. Cole, Christopher Warren, USN :RADM13 January 1995 - 23 May 1996
    03CAPT. Wittkamp, Thomas Michael, USN (USNA 1970)23 May 1996 - 14 November 1997
    04CAPT. Masciangelo, Peter Anthony, USN14 November 1997 - 16 July 1999
    05CAPT. Bookert, Reubin Bernard, USN :RADM16 July 1999 - 17 January 2001
    06CAPT. Schlientz, Steven Craig, USN (USNA 1977)17 January 2001 - 19 July 2002
    07CAPT. McKnight, Terence Edward (Terry), USN :RADM19 July 2002 - 5 December 2003
    08CAPT. Parent, Luke Raymond, USN5 December 2003 - 24 June 2005
    09CAPT. Sensi Jr., Joseph,USN (USNA 1980)24 June 2005 - 29 March 2007
    10CAPT. Gregorski, James, USN29 March 2007 - 4 August 2008
    11CAPT. Towns, Walter Lee, USN4 August 2008 - 26 February 2010
    12CAPT. Goodly, Baxter Angelo, USN26 February 2010 - 30 June 2011
    13CAPT. Jones, Dorian Frank, USN (Biography)30 June 2011 - 21 December 2012
    14CAPT. Nielsen, Fredrick Jens, USN21 December 2012 - 15 May 2014
    15CAPT. Bossert, David Larry, USN15 May 2014 - 20 November 2015
    16CAPT. Getz III, Lawrence Gilbert (Larry), USN (USNA 1991)20 November 2015 - 9 June 2017
    17CAPT. Guluzian, David Kevork, USN (USNA 1991)9 June 2017 - 16 November 2018
    18CAPT. Rimmer, Jason Elliott, USN (USNA 1995)16 November 3018 - 30 January 2020
    19CAPT. Koprowski, Neil Andrew, USN (USNA 1995)30 January 2020 - 31 July 2021
    20CAPT. Foster Jr., Thomas Francis, USN (USNA 1995)31 July 2021 - 17 November 2022
    21CAPT. Farricker, Christopher M., USN17 November 2022 -  
    21CAPT. Knight, Sean P., USN23 May 2024 - &nsp;
    Courtesy Wolfgang Hechler and Ron Reeves

    Crew Contact And Reunion Information
    U.S. Navy Memorial Foundation - Navy Log

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    This page is created and maintained by Gary P. Priolo
    All pages copyright NavSource Naval History
    Last Updated 31 January 2025