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82k | Commander William B. Cushing, USN, (1842-1874), was born in Delafield, Wisconsin, on 4 November 1842, but spent most of his childhood in Fredonia, New York. He attended the U.S. Naval Academy from 1857 until March 1861, when his high-spirited behavior led to his resignation. The outbreak of the Civil War brought him back into the service, and he soon distinguished himself as an officer of extraordinary initiative and courage. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant in mid-1862, Cushing served as Executive Officer of the gunboat Commodore Perry, then was given command of the tug Ellis, which was lost under heroic circumstances on 25 November 1862. He subsequently commanded the gunboats Commodore Barney, Shokokon and Monticello. During this time, he led several daring reconnaissance and raiding excursions into Confederate territories. On the night of 27-28 October 1864, Cushing and a small crew took the Navy steam launch Picket Boat Number One upriver to Plymouth, NC, where they attacked and sank the Confederate ironclad ram CSS Albemarle with a spar torpedo. This action made him a national celebrity, and he was quickly promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. In January 1865, Cushing helped lead the Navy landing force in the conquest of Fort Fisher, NC, again distinguishing himself. Following the Civil War, LCdr. Cushing was executive officer of USS Lancaster and commanding officer of USS Maumee. Promoted to Commander in 1872, he was captain of USS Wyoming in 1873-74. In November 1873, he boldly confronted Spanish authorities in Cuba to save the lives of many passengers and crew of the steamer Virginius, which had been captured bringing men and supplies to Cuban revolutionaries. While serving as Executive Officer of the Washington Navy Yard, DC, Commander Cushing's always delicate health gave way and he died on 17 December 1874. | NHC |
| 260k | William Barker Cushing’s grave at the United States Naval Academy. | Bill Gonyo |
USS Cushing (DD-797)
| 157k | Undated, location unknown. The ship is painted in camouflage Measure 31, Design 16d. | - |
| 45k | Undated, location unknown. | - |
| 186k | Undated, location unknown. USS Cushing (DD 797) screening an unidentified carrier. Photo from the collection of the Vallejo Naval and Historical Museum. | Darryl Baker |
| 109k | Undated, location unknown. | Richard Miller BMCS UNR RET. |
| 185k | Undated, location unknown. | Richard Miller BMCS UNR RET. |
| 60k | USS Dennis J Buckley (DD 808), USS Cowell (DD 547) and USS Cushing (DD 797), during a port call in San Francisco, sometime during the 1950's. | Robert M. Cieri |
| 17k | In moth balls at Long Beach early 1951 prior to recommissioning for the Korean War. USS Prichett (DD-561), USS Cushing (DD-797) and USS Cowell (DD-547). | Harry Galbraith |
| 225k | NavalBase, Los Angeles, Terminal Island, August 17 1951, Vice Admiral J.L. Hall,Commander, Western Sea Frontier and Commander, Pacific Reserve Fleet,addressing audience and crews and Rear Admiral Burton C. Davis, Commander, LongBeach Groups, Pacific Reserve Fleet. during the re-commissioning of three Navy destroyers.Nearest dock is the U.S.S. Owen, outboard of her U.S.S. Prichett and taken fromgun turret of U.S.S. Cushing was the image. Photo courtesy of the USCLibraries Special Collections Doheny Memorial Library, Los Angeles, CA. | Bill Gonyo |
| 123k | NavalBase, Los Angeles, Terminal Island, August 17 1951, Vice Admiral J.L. Hall,Commander, Western Sea Frontier and Commander, Pacific Reserve Fleet,addressing audience and crews and Rear Admiral Burton C. Davis, Commander, LongBeach Groups, Pacific Reserve Fleet. during the re-commissioning of three Navydestroyers. Nearest dock is the U.S.S. Owen, outboard of her U.S.S. Prichettand taken from gun turret of U.S.S. Cushing was the image. Photo courtesyof the USC Libraries Special Collections Doheny Memorial Library, Los Angeles, CA. | Bill Gonyo |
| 263k | NavalBase, Los Angeles, Terminal Island, August 17 1951, Chaplain Leigh Pink onplatform leads audience and high-ranking officers (left foreground) and crewmembers of three re-commissioned destroyers in invocation at re-commissioningceremonies at Naval Base, Los Angeles, Terminal Island. Photo courtesy of the USC Libraries Special Collections DohenyMemorial Library, Los Angeles, CA. | Bill Gonyo |
| 219k | August 30 1954, location unknown. | Ed Zajkowski |
| 113k | San Francisco June 13 1957. | Robert M. Cieri |
 0579719 |
212k | Cushing (DD-797) at Sydney, Australia, during the late 1950s. | Dave Wright |
| 75k | Ship's patch. | Mike Smolinski |
| 169k | Ship's patch. | Mike Smolinski |
| 100k-120k | Uniform Ship's name shoulder patch. | Al Grazevich |
CT Paraná (D-29)
| 57k | As the CT Paraná (D-29). Brazilian Navy Photo. | Luiz BRAZIL Cotta, FT3 Ret. Brazilian Navy |
| 91k | As the Paraná, undated and location unknown. | Robert Hurst |
| 284k | Four Brazilian Navy Fletcher - class destroyers and the light cruiser Tamandare (C 12, ex-USS St Louis, CL-49) underway heading northwards in formation, during the so-called Lobster war with France in 1961. The four destroyers are from bottom to top: Paraiba (D 28, ex-USS Bennett (DD-473); Para (D 27, ex-USS Guest, DD-472); Paraná (D29, ex-USS Cushing (DD-797) and Pernambuco (D 30,ex-USS Hailey (DD-556). Brazilian Navy photo. | Robert Hurst |
| 164k | Paraná (D-29) underway in 1970, location unknown. Courtesy Engineer Captain Aluino Martins de Silva, P.N. | Robert Hurst |