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Naval History

Photographic History Of The U.S. Navy


One of the prime goals of NavSource is to include at least one photograph of every ship that served the US Navy over the last 100 years. We are pleased to announce that we now have reached that goal in the Escort Carrier Archive. As you view the Archive you may find some ships with only a photo or two and they may not be of the best quality or may fail to clearly show the whole ship. We still ask, if you have any images that you feel will add to Navsource, PLEASE send them in. Finally, we take this opportunity to thank all those who have taken the time to make this website, arguably, the finest source of Naval ship images in the world.
Bravo Zulu to one and all.    Fabio Peña, Manager, Escort Carrier Archive

This page was created and is maintained by Fabio Peña
All pages copyright NavSource Naval History