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BB3 Oregon (Crew)

Pictures from the Detroit Publishing Company Collection at the Library of Congress.

click here for more Pictures of Oregon:
Oregon (Overall View)
Oregon (Details)
Oregon (Battle of Santiago)

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Size Image Discription Call Number
Digital Id
34k U.S.S. Oregon, Capt. Barker and officers
between 1896 and 1901
(probably 1898 before Battle of Santiago)
by Edward H. Hart
det 4a14623
36k U.S.S. Oregon, shake hands
between 1896 and 1901
(probably 1898 before Battle of Santiago)
by Edward H. Hart
det 4a14637
39k U.S.S. Oregon, a knock out
between 1896 and 1901
(probably 1898 before Battle of Santiago)
by Edward H. Hart
det 4a14639
20k U.S.S. Oregon, gunner George Sanderson and crew
between 1896 and 1901
(probably 1898 before Battle of Santiago)
by Edward H. Hart
det 4a16564
36k U.S.S. Oregon, second round
between 1896 and 1901
(probably 1898 before Battle of Santiago)
by Edward H. Hart
det 4a14638
35k U.S.S. Oregon, junior officers
between 1896 and 1901
(probably 1898 before Battle of Santiago)
by Edward H. Hart
det 4a14624
36k U.S.S. Oregon, waiting for the gong
between 1896 and 1901
(probably 1898 before Battle of Santiago)
by Edward H. Hart
det 4a14636
32k U.S.S. Oregon, breech of 6-inch gun and crew
between 1896 and 1901
(probably 1898 before Battle of Santiago)
by Edward H. Hart
det 4a14617
19k U.S.S. Oregon, 6-pounder and crew
between 1896 and 1901
(probably 1898 before Battle of Santiago)
by Edward H. Hart
det 4a14618
44k U.S.S. Oregon, engineer force
between 1896 and 1901
(probably 1898 before Battle of Santiago)
by Edward H. Hart
det 4a14629
32k U.S.S. Oregon, 1-pounder and gunner
between 1896 and 1901
(probably 1898 before Battle of Santiago)
by Edward H. Hart
det 4a14621
35k U.S.S. Oregon, distributing mail
between 1896 and 1901
(probably 1898 before Battle of Santiago)
by Edward H. Hart
det 4a14601
38k U.S.S. Oregon, the athletes
between 1896 and 1901
(probably 1898 before Battle of Santiago)
by Edward H. Hart
det 4a14635
31k U.S.S. Oregon, gunner George Sanderson and crew
between 1896 and 1901
(probably 1898 before Battle of Santiago)
by Edward H. Hart
det 4a16563
40k U.S.S. Oregon, berth deck cooks
between 1896 and 1901
(probably 1898 before Battle of Santiago)
by Edward H. Hart
det 4a14632
38k U.S.S. Oregon, 1-pounder and gunner
between 1896 and 1901
(probably 1898 before Battle of Santiago)
by Edward H. Hart
det 4a14620
38k U.S.S. Oregon, ship's company
between 1896 and 1901
(probably 1898 before Battle of Santiago)
by Edward H. Hart
det 4a14630
24k U.S.S. Oregon, warrant officers
between 1896 and 1901
(probably 1898 before Battle of Santiago)
by Edward H. Hart
det 4a14627
39k U.S.S. Oregon, 6-pounder and crew
between 1896 and 1901
by Edward H. Hart
det 4a14619
29k U.S.S. Oregon, distributing mail
between 1896 and 1901
(probably 1898 before Battle of Santiago)
by Edward H. Hart
det 4a14633

click here for more Pictures of Oregon:
Oregon (Overall View)
Oregon (Details)
Oregon (Battle of Santiago)

Original Source:
Oregon (Battleship)
Santiago de Cuba (Cuba), Battle of, 1898.

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This Page Is Created And Maintained By Paul R. Yarnall, Ingo Hohm,
& Michael Mohl
All Pages © 1996 - 2024, by Paul R. Yarnall NavSource Naval History. All Rights Reserved.