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| 67k | Joseph William Ozbourn, born in Herrin, Illinois, 24 October 1919, enlisted in the Marine Corps 30 October 1943. After boot training, he became a Browning Automatic Rifleman with the 1st Battalion, 23rd Marines, 4th Marine Division. Pvt. Ozbourn was killed during the battle for Japaneseheld Tinian Island, Marianas, 30 July 1944. As a member of a platoon assigned to clear the remaining Japanese troops from dugouts and pillboxes along a tree line, he was moving forward to throw an armed hand grenade into a dugout when a blast from the entrance severely wounded him and four other men flanking him. Unable to throw the grenade into the enemy position and with no place to hurl it without endangering the other men, Pvt. Ozbourn fell on it and sacrificed his own life to save his comrades by absorbing the full impact of the explosion with his own body. For “his great personal valor and unwavering loyalty” Pvt. Ozbourn was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. Photo from the USMC History Division. | Bill Gonyo |
USS Ozbourn (DD-846)
| 93k | Undated, location unknown. | - |
| 84k | Undated, location unknown. | - |
| 93k | Undated, location unknown. | - |
| 157k | Undated, location unknown. | - |
| 162k | Undated, location unknown. | Craig Chaddock |
| 88k | Undated, location unknown. | Jerry Hays |
| 79k | Undated, location unknown. | Dave Anderson, USS DeHaven Sailors Association |
| 64k | Undated, location unknown. | Tom Crew |
| 193k | Undated, location unknown. | Ed Zajkowski |
| 67k | Undated, location unknown. USS Ozbourn (DD-846) and USS Hollister (DD-788). | Richard Miller, BMCS, USNR (Ret.) |
| 112k | Undated, location unknown. | Richard Miller, BMCS, USNR (Ret.) |
| 142k | Undated, location unknown. | Truman Ronald Huff |
 0584642 |
165k | Stern view, location unknown, circa late 1960s. | Dave Wright |
| 42k | Photo of the 1948 collision with the USS Theodore E. Chandler (DD-717) aftermath from the collection of John's dad. | John K Cronk |
| 43k | Photo of the 1948 collision with the USS Theodore E. Chandler (DD-717) aftermath from the collection of John's dad. | John K Cronk |
| 116k | San Diego early 1950's. | Marc Piché |
| 61k | USS Ozbourn (DD-846) shown with a Korean small craft taken from the USS Heron MSC(O) with other minesweepers in the distance, near Kojo about October, 1952. | Wayne Schafer |
| 160k | Through the fifties, U.S. destroyers retained their 21-inch torpedo tubes more as a space and weight reservation against future ASW weapons than for attacks against surface ships. The long-range antiship torpedo program was canceled in 1956, partly because the standard trainable tube could not accommodate homing torpedoes requiring heaters. Here the Ozbourn (DD 846) fires an antiship torpedo, August 1957. Note the characteristic fire-room air intakes on her funnel, adopted in the Fletchers and later destroyers to overcome sea damage experienced in earlier ships that had their air intakes under their funnel casings. | Fabio Peña |
| 141k | USS Isbell (DD-869), USS Ozbourn (DD-846), USS Frank Knox (DD-742) in Wellington, New Zealand in 1956. | Bob Matthews |
| 148k | Coming alongside USS Taluga (AO-62), Kaohsiung, Formosa, February 1958. | Tommy Trampp |
| 149k | Entering Kaohsiung harbor, Formosa, February 1958. Photo by Bob King. | Tommy Trampp |
| 141k | November 23 1959, location unknown. | Ed Zajkowski |
| 87k | Two views of the collision between USS Midway (CVA-41) and USS Ozbourn (DD-846) on November 30 1960. | Gary Schreffler |
| 59k | As above. | Gary Schreffler |
| 66k | June 13 1963 with USS Kitty Hawk (CVA-63) in the background. Photo by PH1 Julius, NPC 1094463. | Ed Zajkowski |
| 125k | December 1 1964, firing ASROC as seen from the USS Constellation (CVA-64), NPS 1109436. | Ed Zajkowski |
| 169k | Taken by Denis from a PBR while the ship was at anchor in Saigon Bay, the Ozbourn is providing NGFS (Naval Gunfire Support). Photo is slightly out of focus. | Denis LaCrosse |
| 112k | Viewed from the USS Comstock (LSD-19) in dry dock in Portland, OR. Probably at Willamette Iron and Steel Co., circa Oct-Dec 1968. | John Donaldson |

Welcome Aboard pamphlet - circa 1970 | Robert M. Cieri |
| 72k | USS Edson (DD 946), USS Theodore E. Chandler (DD 717) and USS Ozbourn (DD 846) circa 1973. | Charles E. Walker Jr. STGCS (SW) USN ret. |
| 62k | Ship's patch. | Mike Smolinski |
| 41k | Ship's patch. | Mike Smolinski |
186k | Ship's Zippo. | Tommy Trampp |