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56k | John R. Litchfield, born 07 March 1899 at Flanagan, Illinois, died 15 September 1918 near Thiacourt, France. As a Navy pharmacist’s mate serving with the 6th Regiment, USMC, he displayed exceptional bravery in treating the wounded while under shellfire. He was killed attempting to remove a casualty from a frontline trench and posthumously awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. | Robert M. Cieri/Anne Morrison |
USS Litchfield (DD-336)
115k | Undated, location unknown. (L-R) USS Altair (AD-11), USS Marcus (DD-321), unidentified USS Sloat (DD-316), unidentified, unidentified and USS Litchfield (DD-336), NARA # 80G410474. | Daniel Dunham |
65k | Undated, USS Bainbridge (DD-246) and USS Litchfield (DD-336) alongside the USS Denebola (AD-12) in Constantinople, Turkey. | Paul Rebold |
128k | Launched at Mare Island August 12 1919. | Ed Zajkowski |
70k | Photo #: NH 77258: The USS Cuyama (AO-3) with twelve destroyers tied up alongside, during the early 1920s. The ships present include (from left to right): USS Jacob Jones (DD-130); USS Hull (DD-330); USS Thompson (DD-305); USS Corry (DD-334); USS Kennedy (DD-306); USS Reno (DD-303); USS Cuyama (AO-3; USS Stoddert (DD-302); USS Yarborough (DD-314); USS Sloat (DD-316); USS Litchfield (DD-336); USS Shubrick (DD-268); USS Young (DD-312); Courtesy of Mrs. C.R. DeSpain, 1973. From the scrapbooks of Fred M. Butler. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Fabio Peña |
186k | Circa the 1920s or early 1930s, location unknown. | Paul Rebold/Robert Hurst |
84k | Navy Photo A-23-20, broadside view of USS Litchfield (DD 336) in the Mare Island channel (Napa River) on 29 June 1920. | Fabio Peña |
| 138k | Destroyers refitting at the Mare Island Navy Yard, California View taken circa 1921-22. Many of these ships are being modified to place the after 4"/50 gun atop an enlarged after deckhouse. Ships present include (listed from the foreground): USS Lamberton (DD-119); unidentified destroyer; USS Breese (DD-122); USS Radford (DD-120); unidentified destroyer; USS Elliot (DD-146); USS Tarbell (DD-142); USS Yarnall (DD-143); USS Delphy (DD-261); USS McFarland (DD-237); USS Litchfield (DD-336); USS Kennison (DD-138); USS Lea (DD-118); and two unidentified destroyers. Collection of Rear Admiral Ammen Farenholt, USN (MC), 1932. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Fred Weiss |
| 298k | USS Litchfield (DD-336) at Smyrna, Turkey on 13 September 1922: As part of Destroyer Division 39 commanded Rear Admiral Mark L. Bristol, Litchfield helped to evacuate 262,000 Greek and Armenian refugees from the fire that started raging then. International Newsreel - (December 1922). "Views of Smyrna—A Pictorial". Asia—the American Magazine on the Orient 22 (12): 958. New York, United States: Asia Publishing Company. | Robert Hurst |
89k | USS Litchfield (DD-336) in drydock at the New York Navy Yard, Brooklyn, New York, circa October-November 1923. The bow of USS Reno (DD-303) is visible at right. Note Litchfield's depth charge racks and propeller guards. Courtesy of ESKC Joseph L. Aguillard, USNR, 1969. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Paul Rebold |
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171k | Another view of Litchfield (DD-336) in drydock at New York, 1923. | Dave Wright |
| 101k | HMS Exeter (British Heavy Cruiser, 1931) -- by the check mark in Balboa Harbor, Panama Canal Zone, 24 April 1934. Several U.S. Navy ships are also present, among them (from the front) USS Melville (AD-2) with USS Zane and another destroyer alongside; USS Medusa (AR-1); USS Litchfield (DD-336) and another destroyer; and USS Truxtun (DD-229) and another destroyer. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Fred Weiss |
301k | Balboa Harbor, Panama Canal Zone. Aerial photograph taken 23 April 1934, with U.S. Fleet cruisers and destroyers moored together. Ships present include (left to right in lower left): USS Elliot (DD-146); USS Roper (DD-147); USS Hale (DD-133); USS Dorsey (DD-117); USS Lea (DD-118); USS Rathburne (DD-113); USS Talbot (DD-114); USS Waters (DD-115); USS Dent (DD-116); USS Aaron Ward (DD-132); USS Buchanan (DD-131); USS Crowninshield (DD-134); USS Preble (DD-345); and USS William B. Preston (DD-344). (left to right in center): USS Yarnall (DD-143); USS Sands (DD-243); USS Lawrence (DD-250); (unidentified destroyer); USS Detroit (CL-8), Flagship, Destroyers Battle Force; USS Fox (DD-234); USS Greer (DD-145); USS Barney (DD-149); USS Tarbell (DD-142); and USS Chicago (CA-29), Flagship, Cruisers Scouting Force. (left to right across the top): USS Southard (DD-207); USS Chandler (DD-206); USS Farenholt (DD-332); USS Perry (DD-340); USS Wasmuth (DD-338); USS Trever (DD-339); USS Melville (AD-2); USS Truxtun (DD-229); USS McCormick (DD-223); USS MacLeish (DD-220); USS Simpson (DD-221); USS Hovey (DD-208); USS Long (DD-209); USS Litchfield (DD-336); USS Tracy (DD-214); USS Dahlgren (DD-187); USS Medusa (AR-1); USS Raleigh (CL-7), Flagship, Destroyers Scouting Force; USS Pruitt (DD-347); and USS J. Fred Talbott (DD-156); USS Dallas (DD-199); (four unidentified destroyers); and USS Indianapolis (CA-35), Flagship, Cruisers Scouting Force. Official U.S. Navy Photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives. | Fabio Peña |
624k | USS Litchfield (DD-336) underway sometime before World War II. Naval History & Heritage Command photo NH 67612 | Robert Hurst |
47k | Photo #: NH 99570, USS Litchfield (DD-336) underway at Ketchikan, Alaska, during the mid-1930s. Photographed by Schaller, Ketchikan. Collection of Rear Admiral Elmer E. Duval, Sr.. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Paul Rebold |
103k | Alaskan waters December 15, 1936. | Marc Piché |
160k | The officers and crew of the USS Litchfield (DD 336) as seen in the May 1939 issue of "Our Navy". | Darryl Baker |
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815k | Litchfield (DD-336) operating with Pompano (SS-181) in Hawaiian Islands, September 1941. Photo from National Archives RG 313, Photographs Taken by Submarine Periscopes, 1941, NA identifier 363418137 | Dave Wright |
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809k | Litchfield (DD-336) operating with Pompano (SS-181) in Hawaiian Islands, September 1941. Photo from National Archives RG 313, Photographs Taken by Submarine Periscopes, 1941, NA identifier 363418137 | Dave Wright |
| 193k | Pearl Harbor Navy Yard, Oahu, Territory of Hawaii. Vertical aerial view of the drydock area, 28 July 1942. Floating drydock YFD-2 is at left, with USS Alywin (DD-355) inside. Small drydock in center holds USS Growler (SS-215) and USS Nautilus (SS-168). USS Litchfield (DD-336) and an ARD floating drydock are in Drydock # 2, in right center. Drydock # 1, at right, contains USS West Virginia (BB-48). Submarines partially visible alongside 1010 Dock, in the extreme upper right, are Trout (SS-202) and Pollack (SS-180). Note anti-torpedo nets and booms protecting this area. Courtesy of the Naval Historical Foundation. Collection of The Honorable James V. Forrestal. | Fred Weiss |
144k | USS Litchfield (AG-95, formerly DD-336) At the Philadelphia Navy Yard, Pennsylvania on 5 November 1945, the day she was decommissioned. USS Sicard (AG-100, formerly DD-346) is inboard of Litchfield. The civilian harbor craft Neshannock, of Philadelphia, is outboard. A cruiser's stern is at right. Note the bright color line down the middle of Litchfield's superstructure face, marking the division between the two different camouflage schemes painted on her: probably Measure 21 on the starboard side; probably Measure 22, or possibly Measure 12, on her port side. Photographed by Ted Stone. Courtesy of Ted Stone, 1980. U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph. Photo #: NH 91503. | Robert Hurst |
| 127k | USS Sicard (AG-100, formerly DD-346) At the Philadelphia Navy Yard, Pennsylvania on 5 November 1945, about two weeks before she was decommissioned. USS Litchfield (AG-95, formerly DD-336) is outboard of Sicard. The stern of USS Stringham (DD-83) is visible at the extreme left. Note that Litchfield is painted in two different camouflage schemes: Measure 22 on her port side; and Measure 21 on the starboard side. Photographed by Ted Stone. Courtesy of Ted Stone, 1980. U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph. Photo #: NH 91504. | Robert Hurst |
153k | Five ex-destroyers being scrapped at the Philadelphia Navy Yard on 13 March 1946. The center vessel is ex-USS Litchfield (AG-95/DD-336), having her bow removed. The other identifiable vessels are ex-USS Jouett (DD-396) and ex-USS Schley (DD-103). The Schley scrapping was completed by 29 March.
Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, George D. McDowell Collection | Mike Green |