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65k | Photo #: NH 49926. Midshipman Arnold Marcus, USN (1892-1917) photograph taken while he was attending the U.S. Naval Academy, circa 1909-1913. Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Marcus, then commanding the submarine A-7, died on 25 July 1917 as a result of injuries received in a gasoline explosion and fire on board his boat the previous day, while she was on patrol in Manila Bay, Philippine Islands. USS Marcus (Destroyer # 321, later DD-321) was named in his honor. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Tony Cowart |
115k | Undated, location unknown. (L-R) USS Altair (AD-11), USS Marcus (DD-321), unidentified, USS Sloat (DD-316), unidentified, unidentified and USS Litchfield (DD-336), NARA # 80G410474. | Daniel Dunham |
79k | Undated, location unknown. | David Wright |
163k | Undated, location unknown. Photo from the collection of the Vallejo Naval and Historical Museum. | Darryl Baker |
201k | Coloured postcard of five Clemson class destroyer alongside their tender about 1930 . The vessels are as follows: USS Chase (DD-323), USS Mullany (DD-235), USS Selfridge (DD-320), USS Mervine (DD-322) and USS Marcus (DD-321) alongside their unidentified tender. | Robert Hurst |
99k | Newspaper clipping from the Evening Herald dated August 23 1919. | Mike Mohl |
133k | U.S. Navy destroyers fitting out, At the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation's Union Plant, Potrero Works, San Francisco, California, on 1 April 1920. Ships present are (from left to right): Kidder (Destroyer # 319); Selfridge (Destroyer # 320); Chase (Destroyer # 323); Mervine (Destroyer # 322); Marcus (Destroyer # 321); LaVallette (Destroyer # 315); and Yarborough (Destroyer # 314). Photograph from the Collections of the U.S. National Archives. Photo #: 19-LC-38-L-3. | Robert Hurst |
110k | USS Marcus (Destroyer # 321) Launching, at the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation's Union Plant, Potrero Works, San Francisco, California, on 22 August 1919. The ship's Sponsor, Mrs. Helen Cowles Marcus, is seen in the photograph inset at right. Photograph from the Collections of the U.S. National Archives. | Fred Weiss |
138k | USS Marcus (DD-321) fitting out at the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation's Union Plant, Potrero Works, San Francisco, California, on 26 December 1920 (USN Photo No 19-LC-38-L2). | Robert Hurst |
72k | Photo #: NH 77317, USS Marcus (DD-321) makes a high speed pass by USS Cuyama (AO-3), during the mid-1920s. Note the 5"/50 gun on Cuyama. Courtesy of Mrs. C.R. DeSpain, 1973. From the scrapbooks of Fred M. Butler. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Paul Rebold |
78k | USS Marcus (DD-321) Steaming at high speed, circa 1923-1930. Photographed by O.W. Waterman. Courtesy of Jack L. Howland, 1983. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Fred Weiss |
116k | USS Marcus (DD-321) Photographed circa 1922-1930. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Fred Weiss |
114k | Battle Fleet maneuvers off California, November 1926 Twelve Navy torpedo planes (probably SC-1 or CS-1 types) fly in formation over USS Marcus (DD-321) during the maneuvers. "Over 100 Naval planes vied with 60 surface craft for tactical advantage in a war game which displayed every angle of Naval action except gun fire." (quoted from the original photo caption). Admiral Richard H. Jackson was Commander-in-Chief at the time of these maneuvers. Courtesy of the San Francisco Maritime Museum, San Francisco, California, 1969. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Fred Weiss |
82k | The tender USS Melville (AD-2) with Destroyer Division 35 alongside and all are flying full colours during Navy Day in San Diego, California, 28 October 1927. From left to right are the USS MacDonough (DD-331), USS Mervine (DD-322), USS Marcus (DD-321), USS Mullany (DD-325), USS Chase (DD-323), USS Robert Smith (DD-324) and USS Selfridge (DD-320). Photo from Warship Boneyards, by Kit and Carolyn Bonner. | Robert Hurst |