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USAT Bowling Green Victory
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USAT Bowling Green Victory moored pierside in 1946 at Searsport, ME. |
Edward Bojekian USAT Bowling Green Victory |
USNS Lt. Robert Craig (T-AK-252)
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Robert Craig (1919–July 11, 1943) received the Medal of Honor for heroic service as an infantry officer during the Allied invasion of Sicily in World War II. |
Tommy Trampp |
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USNS LT. Robert Craig (T-AK-252) underway, date and location unknown. |
William Zarkas, Retired MSC Boatswain President, MSC Retiree Association |
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USNS LT. Robert Craig (T-AK-252) moored pierside at Bremerhaven, Germany, June 1967. |
Photo by Gerhard L. Mueller-Debus |
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USNS LT. Robert Craig (T-AK-252), date and location unknown. |
Robert Hurst |