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 0553615 |
91k | Elias Kane Owen was born on 21 November 1834, in Chicago, Illinois, the third and final child of Indian agent Thomas Jefferson Vance Owen and Emmeline Hochkiss Owen. In 1848, Congressman Abraham Lincoln of Springfield took the 14 year old Owen to Washington and had him entered in the United States Naval Academy as a Midshipman on 07 December 1848. Attending the Academy in 1849, Owen then served aboard Independence, the Mediterranean Squadron flagship, until 1852. Owen then served the next two years in the Africa Squadron aboard sloop Marion, being appointed a Passed Midshipman 15 July 1854. Owen then served in the Coast Survey, being promoted to Master on 15 September 1855, and Lieutenant on 16 September 1855. Briefly serving in the West Indies Squadron aboard sloop Jamestown during 1858, Owen spent the next two years on anti-slavery patrol in the Africa Squadron aboard sloop Saratoga. With the outbreak of the Civil War, he served aboard the steam gunboat James Adger, unsuccessfully hunting for the Confederate raider Nashville off Ireland. Owen then returned to the South Atlantic Blockading Squadron off South Carolina. Promoted to Lieutenant Commander 16 July 1862, Owen assumed command of the Mississippi Squadron ironclad Louisville in late December 1862, seeing action in the Yazoo River campaign into 1863. Following the surrender of Vicksburg on 04 July of that year, Owen assumed command of the squadron's Fifth Division. In addition, he supervised the salvage of the sunken ironclad Cairo and battled Confederate guerillas in the area. In February 1864 he led the naval component of the Coates Expedition on the Yazoo, and in March-May participated in the Red River expedition. Posted to the New York receiving ship in spring 1865, Owen was promoted to Commander 25 July 1866. From fall of that year he served two years on special duty at Mound City naval station, overseeing the salvage of sunken vessels and disposing and demobilizing naval assets
on the inland river. Owen next commanded steam sloop Seminole of the North Atlantic Squadron during 1868-1869. From September 1870 to September 1873 he commanded the Norfolk receiving ship, thereafter awaiting orders until retiring 09 June 1876. Commander Owen died at Kaskaskia, Illinois, on 08 April 1877, and is interred in Saint Marys Catholic Cemetery in Chester, Illinois.
[This bio is mainly derived from Myron J. Smith, Jr.'s Ironclad Captains of the Civil War, as the DANFS entry is terse to the point of pointlessness.]
| Dave Wright |
USS Owen (DD-536)
172k | Undated WWII image, location unknown. | Ed Zajkowski |
27k | Undated postwar postcard, location unknown. | Bill Owen |
96k | Undated postwar image, location unknown. | Richard Miller BMCS USNR RET. |
129k | USS Owen (DD-536) underway at very slow speed, circa 1945. This image was retouched by wartime censors to remove radar antennas from the foremast and atop the Mark 37 gun director. They also partially removed nearly all of the small mainmast mounted on the after superstructure, but missed the antenna at its top. Official U.S. Navy Photograph, from the collections of the Naval History and Heritage Command. Photo #: NH 107249. | Robert Hurst |
95k | Stern view of USS Owen (DD-536) off Mare Island on 24 August 1945. She was in overhaul at Mare Island from 09 July to 01 September 1945. | Darryl Baker |
137k | Amidships looking aft plan view of USS Owen (DD-536) with USS Miller (DD-535) to the right and USS Ellet (DD-398) to the left at Mare Island on 29 August 1945. | Darryl Baker |
183k | Forward plan view of USS Owen (DD-536) with USS Miller (DD-535) above and USS Ellet (DD-398) below at Mare Island on 29 August 1945. | Darryl Baker |
307k | USS Owen (DD-536) with USS Miller (DD-535) outboard and USS Ellet (DD-398) inboard at Mare Island on 29 August 1945. | Ed Zajkowski |
| 225k | Naval Base, Los Angeles, Terminal Island, 17 August 1951, Vice Admiral J.L. Hall,Commander, Western Sea Frontier and Commander, Pacific Reserve Fleet,addressing audience and crews and Rear Admiral Burton C. Davis, Commander, LongBeach Groups, Pacific Reserve Fleet. during the re-commissioning of three Navy destroyers.Nearest dock is the U.S.S. Owen, outboard of her U.S.S. Prichett and taken from gun turret of U.S.S. Cushing was the image. Photo courtesy of the USCLibraries Special Collections Doheny Memorial Library, Los Angeles, CA. | Bill Gonyo |
| 123k | Naval Base, Los Angeles, Terminal Island, 17 August 1951, Vice Admiral J.L. Hall,Commander, Western Sea Frontier and Commander, Pacific Reserve Fleet,addressing audience and crews and Rear Admiral Burton C. Davis, Commander, LongBeach Groups, Pacific Reserve Fleet. during the re-commissioning of three Navy destroyers. Nearest dock is the U.S.S. Owen, outboard of her U.S.S. Prichett and taken from gun turret of U.S.S. Cushing was the image. Photo courtesy of the USC Libraries Special Collections Doheny Memorial Library, Los Angeles, CA. | Bill Gonyo |
| 263k | Naval Base, Los Angeles, Terminal Island, 17 August 1951, Chaplain Leigh Pink on platform leads audience and high-ranking officers (left foreground) and crewmembers of three re-commissioned destroyers in invocation at re-commissioning ceremonies at Naval Base, Los Angeles, Terminal Island. Photo courtesy of the USC Libraries Special Collections DohenyMemorial Library, Los Angeles, CA. | Bill Gonyo |
 0553614 |
320k | The USS Owen (DD-536), commanded by Commander Lester Hubbell, backs away from Pier 2 at the Naval Operating Base, Norfolk, Virginia, as his wife and three children look on. The USS Owen was shifting homeports from Norfolk to San Diego, California. Dated 06 January 1954. Note a censor appears to have removed the image of Owen's hull number from her bow. | Brian Baird |
| 102k | CRUDESPAC Photo released by the 12 Naval District PIO on 04 June 1957. The photo is from the files of the Vallejo Naval and Historical Museum. | Darryl Baker |
59k | USS Owen (DD-536), USS Cowell (DD-547), USS Twining (DD-540) and USS Pritchett (DD-561) in Yokosuka, Fall 1959. | Derick Hartshorn |
62k | The USS Owen (DD-536) along with an unidentified destroyer (at extreme right), destroyer escorts and LSTs moored together in the muddy waters of the Napa River at Mare Island in May 1972. Other identifiable ships are USS French (DE-367) and USS Sedgwick County (LST-1123). Courtesy L.Cote. Photo from Warship Boneyards, by Kit and Carolyn Bonner. | Robert Hurst |