Left to right: Leonard Mordell, Joe Deimart, Chet Sheakoski, Joe Schall, Joe Mordell.
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Leonard Mordell wedding picture.
619 Kb |

Leonard Mordell.
333 Kb |

USS Monterey sailor named Chris, from Pitston, Pennsylvania.
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USS Monterey bakers in the ship's galley, port side. Left to right: John Shoenberger,
Bill Manley, Chet Sheakoski, James Kurtnacher, Joe Schall, Red McIntyre.
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USS Monterey bakers in the ship's galley, starboard side. Left to right: Joe Deimert,
Martin Harper, Leonard Mordell, Red McIntyre, Red Hoffman, Dave Gurawitz., Chief Brook, Chief Elond.
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USS Monterey bakers in the ship's galley port watch. Left to right: John Johnson,
John Connally, Clyde Stanhope, Red Edwards, Herbert Lee, Henry Brown, Chief Brooks, Charles Warren,
Ernest Jackson, Richard Hanson, Phil Talbert, Amos Coleson, Donald Cook.
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USS Monterey bakers in the ship's galley starboard watch. Left to right: Ralph
Vannucci, Ken Driebriveis, Ernest Gallo, Ralph Nielson, Mike Skrika, Dusty Rhodes, York Valencia, Harry
Ferris, Chief Edwards, Bill Ledwell, Arthur Colquitt, Eugene Dunn, Donald Cook.
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USS Monterey bakers in the ship's galley. Left to right: Clements SC 3/c, Skriemetta SC 3/c,
Sirlando, W.L. (Mouse) SC 1/c, Clark, E.A. SC 3/c, Sud. SC 1/c.
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"Texas Bill Ledwell," USS Monterey.
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Left to right: Joseph Schall, Chet Sheakoski, Bill M.
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Left to right: Kutinachez, Joseph Schall and Red Hoffman.
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Left to right: Chet Sheakoski, Joseph Schall.
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Left to right: John S., Red M., Joseph Schall.
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USS Monterey sailor Paul Kruk. His hometown was Michigan.
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USS Monterey sailor Dave Gurawitz.
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