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YMS-8 and YMS-48 cleaning a pathway through the mines off Bataan peninsula, these hardy little minesweepers can work under severe Japanese coastal bombardment. Despite Army air cover overhead, the enemy shore guns sank the motor minesweeper YMS-48 and damaged the destroyers Fletcher [DD-445] and Hopewell [DD-681]. On the following day, a naval task group landed Army troops on the peninsula and a short
time thereafter resistance ceased on Corregidor and Bataan Painting, Watercolor on Paper by Dwight C. Shepler; 1945; Accession No. 88-199-GK |
Naval History and Heritage Command Photo added 5 February 2021 |
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28 December 1945 Shanghai, China YMS-338, YMS-6, YMS-8, YMS-53 and YMS-51 were just a portion of the mine sweeping force tied-up along the Huangpu River Photo from the collection of LTJG Jack W. Norris, XO, YMS-56 |
Paul Norris |