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Photographic History Of The U.S. Navy
  Service Craft
Yard and District Craft Type Index

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Dry Docks
ABSD Advance Base Sectional Dock
AFD Auxiliary Floating Dry Dock
AFDB Large Auxiliary Floating Dry Dock
AFDL Small Auxiliary Floating Dry Dock
AFDM Medium Auxiliary Floating Dry Dock
ARD Auxiliary Repair Dry Dock
ARDC Concrete Auxiliary Repair Dock
ARDM Medium Auxiliary Repair Dry Dock
YFD Yard Floating Dry Dock
District Harbor Tugs
Unnumbered Harbor Tugs
YT District Harbor Tug
YTB District Harbor Tug Large
YTL District Harbor Tug Small
YTM District Harbor Tug Medium
YMT Yard Motor Tug
Oil and Water Barges
YO Fuel Oil Barge
YOG (self-propelled) Gasoline Barge
YOG-L (non-self-propelled) Gasoline Barge
YOGN (non self-propelled) Gasoline Barge
YON (non self-propelled) Fuel Oil Barge
YOS (non self-propelled) Oil Storage Barge
YW / YWN (self-propelled / non-self-propelled) Water Barge
Lighters and Barges (Self Propelled)
YF Covered Lighter
YFR Refrigerated Covered Lighter
YFRT Range Tender
YFU Harbor Utility Craft
YG / YGN Garbage Lighter
Lighters and Barges (Non Self Propelled)
AVC Catapult Lighter
YA Ash Lighter
YC Open Lighter
YCF Car Float
YCK Open Cargo Lighter
YCV Aircraft Transportation Lighter
YE Ammunition Lighter
YF / YFN Open / Covered Lighter
YFNB Large Covered Lighter
YFND Dry Dock Companion Craft
YFNX Special Purpose Lighter
YFT Torpedo Transportation Lighter
YS Stevedoring Barge
YSR Sludge Removal Barge
Craft (Self Propelled)
ASDV Auxiliary Swimmer Delivery Vehicle
YAG Miscellaneous Auxiliary Service Craft
YAGR Radar Picket Ship
YDG District Degaussing Vessel
YDT Diving Tender
YFB Ferryboat or Launch
YH Ambulance Boat
YHB House Boat
YLLC Salvage Lift Craft, Light
YM Dredge
YMP Yard Mineplanter
YN Yard Net Tender
YNT Yard Net Tender, Tug
YP Patrol Vessel / Craft
YSD Seaplane Wrecking Derrick
YTT Torpedo Trials Craft
YV Drone Aircraft Catapult Control Ship
YX Miscellaneous Unclassified
Craft (Non Self Propelled)
APL Barracks Craft (non-self propelled)
YD Floating Derrick
YDT Diving Tender
YFP Floating Power Barge
YHLC Salvage Lifting Craft, Heavy
YMLC Salvage Lift Craft, Medium
YNg Gate Craft
YPD Floating Pile Driver
YR Floating Workshop
YRB Repair and Berthing Barge
YRBM Repair Berthing and Messing Barge
YRDH Floating Dry Dock Workshop (Hull)
YRDM Floating Dry Dock Workshop (Machinery)
YRR Radiological Repair Barge
YRST Salvage Craft Tender

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This page was created by Gary P. Priolo and is maintained by David L. Wright
All pages copyright NavSource Naval History