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47k | Tunis Augustus Macdonough Craven was born 11 January 1813 in Portsmouth, N.H., and appointed midshipman 2 February 1829. He served with distinction in the Mexican War and commanded the Atrato Expedition in 1857 which surveyed the Isthmus of Darien. In 1860 he was presented with a gold medal and diploma by Queen Isabella II of Spain for the rescue of the crew of a Spanish merchant vessel. In the Battle of Mobile Bay, 5 August 1864, Commander Craven commanded Tecumseh, which was struck by a torpedo while leading the attack. The vessel sank almost immediately carrying with her Commander Craven who had drawn back, giving his life to permit his pilot to escape through the narrow opening in the turret tower. | Bill Gonyo |
| 97k | Undated, location unknown. | - |
| 25k | Undated, location unknown. | Christopher Karwowski |
| 113k | Undated World War II image, location unknown. | Captain Jerry Mason USN |
| 109k | Flying the Bethlehem house flag, the Craven is shown on her acceptance trials. As part of the four ship Gridley class, she and her sisters were unique for U.S. destroyers in that they were never fitted with 40mm A.A. gun mounts. | - |
| 72k | Undated, location unknown. | Robert Hurst |
| 117k | Undated, location unknown. | Roel Bakels |
| 43k | Undated, location unknown. Destroyer silhouette plus photos of the ship Craven Underway for US Navy identification purposes. | Tommy Trampp |
| 25k | Undated, location unknown. | Tommy Trampp |
| 218k | February 1937 at the Quincy shipyard. | Richard Miller BMCS USNR RET. |
| 179k | Builders trials, Rockland, ME. 3 August 1937. | Joe Radigan |

Two snapshot views of Craven (DD-382) during the 1930s, exact date and location unknown. | Dave Wright |
| 169k | Photo #: NH 74331. USS Craven (DD-382) group portrait of the ship's officers and crew, taken in 1938 or 1939. The third officer from the right (front row) is Lieutenant Commander Arleigh A. Burke, Craven's Executive Officer. Courtesy of the Naval Historical Foundation; Collection of Admiral Arleigh A. Burke. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Bill Gonyo |
| 46k | May 1942, location unknown. | Robert Hurst |
| 205k | May 10 1942, Mare Island with USS Raleigh (CL-7) background. | Ed Zajkowski |
| 170k | May 10 1942, Mare Island with USS Raleigh (CL-7) background. | Ed Zajkowski |
| 787k | Off Mare Island, 10 May 1942. Navy photo DD 382 2544-5-42, from files of Vallejo Naval & Historical Museum. | Original: Richard Miller BMCS USNR RET. Replacement & caption: Darryl Baker |
| 181k | November 23 1943, San Francisco. | Ed Zajkowski |
| 73k | Bow on view of USS Craven (DD 382) off San Francisco on 24 Nov 1943. | Darryl Baker |
| 83k | Broadside view of USS Craven (DD 382) off San Francisco on 24 Nov 1943. She was in overhaul at Mare Island from 9 Oct until 28 Nov 1943. | Darryl Baker |
| 67k | Stern view of USS Craven (DD 382) off San Francisco on 24 Nov 1943. | Darryl Baker |
| 167k | USS Craven (DD 382) off Mare Island on November 24, 1943. Photo from the collection of the Vallejo Naval and Historical Museum. | Darryl Baker |
| 70k | San Francisco, November 23 1943. | Ed Zajkowski |
| 86k | Three Bagley/Gridley Class destroyers being towed from Pearl Harbor to the West coast for scrapping. From left to right they are USS Craven (DD-382), USS Bagley (DD-386), and USS Helm (DD-388). The photo was taken on 21 November 1947. Photo from Warship Boneyards, by Kit and Carolyn Bonner. | Robert Hurst |
 0538226 |
85k | Craven Thanksgiving dinner menu, 1938. Although Craven's wardroom and messes were only served one main entree, flourishes such as sage dressing and fresh tomato-lettuce salad rounded out the holiday meal. Naval History & Heritage Command | Bob Canchola |