(40Kb) |
 The Tarawa and escorting cruiser anchored in Bay off Tsingtao, China. (32Kb) |
 Mail Plane Crash!!! Mail was flown aboard enroute to Singapore,
but unfortunately one of the planes - once carrying several thousand dollars worth of stamps had
trouble coming aboard and crashed flipping over into the water. Pilot and mailman were rescued.
Most mail came aboard on time (see center photo above). (57Kb) |
 Singapore Harbor. (33Kb) |
 Top: An F8F Bearcat forms a backdrop for Christmas Day Divine Services
conducted by Chaplain Parker.
Bottom: The "salts" look on in wide-eyed wonder as Santa Claus entertains. (62Kb) |
 The American and Arabian flags fly side by side during day of operations
conducted off Jidda. Prince Mansour and Party, Mr. Childs, and more than one-hundred other British and American guests witnessed the operations. (39Kb) |
 Guests on Flag Bridge watch as F8F prepares to take-off. (14Kb) |
 The Governor of Istanbul, Dr. Lufti Kirdar, tosses football onto field
to officially start the first game of American football ever played in Istanbul, CVG-1 vs. USS Tarawa.
The game was played between the USS Tarawa ship's team and the team of Air Group ONE.
It was an exhibition game and the spectators had never seen anything quite like it, but they loved
it. The Turkish Press was unqualified in its praise of this fine old American institution. (52Kb) |
 The snow had been cleared from the flight deck, and the sun was shinning
brightly, when the Tarawa sailed down the Sea of Marmara headed for the Dardanelles
and Suda Bay, Crete. (44Kb) |
 The Tarawa and The Rock of Gibraltar (40Kb) |
 Flight deck personnel re-spot planes in preparation for another day
of flight quarters. (19Kb) |