153k | Besides a few details of his service in the Navy, little is known of the life of William Wiley. He entered the Navy on 2 April 1803 and was assigned to the schooner Enterprise in the Mediterranean squadron. After attaining the rates of boatswain, boatswain's mate, and then a reduction to quartermaster, Wiley took part in the daring raid led by Lt. Stephen Decatur, Jr., in the ketch Intrepid at Tripoli harbor on 16 February 1804, destroying the frigate Philadelphia in the engagement. Quartermaster Wiley was transferred to the brig Scourge soon thereafter, and this is where his documentary trail ends. Photo #: NH 50528. Burning of USS Philadelphia, 16 February 1804, reproduction of a 19th Century engraving, depicting Lieutenant Stephen Decatur leading his men as they recaptured the Philadelphia in Tripoli harbor, prior to setting her afire. Published in the "American Weekly" supplement to the "Washington Times-Herald", circa March-April 1940, illustrating an article by Harold T. Wilkins. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Bill Gonyo |