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| 80k | Photo #: NH 41904. Rear Admiral George H. Wadleigh, USN portrait photograph, taken circa 1902.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Tony Cowart |
| 53k | Undated postcard Copyright © Marine Photos, San Diego, CA. | Mike Smolinski |
| 57k | Undated, USS Wadleigh (DD-689) exploding mines in Kossol Passage, Palau. Photos taken from "United States Destroyer Operations in World War II" by Theodore Roscoe. | Robert Hurst |
| 60k | Undated, location unknown. | Richard Miller BMCS USNR RET. |
76k | Undated, Ponta Delgada, Azores Islands. USS Remey (DD-688), USS Wadleigh (DD-689) and USS Damato (DD-871). | Carlos Manuel Estrela |
| 72k | USS Wadleigh (DD-689) Launching, at the Bath Iron Works shipyard, Bath, Maine, 7 August 1943. Photographed by Douglas. Courtesy of Quentin Ludgin, 1969. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Fred Weiss |
| 317k | USS Wadleigh (DD 689) Mine Damage Diagram from mine explosion occurring 23 September 1944. Source: Structural Repairs in Forward Areas During World War II, Bureau of Ships Navy Department, December, 1949, Plate No. 19. | Mike Green |
| 187k | USS Wadleigh (DD 689) Mine Damage Hull Patch Diagram from mine explosion occurring 23 September 1944. Source: Structural Repairs in Forward Areas During World War II, Bureau of Ships Navy Department, December, 1949, Plate No. 23. | Mike Green |
| 83k | USS Wadleigh (DD 689) in dry dock USS ARD-16 in November 1944. Photo shows starboard side looking forward at hole in shell, starboard side . Note divers patch above bilge keel. Plating is bent sharply inboard at end of reduction gear foundation. Source: Structural Repairs in Forward Areas During World War II, Bureau of Ships Navy Department, December, 1949, Photo No. 35. | Mike Green |
| 79k | USS Wadleigh (DD 689) in dry dock USS ARD-16 in November 1944. showing divers patch over crack in shell plating, frame 111, port side. Source: Structural Repairs in Forward Areas During World War II, Bureau of Ships Navy Department, December, 1949, Photo No. 37. | Mike Green |
| 93k | USS Wadleigh (DD 689) in dry dock USS ARD-16 in November 1944. Photo shows patch over crack on port side. Note external flat bar stiffeners on B & C strakes. Source: Structural Repairs in Forward Areas During World War II, Bureau of Ships Navy Department, December, 1949, Photo No. 48, | Mike Green |
| 77k | Ensign Dorothy Swallen, and Ensign Dora Eggleston At the Mare Island Navy Yard, California, circa late 1944. Both were Navy Nurses stationed at the Mare Island Naval Hospital. USS Wadleigh (DD-689) is in the background. Official U.S. Navy Photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives. | Fred Weiss |
| 108k | USS Wadleigh (DD-689) At the Mare Island Navy Yard, California, 10 April 1945. Note the men working on her foredeck, some of whom are watching the photographer. Official U.S. Navy Photograph, from the collections of the Naval Historical Center. | Fred Weiss |
| 126k | USS Wadleigh (DD-689) At the Mare Island Navy Yard, California, 10 April 1945. Circles mark recent alterations to the ship. Official U.S. Navy Photograph, from the collections of the Naval Historical Center. | Fred Weiss |
| 111k | USS Wadleigh (DD-689) Off the Mare Island Navy Yard, California, 11 April 1945. Official U.S. Navy Photograph, from the collections of the Naval Historical Center. | Fred Weiss |
| 103k | USS Wadleigh (DD-689) Off the Mare Island Navy Yard, California, 11 April 1945. Official U.S. Navy Photograph, from the collections of the Naval Historical Center. | Fred Weiss |
| 116k | USS Wadleigh (DD-689) Off the Mare Island Navy Yard, California, 11 April 1945. Official U.S. Navy Photograph, from the collections of the Naval Historical Center. | Fred Weiss |
| 115k | Circa 1946, location unknown. | Cliff Coffey |
| 275k | Map of the Wadleigh's deployments in World War II from October 1943 until January 1946. | Cliff Coffey |
| 80k | Circa 1946, location unknown. | Cliff Coffey |
| 234k | Crew photo circa 1946, location unknown. | Cliff Coffey |

Circa 1951-1955, the collection of shipmate John Berwick. | Dylan Berwick |
| 160k | USS Wadleigh (DD-689) Underway, circa 1951, soon after she was recommissioned during the Korean War. Official U.S. Navy Photograph, from the collections of the Naval Historical Center. | Fred Weiss |
| 181k | USS Wadleigh (DD-689) Underway, circa 1951, soon after she was recommissioned. Official U.S. Navy Photograph, from the collections of the Naval Historical Center. | Fred Weiss |
| 64k | USS Wadleigh (DD-689) Underway, date and location unknown (probably 1950s). | Dave Wright |
| 92k | USS Barry (DD-933) (center) and USS Wadleigh (DD-689) (left distance) Pass astern of USS Des Moines (CA-134), Sixth Fleet flagship, while the latter was at anchor off Rhodes, Greece, in mid-June 1958. Note fire control radar on one of Des Moines' 3"/50 gun mounts, at right, and the U.S. Ensign flying at top left. Official U.S. Navy Photograph, from the collections of the Naval Historical Center. | Fred Weiss |
| 76k | Newport, RI 1958. | Marc Piché |
| 203k | Circa 1959-1961 in drydock in Boston. | John Romppainen |
| 147k | Circa 1960 Ship's band performing on the fantail. | John Romppainen |
| 135k | As above. | John Romppainen |
| 164k | Circa 1961 in Karachi, Pakistan. | John Romppainen |
| 141k | USS Wadleigh (DD-689) Jacket patch of the ship's insignia used in 1960s. Courtesy of Captain G.F. Swainson, USN, 1970. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Fred Weiss |
On Chilean Service
| 19k | Blanco Encalada - Manuel Blanco Encalada (Buenos Aires, 21 April 1790 — Santiago, 5 September 1876), was an Argentine-born Chilean military who took part in the wars of independence of Chile, Peru, and against the Peruvian-Bolivian Confederation. During the "Patria Vieja" (Old Homeland) he was a captain in the patriotic army under the command of Carrera and during the "Patria Nueva" (New Homeland) he joined as an officer in the "United Army Liberator of Chile." | Francisco Javier Santos Vazquez |
| 62k | Undated, location unknown. | Robert Hurst |
| 100k | Chilean sailors manning the rails on board the destroyer Blanco Encalada DD 14 (ex-USS Wadleigh, DD-689), circa 1963, location unknown. Photo Chilean Navy, Official. | Robert Hurst |
| 50k | Circa 1966, location unknown. | Robert Hurst |
| 73k | As the Chilean Blanco Encalada, in the gulf of Penas 47º 20'S, 75ºW, November 1969. Ricardo is near the spotlight. | Ricardo Rivera |
| 157k | Blanca Encalada (DD-14, ex-USS Wadleigh) underway in 1970, location unknown. Chilean Navy Official | Robert Hurst |
| 50k | As the Blanco Encalada, depth charge test firing between Talcahuano and Valparaíso, December 3 1970. | Ricardo Rivera |
| 73k | As the Chilean Blanco Encalada, depth charge test firing between Talcahuano and Valparaíso, December 3 1970. | Ricardo Rivera |
| 110k | As the Chilean Blanco Encalada, in dry dock Nº2 at Talcahuano, Chile in 1970. | Ricardo Rivera |