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Merchant Service
9813206210 |
192k |
Norwegian flagged tanker MV Kollbris underway, date and location unknown. |
Gerhard Muller-Debus |
9813206211 |
152k |
Norwegian flagged semi-submersible, heavy-lift carrier MV Ferncarrier at anchor, date and location unknown. |
Gerhard Muller-Debus |
MSC Charter
0913206201 |
424k |
MV American Cormorant (AK-2062) underway in 1991 en route to the Persian Gulf. Note the two BD-89T
cranes on-board, only one of which was used in operations. US Army BD-89T barge, Algiers (BD-6072), was deployed to be used by the Army 10th Transportation Battalion (Terminal) during the Gulf War.
Photo from Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm: The Logistics Perspective (Association of the United States
Army Institute of Land Warfare, 1991), p.12. Courtesy of the AUSA website. |
Tommy Trampp |
101k |
MV American Cormorant (AK-2062) at anchor, date and location unknown. US Navy photo. |
Global Security web site |
59k |
MV American Cormorant (AK-2062) at anchor, date and location unknown. US Navy photo. |
Global Security web site |
52k |
MV American Cormorant (AK-2062) at anchor, date and location unknown. US Navy photo. |
Global Security web site |
44k |
MV American Cormorant (AK-2062) at anchor and partly submerged while off-loading/loading boats and barges, 10 June 1999, location unknown. US Navy photo. |
Global Security web site |
68k |
MV American Cormorant (AK-2062) loads US Army watercraft at Southampton, United Kingdom, 30 November 2004. - US Army watercraft are floated onto the submerged cargo deck of American CormorantAmerican Cormorant is a heavy-lift, float-on/float-off vessel contracted by the Military Sealift Command (MSC) to move U.S. Army watercraft assigned to Field Support Battalion-Hythe to forward deployed locations. The ship is capable of submerging itself fifteen feet below the waterline to allow watercraft to float on and off its deck. The ship loaded more than 4,190 tons of cargo, floating on a U.S. Army "port-opening package," which included three small shore tug boats, four small landing craft, one crane barge, one fuel barge and two large landing craft. US Navy photo # 041130-N-0000B-002 by Edward Baxter. |
Navy NewsStand |
65k |
MV American Cormorant (AK-2062) submerged fifteen feet below the waterline to allow US Army watercraft to "float on" in the port of Southampton, United Kingdom, 30 November 2004. US Navy photo # 041130-N-0000B-001 by Edward Baxter. |
Navy NewsStand |
51k |
MV American Cormorant (AK-2062) moored pierside, date and location unknown. |
Derick S. Hartshorn |