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17k | Howard Raymond Healy was born in Chelsea, Mass., March 28 1899, and graduated from the Naval Academy in 1922. After serving on various ships of the fleet and as an instructor at the Naval Academy, Healy commanded Dorsey (DD-117) 1937-1939. After a tour at Naval Torpedo Station, Newport, R.I., Comdr. Healy reported 13 March 1941 as Damage Control Officer on board Lexington (CV-2). During the Battle of the Coral Sea, Lexington took two torpedoes and two bomb hits May 8 1942, and despite heroic damage control could not be saved. Commander Healy died on board and was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star for his courage, leadership, and professional excellence during the battle to save his ship. Commander Healy perished at his battle station. | Bill Gonyo |
| 95k | Undated, location unknown. | Richard Miller BMCS USNR RET. |
96k | The Launching on July 4 1943. 9 year old Howard Jr. (Later CAPT Howard R. Healy, Jr., USNR, RET) is honored to be on the rail for the launching of USS HEALY. Further, a cousin of the Namesake served in HEALY for her first wartime cruise as an officer in her wardroom. | Kevin M. Healy |
290k | The Launching Party July 4 1943. Son of Namesake, 9 year old Howard R. Healy, Jr., is seen wearing the Purple Heart for the Loss of his father, CDR Howard Healy, in the Battle of the Coral Sea (May 8, 1942). A Navy family to the 21st Century, Howard Jr. later retired as a Navy Captain and Naval Aviator. Also seen herein is other son, 7 year old Thomas Michael Healy, who was later an Ensign, but died in a tragic traffic accident in submarine training at Mare Island, CA. Photos submitted by CAPT Howard R. Healy, Jr's son, LT Kevin M. Healy, JAGC, USN. | Kevin M. Healy |
35k | Launching July 4 1943 at Kearny, New Jersey of the USS Healy (DD-672) and USS Hickox (DD-673. | Ron Reeves |
182k | Kearny, New Jersey, July 4 1943, holding bottles in their hands that they smashed against the prows of the vessels named for their husbands, both former Lieutenant Commanders, Mrs. Ralph Hickox (Left) of Washington D.C., Mrs. Howard R. Healy of Long Beach, California, participated in the launching ceremonies for the destroyers USS Hickox (DD-673) and USS Healy (DD-672) respectively on July 4 1943, at the Kearny Shipyards of U.S. Steel’s Federal Shipbuilding Company. Their husbands, both Naval Heroes, died in action in the present war. Photo courtesy of the Acme Newspictures. | Bill Gonyo |
109k | USS Healy (DD-672) underway at sea, probably at the time she was completed, circa September 1943. Wartime censors retouched this image to remove radar antennas atop the ship's foremast and Mark 37 gun director. Official U.S. Navy Photograph, from the collections of the Naval History and Heritage Command. Photo #: NH 107193. | Robert Hurst |
79k | San Francisco, CA, 5 June 5 1945. In the background, a tanker and the light Cleveland class cruiser Biloxi (Cl-80). | Pieter Bakels |
73k | As above. | Pieter Bakels |
60k | As seen from the USS Tidewater at Charleston Navy Yard in 1946. | Ron Reeves |
158k | Circa 1952, location unknown. | Wolfgang Hechler |
173k | San Diego 1953 | Fred Scior |
167k | July 13 1953, location unknown. | Ed Zajkowski |
| 56k | Ship's patch | Mike Smolinski |