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NavSource Online: Service Ship Photo Archive

Contributed by Don McGrogan, BMCS, USN Ret. - Popular Patch

USS Sumner (AGS-5)
USS Sumner (AG-32) (1940 - 1943)
USS Bushnell (AS-2) (1920 - 1940)
USS Bushnell (Submarine Tender #2) (1915 - 1920)

Signal Letters/International Radio Call Signs,

Signal Letters
USS Bushnell (Submarine Tender #2/AS-2)
Assigned in 1915 George - Quack - Cast - Pup

International Radio Call Sign (IRCS)
USS Bushnell (Submarine Tender #2/AS-2)
Assigned in 1915 Nan - Zed - Cast

International Radio Call Sign (IRCS)
USS Bushell (AS-2/AG-32) - USS Sumner (AG-32)
Assigned in 1928 Negative - Easy - Fox - Sail

International Radio Call Sign (IRCS)
USS Sumner (AGS-5)
Assigned in 1943 Nan - Charlie - George - Roger

Awards, Citations and Campaign Ribbons

Precedence of awards is from top to bottom, left to right
Top Row - Combat Action Ribbon (retroactive - 7DEC41 Pearl Harbor / 8MAR45 Iwo Jima) - World War I Victory Medal (with Patrol clasp)
Second Row - China Service Medal (extended) - American Defense Service Medal (with Fleet clasp) - American Campaign Medal
Third Row - Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal (3) - World War II Victory Medal - Philippines Liberation Medal

Personnel Awards

Purple Heart (1-KIA, 3-WIA 8MAR45 Iwo Jima)

Bushnell Class Submarine Tender:
  • Laid down, date unknown, at Seattle Construction and Dry Dock Co., Seattle, WA.
  • Launched, 9 February 1915
  • Commissioned USS Bushnell, 24 November 1915, LT. David F. Boyd USN in Command
  • Designated (AS-2), 17 July 1920
  • Reclassified Miscellaneous Auxiliary, (AG-32), 25 July 1940
  • Renamed USS Sumner (AG-32), 23 August 1940
  • Reclassified Survey Ship (AGS-5), 1 December 1943
  • During World War II USS Sumner was assigned to the Asiatic-Pacific Theater and participated in the following actions/campaigns:

    Asiatic-Pacific Campaigns
    Campaign and Dates Campaign and Dates
    Pearl Harbor-Midway, 7 December 1941 Iwo Jima operation
    Assault and occupation of Iwo Jima, 4 to 16 March 1945
    Gilbert Islands operation
    Tarawa, 13 November to 8 December 1943

  • Following World War II USS Sumner (AGS-5) was assigned to China service from 15 October to 19 December 1945
  • Decommissioned, 13 September 1946, at Norfolk, VA.
  • Struck from the Naval Register, date unknown
  • USS Sumner earned three battle stars for her World War II service
  • Transferred to the Maritime Commission for lay up in the National Defense Reserve Fleet, James River Group, Lee Hall VA., 19 September 1946
  • Final Disposition, sold for scrapping, 26 February 1948, to Patapsco Scrap Corp.
    Displacement 4,550 t.
    Length 350' 6"
    Beam 45' 8"
    Draft 18' 6"
    Speed 13.9 kts.
    AGS Complement
    Officers 21
    Enlisted 335
    AGS Armament
    one single 5"/38 cal dual purpose gun mount
    four single 3"/50 cal dual purpose gun mounts
    Fuel Capacity
    NSFO 4,450 bbls.
    one Seattle Construction and Dry Dock Co. Parsons type turbine
    two Yarrow-express boilers, 250psi Sat°
    single Falk Main Reduction Gears
    span style="padding-left: 0em">Ship's Service Generators
    two turbo-drive 150Kw 120V D.C.
    one turbo-drive 60Kw 120V D.C.
    single propeller, 2,500shp

    Click On Image
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    USS Bushnell (Submarine Tender #2)
    David Bushnell (30 August 1740 - 1824 or 1826) was an American inventor, a patriot, one of the first American combat engineers, a teacher, and a medical doctor. Bushnell invented the first submarine to be used in battle, as well as a floating mine triggered by contact. He was a veteran of the Revolutionary War. (Wikipedia)
    Find A Grave
    Tommy Trampp
    167k Port bow view of USS Bushnell (Submarine Tender #2) at anchor in Hampton Roads, Virginia, 13 December 1916.
    US National Archives Identifier 55172692 Local Identifier 111-SC-5892
    Mike Green and Michael Mohl
    135k Starboard broadside view of USS Bushnell (Submarine Tender #2) at anchor in Hampton Roads, Virginia, 13 December 1916.
    US National Archives Identifier 55172692 Local Identifier 111-SC-5892
    Mike Green and Michael Mohl
    179k Starboard broadside view of USS Bushnell (Submarine Tender #2) at anchor in Hampton Roads, Virginia, 13 December 1916.
    US National Archives Identifier 55172692 Local Identifier 111-SC-5892
    Mike Green and Michael Mohl
    Bushnell 217k U.S. Naval Station Key West, FL., 26 December 1916.
    Crane salvaged from Dry Tortugas May 1913, recently erected on south wall. Salvaged engine from USS MacKenzie (Torpedo Boat #17) on wall. USS Bushnell (Submarine Tender3 #2), USS Tallahassee, USCGC Tampa and submarines in distance. Looking northwest.
    Photo from the Monroe County Library Collection. Photo courtesy of Florida Keys Public Libraries. Photo # MM00007621.
    Robert Hurst
    Bushnell 257k USS Bushnell (Submarine Tender #2) underway circa 1910s, location unknown. David Rasmusson
    72k USS Bushnell (Submarine Tender #2) at anchor probably Queenstown, Ireland, during Woruld War I. Photo post card mis-identified as USS Melville. David Wright
    Bushnell 84k USS Bushnell (Submarine Tender #2) at anchor in Bantry Bay, Ireland, with "L" type submarines alongside, 1918.
    US Naval History and Heritage Command photo # NH 52856.
    Robert Hurst
    Bushnell 129k USS Bushnell (Submarine Tender #2) at anchor hoisting USS L-2, in Irish waters during World War I. Moored to Bushnell's port side are from left to right USS L-4, USS L-9 and USS L-1 (Submarines Nos. 43, 49 and 40)
    US Naval History and Heritage Command photo # NH 61684, courtesy
    Robert Hurst
    Bushnell 85k USS Bushnell (Submarine Tender #2) at anchor, circa 1918.
    US Naval History and Heritage Command, Photo No. NH 75663, courtesy
    Mike Green
    164k USS Bushnell (Submarine Tender #2) at anchor at either Queenstown (now Cobh), Ireland, or Invergordon, Scotland, 1918 with a captured German U-boat alongside.
    Leon Knight, own work photo from a family scrapbook
    Robert Hurst
    USS Bushnell (AS-2)
    Bushnell 126k USS Bushnell (AS-2) officers and crew posing on her forward superstructure, 27 August 1921. Panoramic photograph taken by J.C. Crosby, 11 Portland Street, Boston, Massachusetts. Submarines USS K-7 (SS-38), USS K-4 (SS-35) and USS K-6 (SS-37) are nested along Bushnell's port side, in the lower right of this image.
    US Naval History and Heritage Command photo # NH 103194.
    Robert Hurst
    Savannah 92k Control Force submarines and their tenders at Cristobal, Panama Canal Zone, circa 1923. The tenders are (from left to right): USS Savannah (AS-8), USS Bushnell (AS-2), USS Beaver (AS-5) and USS Camden (AS-6). Submarines are mostly "R" type boats, among them USS R-23 (SS-100) and USS R-25 (SS-102), both in the nest alongside Savannah's port quarter. The larger submarine alongside Savannah's bow may be USS S-1 (SS-105), with her large seaplane hangar. Photo by A.E. Wells.
    US Navy photo # NH 42573 courtesy of CDR. Christopher Noble, USN (Retired), 1967. From the collections of the US Naval Historical Center.
    US Naval Historical Center
    Bushnell 98k USS Bushnell (AS-2) tending submarines at Gonaives, Haiti, 1924.
    US Naval History and Heritage Command photo # NH 74633.
    Robert Hurst
    1890k USS Bushnell (AS-2) in the Thames River at New London, CT., May 26-28 1930, during Joint Army and Navy Minor maneuvers. Blue Army planes in foreground, Coast Guard destroyers used for Prohibition enforcement moored at lower right.
    U.S Army Air Corps photo # 18-AA-30-57 Mitchel Field L.I.N.Y., June 1930 U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, cataloged under National Archives Identifier (NAID) 23936531
    Theodore Leverett
    Bushnell 112k USS Bushnell (AS-2) circa late 1920s or early 1930s. At some time between 1924 and 1933 the open conning station above the pilot house was enclosed, adding a level to the forward superstructure. The original of this image was a post card.
    US Naval History and Heritage Command. Photo # None, courtesy
    Robert Hurst
    512k USS Bushnell (AS-2) docked at a US naval facility in the Panama Canal Zone, 6 January 1933.
    US National Archives photo # 80-G-455843, a US Navy photo now in the collections of the US National Archives.
    Rick Davis
    Bushnell 64k USS Bushnell (AS-2) under way off Norfolk Navy Yard, circa early-1930s.
    US Navy photo
    12k USS Bushnell (AS-2) anchored at San Diego, CA., early 1930s.
    U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command photo # NH 65017. Original negative, donated by Mr. Franklin Moran in 1967..
    Robert Hurst
    Bushnell 98k USS Bushnell (AS-2) under way, date and location unknown. Courtesy Randy Guttery Tendertales Web Site
    Bushnell 29k USS Bushnell (AS-2) at anchor, date and location unknown Hyperwar US Navy in WWII
    Bushnell 56k USS Bushnell (AS-2) at anchor, date and location unknown. US Navy photo. Richard Miller BMCS USNR Ret.
    Bushnell 165k USS Bushnell (AS-2) at anchor, date and location unknown. US Navy photo. Jim Kurrasch
    Battleship Iowa Pacific Battleship Center
    Bushnell 158k USS Bushnell (AS-2) under way, 31 October 1933, near Pearl Harbor flying a Rear Admiral's flag with "S" class submarines in line of bearing passing in review with crews on deck in the background. Bushnell was serving at this time as flagship for Commander, Submarine Force, U.S. Fleet.
    US Naval History and Heritage Command. Photo # 80-G-1010805, courtesy
    Robert Hurst
    Bushnell 147k USS Bushnell (AS-2) off Curacao, Netherlands West Indies, on a survey mission circa 1938-1939. She had been reassigned to surveying duty from the submarine force in December 1937 but retained her designation as a submarine tender (AS-2) until 1940.
    US Naval History and Heritage Command. Photo # NH 75665, courtesy
    Robert Hurst
    USS Sumner (AG-32)
    Bushnell 107k USS Sumner (AG-32), circa late 1941, after completing initial wartime modifications for surveying duty. The ship has one 5"/51 gun on the fantail and four small 3"/23 AA guns, two forward and two aft. All of these guns plus some anti-aircraft machine guns (later replaced with 20mm guns) have splinter protection in the form of gun tubs.
    US National Archives, RG-19-NS box 4, Photo # 19-N-27114 a US Navy Bureau of Ships photo now in the collections of the US National Archives, courtesy
    Mike Green
    USS Sumner (AGS-5)
    LST-737 1086k USS Sumner (AGS-5) moored at Pearl Harbor, circa 16 to 23 January 1946.
    Also present are:
    USS Bennington (CV-20) moored across the channel at NAS Ford Island,
    USS Troilus (AKA-46) moored astern of,
    USS Cape Gloucester (CVE-109),
    USS LST-1079 moored astern of
    USS LST-1070
    USS Terror (CM-5),
    USS LST-459 with LCT-1015 secured to her main deck, astern of
    USS LST-863
    Moored forward of LST-863 are an unidentified Minesweeper and two Rescue and Salvage ships
    The next pier has two unidentified ships, possibly AKs the Survey Ship USS Sumner (AGS-5), and two unidentified Minesweepers
    USS LST-737 moored astern of
    USS LST-45 moored astern of numerous Minesweepers and possibly
    USS Shipley Bay (CVE-85)
    US Navy photo BUAER photo # 496019 from "CINCPAC, Released 23 January 1946.
    David Buell
    Sumner 67k A "Short Snorter" issued by USS Sumner (AGS-5). The Operation Crossroads Short Snorters were part of Joint Operations Task Force One in which 37,000 sailors and 5,000 airmen participated in "watching" the world's 4th and 5th. nuclear explosions at Bikini Island on July 1, 1946 and July 25, 1946. See the The Short Snorters Project Tommy Trampp
    Sumner 78k
    Bushnell 134k Photographers at Bikini Atoll go ashore in an amphibious DUKW from USS Sumner (AGS-5) at anchor in the lagoon in the background. The Sumner's scientists and engineers did advance mapping and supervised the clearing of coral from landing points and anchorages before the arrival in the lagoon of Joint Army-Navy Task Force One for the atomic bomb tests.
    Photo and text from "The National Geographic Magazine", July 1946.
    Ron Reeves
    Sumner 131k USS Sumner (AGS-5) in San Francisco Bay between her arrival there, 24 May 1946, from the Far East and her departure, 9 July 1946 for the East Coast and decommissioning. Note in the process of upgrading her armament to more modern weapons in 1943 her after superstructure was expanded.
    US Naval History and Heritage Command, Photo No. NH 82204, courtesy
    Mike Green

    USS Bushnell (AS-2 / USS Sumner AG-32 / AGS-5)
    Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships (DANFS)
    Commanding Officers
    01LCDR. Boyd, David French, USN (USNA 1897)24 November 1915 - November 1916Submarine Tender No.2
    02CDR. Friedell, Wilhelm Lee, USN (USNA 1905) :RADM23 May 1917 - 16 December 1918Submarine Tender No.2
    03CDR, Taylor, Conant, USN (USNA 1906)16 January 1919 - ?Submarine Tender No.2
    04CDR. Laizure, Dallas Charles15 May 1921 - ?AS-2
    05LCDR. Bowman, Mark Cooper1924AS-2
    06CDR. Laizure, Dallas Charles1924AS-2
    07LCDR. Branham, Hugh McCulloch2 January 1926AS-2
    08CDR. Kilpatrick, Walter Kenneth, USN (USNA 1908)1927AS-2
    09CDR. Lammers, Howard Melvin, USN (USNA 1908)16 May 1929 -17 June 1931AS-2
    10CDR. Deem, Joseph Mason, USN (USNA 1909)17 June 1931 - 8 June 1933AS-2
    11CDR. Bidwell, Abel Trood, USN (USNA 1908) :RADM8 June 1933 - 20 January 1936AS-2
    12CDR. Carstarphen, Rivers Johnson, USN (USNA 1911)20 January 1936 - 20 January 1937AS-2
    13CDR. Lewis, James Mackey, USN (USNA 1915)20 January 1937 - 21 June 1939AS-2
    14LCDR. Coleman, William Bryan, USN21 June 1939 - 26 May 1941AG-32
    15CDR. Du Bois, Samuel Walter26 May 1941 - 10 March 1942AG-32
    16CDR. Truitt, Ira Walter, USN10 March 1942 - 22 May 1944AGS-5
    17LCDR. Johnson, Irving Milton, USNR22 May 1944 - 18 May 1945AGS-5
    18CDR. Brownell, Thomas Church18 May 1945 - 15 June 1945AGS-5
    19LT. Nutt, David Cameron15 June 1945 - 13 September 1946AGS-5
    Courtesy Wolfgang Hechler and Ron Reeves

    Crew Contact And Reunion Information
    U.S.Navy Memorial Foundation

    Additional Resources and Web Sites of Interest
    Pearl Harbor Action Report
    MARAD Vessel History Database
    Submarine Tenders of the United States Navy

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    This page is created and maintained by Gary P. Priolo
    All pages copyright NavSource Naval History
    Last Updated 14 March 2025