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LSM-471, VJ Day, 15 August 1945, in the Philippines, Harris T. Remley on the left and Benjamin Taylor on the right in a boxing match aboard LSM-471. |
| Austin Curry S1/c |
| Robert Heine |
| Richard Lutes |
| At left Bob Lobeck and right Al Linthicum |
| Deck Crew:- Front Row; Hubert Cagle, Harris Remley, John Charkowski
Second Row; Robert Heine, George Soderquist, Richard Lutes
Third Row; Marley Rodgers, Johnny Contrivo
Standing; Frank McCullough |
| Engineers group photo |
| Left Richard Lutes, Right Hubert Cagle GM2/c |
| LSM-471's first liberty party going ashore at Yokohama.
Front Row; Norman Gourley, Richard Lutes, Harris Remley, Steve Gruchala
Second Row; Jim Ewing, Ens. R. L. Blair, executive officer, Carl Cruz, Fred Eakin, Smith (not on roster), Lawrence " DOC"Miller PHM2/c |
| Crew members at Pearl Harbor, 1945 |
| Robert Schultz MOmm3/c |
| Left to Right; Carl Cruz, Robert Lobeck, Vincent Foy |