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No Photo Available | - | Thomas Claxton, born in Baltimore, Md., entered the Navy as a midshipman 17 December 1810. He was mortally wounded after gallant service in the Battle of Lake Erie 10 September 1813, dying at Erie, Pa., 17 October 1813. | Robert M. Cieri |
The President of the United States takes pleasure in presenting the PRESIDENTIAL UNIT CITATION to the
for service as set forth in the following CITATION:
"For extraordinary heroism in action against enemy Japanese forces during theSolomon Islands Campaign, from November 1, 1943, to February 23, 1944. Boldlypenetrating submarine-infested waters during a period when Japanese naval and airpower was at its height, Destroyer Squadron TWENTY THREE operated in daringdefiance of repeated attacks by hostile air groups, closing the enemy'sstrongly fortified shores to carry out sustained bombardments against Japanesecoastal defenses and render effective cover and fire support for the majorinvasion operations in this area. Commanded by forceful leaders and manned byaggressive, fearless crews the ships of Squadron TWENTY THREE coordinated as asuperb fighting team; they countered the enemy's fierce aerial bombing attacksand destroyed or routed his planes; they intercepted his surface task forces,sank or damaged his warships by torpedo fire and prevented interference withour transports. The brilliant and heroic record achieved by Destroyer SquadronTWENTY THREE is a distinctive tribute to the valiant fighting spirit of theindividual units in this indomitable combat group and of each skilled andcourageous ship's company."
For the President,
James Forrestal Secretary of the Navy |
| 10k | Undated, location unknown. | - |
| 129k | Undated, location unknown. | Tom Crew |
| 70k | USS Charles Ausburne (DD-570), USS Dyson (DD-572), and USS Claxton (DD-571) engage and sink the Japanese destroyer IJNS Yugiri in "The Little Beavers at the Battle of Cape St. George" by the aviation artist R.G. Smith. Courtesy of Ms. Sharlyn Marsh. | Robert Hurst |

USS Harrison is portside to the fitting out pier at Consolidated Steel Corp, Orange Texas, during the week of 11-18 October 1942. On her far side USS Claxton is facing the Sabine River. NA 19GC/dd580 folder. | John Chiquoine and Dave Schroeder |
| 51k | February 15 1943, location unknown. | David Buell |

Charleston Navy Yard, February 16 1943 | Mike Mohl |

Charleston Navy Yard, March 8 1943 | Mike Mohl |
| 104k | Stern view of the battle damage to the USS Claxton (DD 571) at Mare Island on 13 March 1944. She was in overhaul at Mare Island in 10 March to 18 May 1944. The USS Selfridge (DD 357) is to the left and note her new dual and single 5" gun mounts. | Darryl Baker |
| 101k | Bow on view of USS Claxton (DD 571) departing Mare Island on 13 May 1944. | Darryl Baker |
| 104k | Broadside view of USS Claxton (DD 571) off Mare Island on 13 May 1944. She was in overhaul at the yard from 10 March until 18 May 1944. The ship is painted in camouflage Measure 31, Design 16d. | Darryl Baker |
| 97k | Stern view of USS Claxton (DD 571) departing Mare Island on 13 May 1944. | Darryl Baker |
| 139k | USS Claxton (DD 571) off Mare Island on May 13, 1944. Photo from the collection of the Vallejo Naval and Historical Museum. | Darryl Baker |
| 100k | USS Claxton (DD-571) off the Mare Island Navy Yard, California, 13 May 1944. She is painted in Camouflage Measure 31, Design 16D. Photograph from the Bureau of Ships Collection in the U.S. National Archives. Photo #: 19-N-66231. | Robert Hurst |
| 119k | A series of photos from the Claxton at Mare Island in May 1944. | David Buell |
| 96k | As above. | David Buell |
| 118k | As above. | David Buell |
| 147k | Photo #: NH 59864. Destroyer Squadron 23 officers of the squadron enjoy a beer at "Cloob Des-Slot", Purvis Bay, Solomon Islands, on 24 May 1944. Those present are (from left to right): Commander R.A. Gano, Commanding Officer, USS Dyson (DD-572); Commander Luther K. Reynolds, Commanding Officer, USS Charles Ausburne (DD-570); Captain Arleigh A. Burke, Squadron Commodore; Commander B.L. Austin, Commander Destroyer Division 46; Commander D.C. Hamberger, Commanding Officer, USS Converse (DD-509); Commander Herald Stout, Commanding Officer, USS Claxton (DD-571); and Commander Henry J. Armstrong, Commanding Officer, USS Spence (DD-512). Courtesy of the Naval Historical Foundation. Collection of Admiral Arleigh A. Burke, USN. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Bill Gonyo |
| 101k | No. 3 upper handling room fire on the USS Abner Read (DD-626) shortly after Kamikaze hit on November 1, 1944. Destroyer standing by is the USS Claxton (DD-571). Source: United States Naval Department Bureau of Ships War Gunfire/Bomb Damage/Loss Report No. 51. | Mike Green |
| 153k | USS Killen (DD-593), at left, USS Canberra (CA-70), right, and USS Claxton (DD-571), beyond Canberra's bow undergoing battle damage repairs in the floating drydock ABSD-2 at Manus, Admiralty Islands, 2 December 1944. Note men crowding the rails on Canberra, and her two forward 8"/55 triple gun turrets. Official U.S. Navy Photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives. | Fred Weiss |
| 25k | USS Claxton (DD-571) and USS Canberra (CA-70) undergoing battle damage repairs in the floating drydock ABSD-2 at Manus, Admiralty Islands, 2 December 1944. | JM Dill, CWO4 USN (Ret.) |
| 156k | USS Claxton (DD-571) enters the floating drydock USS ABSD-2 at Manus on 2 December 1944 for repair of kamikaze damage received off Leyte on 1 November 1944. Already in the dock is USS Canberra (CA-70), with another kamikaze damaged ship, USS Killen (DD-593) is in the center background, also ready to enter the drydock.
US National Archives photo 80-G-359488 | MIke Green |
| 135k | USS Claxton (DD-571), at aft, USS Canberra (CA-70), at centre, and USS Killen (DD-593), right undergoing battle damage repairs in the floating drydock ABSD-2 at Manus, Admiralty Islands, 2 December 1944 (USN Photo No 80-G-304058). | Robert Hurst |
| 62k | USS Claxton (DD-571) shelling Corregidor, in February 1945. Note landing craft moving towards the beaches. | Robert Hurst |
| 92k | Claxton at Mare Island in November 29 1945. | David Buell |
On Federal Republic of Germany Service
| 94k | Undated, as the D-178. | Wolfgang Mees |
| 72k | Undated, location unknown. | Robert Hurst |
| 109k | Undated, location unknown. | Wolfgang Hechler |
| 138k | Undated, location unknown. | Wolfgang Hechler |
| 128k | Undated, location unknown. | Wolfgang Hechler |
| 100k | As the Z-4/D-178 circa early 1960's. | Marc Piché |
| 118k | Newspaper clipping from the early 1960's, showing the CLAXTON (DD 571) as the West German D 178, approaching the locks in Kiel, Germany. | Gerhard L. Mueller-Debus |
| 173k | Z4 (ex-USS Claxton DD571) circa 1967, location unknown. From Jane's Fighting Ships 1967-1968. | Mike Green |
| 4k | German Navy Coat of Arms for the Z4. | Franzen Karlheinz |