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Iowa (SSN-797)

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Virginia Class Attack Submarine: Named Iowa (SSN-797) on 2 September 2015 at Iowa State University MU, Ames, Iowa.
Iowa will be delivered by GDEB located in Groton, Connecticut.
SSN-792 through approximately SSN-801 are planned to make up the Fourth Block. The main improvement over the Block III is the reduction of major maintenance periods from four to three, increasing each ship's total lifetime deployments by one. (Partial text courtesy of

Specifications:Power Plant: One S9G pressurized water reactor, 29.84MW (40,000hp), one shaft with pumpjet propulsor, Improved Performance Machinery Program Phase III one secondary propulsion submerged motor. Displacement, 7,800 tons submerged. Length: 377 feet. Draft: 32 feet. Beam: 34 feet. Speed: 25+ knots submerged. Depth: Greater than 800 feet. 12 VLS & four torpedo tubes, capable of launching Mark 48 torpedoes, UGM-109 Tactical Tomahawks, Harpoon (missile)s and the new advanced mobile mine when it becomes available: Unmanned Undersea Vehicles, Special Warfare: Dry Deck Shelter. Advanced SEAL Delivery System. Sonars: Spherical active/passive arrays. Light Weight Wide Aperture Arrays. TB-16, TB-29, and future towed arrays. High-frequency chin and sail arrays. Countermeasures: 1 internal launcher (reloadable 2-barrel) 14 external launchers. Crew: 134 officers and men.

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Virginia-class1.09kNewport News Shipbuilding is teamed with General Dynamics Electric Boat to build Virginia-class submarines. Newport News Shipbuilding builds the stern, habitability & machinery spaces, torpedo room, sail and bow. Electric Boat builds the pressure hull, engine room and control room. Newport News Shipbuilding and Electric Boat each perform work on the reactor plant as well as alternate on the final assembly, test, outfit and delivery. The team has been recognized as the best shipbuilding program in the Navy.
Virginia-class Infographic PDF.
Text & photo courtesy of
Virginia-class1.04kSecretary of the Navy (SECNAV) Ray Mabus announced the name of the Virginia-class attack submarine SSN-797 as Iowa, in a ceremony in the ISU Memorial Union. ISU was chosen due to their Naval ROTC program. Iowa has no Navy bases. Text & photo courtesy of &
Virginia-class340kShipbuilder welds bulkhead 14 for the Iowa (SSN-797), Decembe 2016. Photo # 10-DCS16-626-91 by Chris Oxley courtesy of
Virginia-class442kShipbuilders prepare an Iowa (SSN-797) unit for transportation to General Dynamics Electric Boat in Rhode Island for further construction, October 2019. Photo # 5-DCS19-507-170 by Ashley Cowan courtesy of
Virginia-class816kA unit for Virginia-class submarine Iowa (SSN-797) is prepped to be transferred to General Dynamics Electric Boat in Rhode Island for further construction, November 2019. Photo # 2-DCS19-507-155 by Ashley Cowan courtesy of
Virginia-class574kTwo units that will eventually be part of Virginia-class submarine Iowa (SSN-797) are staged outside the Modular Outfitting Facility waiting to be transported to their next location to begin a new phase of construction.Photo # 13-DCS19-507-5 by Ashley Cowan courtesy of
1.29kThe controller used to control the transporter holding the bow unit for Iowa's (SSN-797) waits until it is time to move the module. Photo # 4-DCS21-231-57 by Ashley Cowan courtesy of
1.39kIowa's (SSN-797) bow unit awaits transportation to General Dynamics Electric Boat for further construction. Photo # 8-DCS21-231-291 by Ashley Cowan courtesy of
4.04k7 photo PDF of Iowa's (SSN-797) bow unit transportation to General Dynamics Electric Boat for further construction. Photos by Ashley Cowan courtesy of

There is no DANFS History currently available for Iowa (SSN-797) at the Haze Gray & Underway Web Site, the main archive for the DANFS Online Project.
Crew Contact And Reunion Information
Not applicable to this ship.
Additional Resources and Web Sites of Interest
The VIRGINIA Class America's Next Submarine
The Virginia Class—A New Submarine for the 21st Century
SSN-774 Virginia-class NSSN New Attack Submarine Centurion
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