1. c. 1945 William J. Lippincott

2. Ships logo

3. Minesweeper patch

4. c. 1942 William J. Lippincott

5. Crew photo

6. Back of crew photo

7. c. November/December 1943 Panama

8. Gizmo

9. Ginger

10. Note expression of joy on Ginger

11. Si Kivett and Bob Bartelt

12. Si Kivett, Bob Bartelt and Ginger

13. Caldwell washes Ginger

14. Bob Bartelt in the Uniform of the Day

15. Gizmo and the Exec (William Lippincott) talk thing over

16. Gizmo singing to Russ McQuain

17. Ginger bored

18. Two hundred thirty times around the deck makes a mile

19. "Black like Rosita"

20. Giz and Bostic go into business

21. Scalp treatment

22. Let's see you do this

23. The Skipper, LTJG James F. Mracek

24. The Skipper, LTJG James F. Mracek


26. William Lippincott with Gizmo and Ginger

27. BM1/c Herbert C. Hurley, Gizmo and Russ McQuain

28. Commissioning ceremony 7 July 1943 ENS William J. Lippincott, Executive Officer; ENS Henderson, First Lieutenant; ENS Bartell, Engineering Officer; ENS Strafford, Communications Officer, ENS James F. Mracek and LT Silas C. Kivett, Jr., Commanding Officer (reading his orders)

29. Campbell, MoMM2/c; Herbert Hurley, BM1/c; Patti, SC3/c; Almasi and Parren

30. Almasi and Patti, SC3/c on the pedestal with Parren and Campbell, MoMM2/c below "How do you like the gigantic palm trees? Some tower to the unbeliveable height of 60 feet, believe it or not!"

31. George Bostic, QM1/c (Alias "Fearless Bostic" veteran of 7 battles) and Gizmo

32. QM1/c George Bostic and Gizmo

33. W. E. Johnson, Y2/c; Sometimes refered to as the "Ballbearing Wave" and Gizmo

34. Gizmo and W. E. Johnson, Y2/c

35. Carl Myron Caldwell, EM2/c doing his daily (weekly) washing

36. N. L. Hinkley, SC3/c

37. BM1/c Herbert Hurley

38. Parrin; Almasi; Steiner and Campbell, MoMM2/c

39. Patti, SC3/c

40. Wiley Gibson Redford, EM2/c 1814 Blair Street Richmond, Va 21 May 1943

41. Travis

42. BM1/c Herbert Hurley on the right

43. Minnie, Parrin, MoMM2/c Campbell, Almasi and SC3/c Patti

44. BM1/c Herbert Hurley, Almasi, Paren, "Sea Buiscit" (formerly of Borden's), MoMM2/c Campbell and SC3/c Patti

45. BM1/c Herbert Hurley's Mine Warfare School Certificate Issued 26 June 1943 (when he was a Seaman Second Class)

46. BM1/c Herbert Hurley on the left (when he was a Seaman)