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57k | William Henry Hunt, born in Charleston, S.C., 12 June 1823, was Secretary of the Navy under President Garfield. After studying law at Yale, he finished his professional training in his brothers' office in New Orleans, where he was admitted to the bar in 1844. Hunt opposed secession and favored the Union cause. He was nevertheless drafted into the Confederate Army and commissioned Lieutenant Colonel. However, he managed to avoid involvement in military operations until Admiral Farragut captured New Orleans. In March 1876, Hunt was appointed Attorney-General of Louisiana, and in July of that year he was the Republican candidate for this office. Both parties claimed victory in the election, but Hunt lost the position when President Hayes recognized the Democratic government of the State. As compensation, the President appointed him Associate Judge of the United States Court of Claims, 15 May 1878. He served in this capacity until he became President Garfield's Secretary of the Navy. Secretary Hunt rendered invaluable service by reporting that the Navy, grossly neglected after the Civil War, was no longer able to protect Americans abroad. He appointed the first Naval Advisory Board which undertook the work of rebuilding the Navy, emasculated by public apathy and lock of funds. After Vice President Arthur succeeded Garfield in the presidency, he retired Hunt from the cabinet by appointing him Minister to Russia 7 April 1882. He died February 1884, while representing the United States at Saint Petersburg. Photo: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. | Bill Gonyo |
| 86k | NPC-1045416. Undated, location unknown. | Don Scott, YNCS (SS) USN (Ret.) |
| 86k | World War II image, undated, location unknown. | Captain Jerry Mason USN |
| 115k | Undated, location unknown. | Richard Miller BMCS USNR RET. |
| 78k | USS Hunt (DD-674) at sea, circa 1943. Official U.S. Navy Bureau of Ships photo 19-N-51984. | Robert Hurst |
| 67k | Souvenir button of the launching of the USS Hunt (DD-674) and USS Lewis Hancock (DD-675) on August 1 1943. Courtesy of | Tom Kerman |
| 194k | USS Harry E Hubbard (DD-748) being maneuvered by tugs to the pier in preparation to be demothballed and placed back into service in the early 1950's with the USS Hunt (DD-674), USS Hickox (DD-673), USS Bullard (DD-660) and USS Rooks (DD-804) in the right background. Photo courtesy of Life magazine. | Bill Gonyo |
| 86k | Hampton Roads, circa 1957. | Marc Piché |
| 58k | A series of 8 photos by Glenn Herzenach PNSN USS Intrepid, 1957 to May 1958. The photos were taken during the NATO operation "Strike Back." | Robert Hall |
| 111k | As above. | Robert Hall |
| 103k | As above. | Robert Hall |
| 70k | As above. | Robert Hall |
| 114k | As above. | Robert Hall |
| 16k | As above. | Robert Hall |
| 112k | As above. | Robert Hall |
| 8k | As above. | Robert Hall |
| 53k | USS Hunt (DD-674) underway circa 1959, location unknown. | Robert Hurst |
| 168k | USS Hunt (DD-674) is shown Coming alongside USS Tarawa (CVS-40) to refuel at sea, 25 April 1959. Photo from the collection of the Vallejo Naval and Historical Museum. | Darryl Baker/Robert Hurst |
| 97k | Seven views of the Hunt as she was alongside the USS Robinson (DD-562) from November 1960. From the collection of Leon R. Case, Jr. | C. E. Case |
| 178k | As above. | C. E. Case |
| 153k | As above. | C. E. Case |
| 157k | As above. | C. E. Case |
| 175k | As above. | C. E. Case |
| 181k | As above. | C. E. Case |
| 179k | As above. | C. E. Case |
| 115k | December 1963, mothball fleet drydocking imediately prior to decommissioning at Philadelphia Navy Yard. | Ed Zajkowski |
| 41k | Ship's patch | Mike Smolinski |