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| 18k | Elie A. F. La Vallette was one of the first rear admirals appointed when President Lincoln created this rank in July 1862. Born in Alexandria, Va., 3 May 1790, at age 10 he accompanied his father, a chaplain, on a cruise in Philadelphia, commanded by Stephen Decatur. After merchant marine service, be entered the Navy during the War of 1812. As acting lieutenant in Saratoga during the Battle of Lake Champlain, 11 September 1814, he distinguished himself, winning promotion and a medal. He commanded Congress during the Mexican War, directing operations against Guaymas and Urias 19 to 20 November 1847. In the 1850’s he commanded the African, and then the Mediterranean, Squadron. Four months after his appointment as rear admiral, he died 18 November 1862 in Philadelphia. | Bill Gonyo/Robert M. Cieri |
| 38k | Undated, location unknown. | - |
| 30k | Undated, USS La Vallette (DD-448) in foreground along with another unidentified US destroyer giving fire support off Morotai. Photos taken from "United States Destroyer Operations in World War II" by Theodore Roscoe. | Robert Hurst |
| 153k | Commissioning at Brooklyn Navy Yard, August 12 1942. From the Public Relations Department, Third Naval District, New York. | David Way |
| 63k | October 8, 1942 photo of the Fletcher class ship as completed. She is as designed, except for 40mm twin mounts, in place of her original 1.1/75 machine cannons, with an additional mount added aft, and with 20mm replacing her original 0.50 caliber machine guns, she is as near the original design as any of the Fletchers ever were. | - |

At New York Navy Yard, 08 October 1942. | Ed Zajkowski |
| 398k | United States Naval Department Bureau of Ships War Torpedo Damage Diagram and Report No. 50. USS La Vallette (DD-448). Damage suffered from torpedo strike on January 30, 1943 off Rennell Island. | Mike Green |
| 99k | April 5, 1943 Mare Island Navy Yard photo of exterior view of midship deck house on the USS La Vallette (DD-448), showing forward torpedo tube mount along with damage to expansion joint at frame 108 and to ventilation openings. Source: United States Naval Department Bureau of Ships War Torpedo Damage/Loss Report No. 50. | Mike Green |
| 133k | Torpedo damage repair to the USS La Vallette (DD-448), as seen on April 16, 1943 at Mare Island Navy Yard. View is looking forward and shows No. 2 boiler in the forward fireroom. Bulkhead 92 ½ has been removed to access and repair the damaged areas of the ship. Source: United States Naval Department Bureau of Ships War Torpedo Damage/Loss Report No. 50. | Mike Green |
| 117k | Looking aft, exterior hull torpedo damage to the USS La Vallette (DD-448) is seen, as the ship is dry docked at Espiritu Santo. Source: United States Naval Department Bureau of Ships War Torpedo Damage/Loss Report No. 50. | Mike Green |
| 137k | Interior view of the forward fireroom of the USS La Vallette (DD-448), as seen in April, 1943 at Mare Island Navy Yard. Preparations are being made to repair torpedo damage suffered on January 30, 1943 off Rennell Island. Source: United States Naval Department Bureau of Ships War Torpedo Damage/Loss Report No. 50. | Mike Green |
| 114k | Forward plan view of the USS LaVallette (DD 448) at Mare Island on 19 July 1943. The USS Thatcher (DD 514) is forward of LaVallette. | Darryl Baker |
| 103k | Aft plan view of the USS LaVallette (DD 448) at Mare Island on 19 July 1943. | Darryl Baker |
| 110k | Stern view of the USS LaVallette (DD 448) departing Mare Island on 23 July 1943. | Darryl Baker |
| 94k | Broadside view of the USS LaVallette (DD 448) off Mare Island after completion of overhual on 23 July 1943. She was in overhaul at the yard from 1 April to 29 July 1943. | Darryl Baker |
| 87k | Bow on view of the USS LaVallette (DD 448) departing Mare Island on 23 July 1943. Other ships in photo from the far left are USS Thatcher (DD 514), USS Caldwell (DD 605) (outboard of Thatcher), and in the distance is the YFB-2. | Darryl Baker |
| 89k | USS La Vallette (DD-448) underway off Mare Island Navy Yard, California on 23 July 1943. Official U.S. Navy Photograph, from the collections of the Naval History and Heritage Command. Photo #: NH 107293. | Christopher Karwowski/Robert Hurst |
| 143k | La Vallette coming alongside a heavy ship during the Marcus Raid, late August 1943. NA 80GK582. | John Chiquoine and Dave Schroeder |
| 76k | USS La Vallette (DD-448) off Mare Island, 1944. US Naval Institute Photo. | Fred Weiss |
| 146k | A long view of La Vallette loosing a salvo against White Beach Mindoro, by an Army shutterbug. Photo NA SC260121, December 1944. | John Chiquoine |

Two views of USS LaVallette coming alongside USS Russell to port. Taken by Ensign Edwin Klump of Russell (DD-414) during the Dec 1944-Jan 1945 Philippines campaign. | John Chiquoine |
| 208k | La Vallete at Mariveles after being damaged by a mine, 14 Feb 1945. From NA, 19GC-DD448. | John Chiquoine and Dave Schroeder |
| 230k | As above. | John Chiquoine and Dave Schroeder |