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1213009204 |
64k |
Hornet - A large, strong wasp whose sting is severe (NS020869a). Hornets are the largest of the eusocial wasps, and are similar in appearance to their
close relatives yellowjackets (wasps native to North America—e.g., baldfaced hornets—are commonly refered to as hornets but are actually yellowjackets). Hornets
aggresively guard their nesting sites when threatened and their stings are more painful and dangerous to humans than typical wasp stings, as their venom contains a
large amount of acetylcholine; moreover, individual hornets can sting repeteadly. |
Tommy Trampp |
168k |
Copy of detail from the portrait of Captain William Stone of the British flagged merchant sloop Hornet. Owned by J. William Middendorf Jr., Ruxton
Maryland 1944. Original painter Mr. Charles Wilson Peale, copy painter Mrs. Florence Whitehill.
US Naval History and Heritage Command. Photo # NH 53412 |
Robert Hurst |
257k |
Detail of portrait by Charles Wilson Peale of the British flagged sloop Hornet's captain William Stone. Note: dirt on the
painting obscures parts of mainsail and flag aft. Traces of red and white stripes on the field of the flag do not show up in the photo.
US Naval History and Heritage Command. Photo # NH 53413, courtesy of J. William Middendorf Jr., Ruxton Maryland 1944. |
Robert Hurst |