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MV 1st LT. Baldomero Lopez (AK-3010) - MSC Charter
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MV1st LT. Baldomero Lopez (AK-3010) at anchor, date and location unknown. US Navy photo. |
MSC web site |
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MV 1st LT. Baldomero Lopez (AK-3010) at anchor, date and location unknown. AMSEA photo. |
Global Security web site |
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MV 1st LT. Baldomero Lopez (AK-3010) at anchor, date and location unknown. AMSEA photo. |
Global Security web site |
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MV 1st LT. Baldomero Lopez (AK-3010) underway, date and location unknown. |
Photo by Peter Westdijk the Netherlands |
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MV 1st LT. Baldomero Lopez (AK-3010) underway, date and location unknown. |
Photo by Peter Westdijk the Netherlands |
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MV 1st LT. Baldomero Lopez (AK-3010) approaching Apra Harbor, Guam, 6 November 1992. |
Photo by Gerhard Mueller-Debus |
USNS 1st LT. Baldomero Lopez (T-AK-3010)
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USNS 1st LT. Baldomero Lopez (T-AK-3010) unloads cargo using the Improved Navy Lighterage System off the coast of Coronado, CA. Lopez served as the platform for the official operations evaluation of the new lighterage system conducted from late March to mid-May, 2006. The ship's ramp extends onto a floating roll-on/roll-off discharge facility where off-loaded cargo is positioned prior to loading onto a floating causeway for transport to shore. A landing craft utility vessel is positioned near the discharge facility, ready for the uploading of equipment for transport to shore., Photo by LCDR. Bryan E. Heller, USN. |
Lee Wahler |
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USNS 1st LT. Baldomero Lopez (T-AK-3010) pierside, date and location unknown. Photo by Katie Dunnigan. |
Bill Gonyo |
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USNS 1st LT. Baldomero Lopez (T-AK-3010) unloads equipment at the Marine Corps Prepositioning Program-Norway equipment
storage sites in Norway, 12 October 2018. Equipment was unloaded, inspected and transported to different areas to use in Exercise Trident Juncture 18. Trident Juncture
18 enhances the U.S. and NATO Allies' and partners' abilities to work together collectively to conduct military operations under challenging conditions.
US Marine Corps Photo # 181012-M-BY300-1081 NORWAY (Oct. 12, 2018) by Sgt. Bethanie C. Sahms |
Lee Wahler |
0913301010 200214-N-KK394-1325 |
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USNS 1st LT. Baldomero Lopez (T-AK-3010) anchored off the coast of Naval Station Mayport, FL., 14 February 2020. Equipment
from Lopez is being offloaded during Maritime Prepositioning Force Exercise (MPFEX) 20, which trains critical expeditionary capabilities and facilitates bridging the
seam between operations on land and sea.
US Navy photo #'s 200214-N-KK394-1325 JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (Feb. 14, 2020) and 200214-N-KK394-1356 JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (Feb. 14, 2020) by MC2 Anderson W. Branch |
Lee Wahler |
0913301011 200214-N-KK394-1356 |
255k |