63K | Hugh Wilson McKee was born in Lexington, Kentucky on 23 April 1844. Appointed to the U.S. Naval Academy in September 1861, he graduated in June 1866 and served during the next year in the Practice Squadron and on board USS Rhode Island, flagship of the North Atlantic Squadron. In 1867-1869 he was assigned to the steam frigate Franklin and steam sloop of war Ticonderoga, both operating in European waters. McKee was promoted to Ensign in March 1868, Master a year later and Lieutenant in March 1870. As an officer of the steam frigate Colorado he voyaged to the Far East in 1870. On 10 June 1871 Lieutenant McKee went ashore near Inchon, Korea, as part of a landing force tasked with punishing Korean interference with a diplomatic and surveying expedition. During that day and the next the party's Sailors and Marines attacked and captured three fortifications. Late in the morning of 11 June the main citadel on Kang-wa island was assaulted. Lieutenant McKee received mortal wounds during the resulting hand-to-hand combat and died later that afternoon. The captured citadel was renamed Fort McKee in his honor. His body was brought back to the United States and is buried at Lexington, Kentucky. | NHC |