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NavSource Online: Service Ship Photo Archive

USNS Red Cloud (T-AKR-313)

International Radio Call Sign:
November - Echo - Hotel - Mike
Watson Class Vehicle Cargo Ship- (LMSR) Medium-speed Roll-on/Roll-off ship:
  • Laid down, 29 June 1998, at National Steel and Shipbuilding Co., San Diego, CA.
  • Launched, 7 August 1999
  • Delivered to the US Navy, 18 January 2000
  • Assigned to the Navy's Military Sealift Command (MSC) and placed in service as USNS Red Cloud (T-AKR-313)
  • USNS Red Cloud (T-AKR-313) is one of the Navy's 19 LMSRs, and is assigned to Afloat Prepositioning Ship Squadron Four at Diego Garcia
    Displacement 29,000 t.(lt) 62,644 t.(fl)
    Length 951'4"
    Beam 106'
    Draft 34' (max)
    Speed 24 kts.
    Cargo Capacity 292,000 sq. ft.
    Civilian Mariners 26 up to 45
    US Navy Personnel 50
    Armament none
    two GE Marine LM gas turbines; 64,000 hp (7.7 MW)
    two shafts, cp props

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    Red Cloud 364k Red Cloud (T-AKR-313) on the builders ways at National Steel and Shipbuilding Co., San Diego, CA. ready for launching, 7 August 1999. Dale Hargrave
    Red Cloud
    305k USNS Red Cloud (T-AKR-313) slides down the ways at NASSCO, San Diego, CA., 7 August 1999.
    US Navy photo # 990807-N-1144C-001
    US Navy photo
    DOD News Photo
    Dale Hargrave
    Red Cloud
    US Navy photo
    Red Cloud 68k USNS Red Cloud (T-AKR-313) underway, date and location unknown.
    US Navy photo.
    MSC web site
    Red Cloud 69k USNS Red Cloud (T-AKR-313) loads a diesel generator at Rota Spain, 9 September 2005 for transport to the United States. The generator will be used to power a Gulf-region hospital damaged by Hurricane Katrina. Red Cloud will be transporting nine generators and one 30-ton crane, which will be turned over to the states of Louisiana and Alabama. The U.S. Navy's involvement in the humanitarian assistance operations are being led by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in conjunction with the Department of Defense.
    US Navy photo # 050909-N-1111M-001 by Mr. Scott Merry.
    US Navy Newsstand
    Red Cloud
    155k USNS Red Cloud (T-AKR-313) unloads supplies onto a floating dock, 8 June 2006, to be transported to the shore during Exercise "Delmar 06", Hampton Roads, VA.
    U.S. Navy photo # 060608-N-5526M-005 by PH1 Robert R. McRill.
    Robert Hurst
    Red Cloud 257k Members of Naval Coastal Warfare Squadron 25 drove Bulgarian armored personnel carriers off the stern ramp of USNS Red Cloud (T-AKR-313) in Souda Bay, Greece, in May 2015. Squadron members jumped in and helped move equipment off the ship when local stevedores were unable to operate the foreign vehicles. Robert Hurst
    Red Cloud 370k USNS Red Cloud (T-AKR-313) off-loads coalition combat equipment and supplies at Souda Bay, Greece, in May 2015 after returning from deployment in Iraq. The Bulgarian wheeled (BRDM-2 shown) and tracked vehicles are being returned to Bulgaria by the MSC after completing a tour of duty in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF).
    US Navy photo by Paul Farley.
    Robert Hurst
    Red Cloud 140k USNS Red Cloud (T-AKR-313) participates in Combined Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore (CJLOTS) 2015 at Anmyeon Beach, Republic of Korea. CJLOTS 2015 is an exercise designed to train U.S. and Republic of Korea service members to accomplish vital logistical measures in a strategic area while strengthening communication and cooperation in the U.S.-ROK alliance.
    US Navy photo # 150630-N-FN215-026 ANMYEONDO BEACH, Republic of Korea (June 30, 2015) by MC1 Joshua Scott.
    Navy Newsstand
    Red Cloud 280k USNS Red Cloud (T-AKR-313) moored pierside at Bayonne, N.J., 3 March 2016. Note the tugboat Discovery Coast passing in front of Red Cloud.
    Photographer and contributor unknown. Image courtesy of tugster
    Robert Hurst
    Monfort Point 199k USNS Red Cloud (T-AKR-313) and USNS Montford Point (T-ESD-1) conduct skin-to-skin (S2S) operations in waters off the coast of Saipan, North Mariana Islands, July 11. The two ships connected while Montford Point acted as a floating pier for a simulated offload operation. The event displayed the two ship's ability to transfer large cargo at sea.
    US Navy photo # 170711-N-QV906-0066 SAIPAN, North Mariana Islands (July 11, 2017)/font>
    Ron Reeves
    Red Cloud
    218k USNS Red Cloud (T-AKR-313) underway, date and location unknown.
    Photo from by U.S. National Archives
    John Spivey

    USNS Red Cloud (T-AKR-313)
    Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships (DANFS)
    Corporal Mitchell Red Cloud Jr. United State Army Medal of Honor Citation
    Additional Resources and Web Sites of Interest
    Defense Video Imagery Distribution System - USNS Red Cloud (T-AKR-313)
    Navy Fact File - Large, Medium-speed, roll-on/roll-off Ships - T-AKR
    Back To The Main Photo Index Back To The Service Force Ship Type Index Back To The Vehicle Cargo Ship / Roll-on/Roll-off Ship (AKR) Photo Index
    Comments, Suggestions, E-mail Webmaster.
    This page is created and maintained by Gary P. Priolo
    All pages copyright NavSource Naval History
    Last Updated 7 March 2025