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102k | Oil on canvas painting, 25" by 30" of Captain Isaac Hull , by Samuel L. Waldo (1783-1862) after Gilbert Stuart, 1834. Painting in the U.S. Naval Academy Museum Collection. Transferred from the U.S. Naval Lyceum, 1892. Official U.S. Navy Photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives. Photo #: KN-10895. | Bill Gonyo/Robert Hurst |
| 178k | Undated, location unknown. Photo from the collection of the Vallejo Naval and Historical Museum. | Darryl Baker |
| 175k | USS Hull (DD-330) Launching, at the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation's Union Plant, Potrero Works, San Francisco, California, 18 February 1921. A portrait of her Sponsor, Miss Elizabeth Hull, is inset into the image. Collection of Society of Sponsors of the U.S. Navy. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Fred Weiss |
| 166k | The US Pacific Fleet in Hawaiian waters in the early 1920s. Identifiable destroyers are from left to right are USS Farquhar (DD 304), USS Reno (DD 303), USS Kennedy (DD 306) and USS Hull (DD 330). | Darryl Baker |
| 138k | Destroyer Division 36 in San Francisco, circa 1922. | Terry D. Tull |
70k | Photo #: NH 77258: The USS Cuyama (AO-3) with twelve destroyers tied up alongside, during the early 1920s. The ships present include (from left to right): USS Jacob Jones (DD-130); USS Hull (DD-330); USS Thompson (DD-305); USS Corry (DD-334); USS Kennedy (DD-306); USS Reno (DD-303); USS Cuyama (AO-3; USS Stoddert (DD-302); USS Yarborough (DD-314); USS Sloat (DD-316); USS Litchfield (DD-336); USS Shubrick (DD-268); USS Young (DD-312); Courtesy of Mrs. C.R. DeSpain, 1973. From the scrapbooks of Fred M. Butler. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Fabio Peņa |
| 114k | USS Hull (DD-330) Making smoke, during the 1920s. Donation of Lieutenant Gustave Freret, USN (Retired), 1972. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Joe Radigan |
| 90k | USS Hull (DD-330) Underway, during the 1920s. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Fred Weiss |
| 175k | Mare Island Navy Yard, California. Six destroyers docked at one time in the Yard's concrete Dry Dock # 2, during the period June 15 to July 14 1922. These ships are all members of Destroyer Division 36. The three in front are (from left to right): USS Farenholt (DD-332), USS Sumner (DD-333) and USS Hull (DD-330), in the back row are USS MacDonough (DD-331), USS Corry (DD-334) and USS Melvin (DD-335). The drydock's dimensions, as given on the photograph, are 740 feet in length and 120 feet in width, with 30 feet of water over the sill. Courtesy of the Mare Island Naval Shipyard, 1970. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Fred Weiss |
168k | "Dress Ship" decoration for Washington's Birthday 22 February 1924 in Target Bay, Culebra, West Indies. (L-R) Identifiable ships are from left to right: (far left) USS La Vallette (DD-315), USS Hull (DD-330), USS Sumner (DD-333), (between Hull & Noa in the background) USS Mervine (DD-322), (behind Hull) USS Mullany (DD-325), (center) S-20 (SS-125) directly behind the submarine is the flagship USS Procyon (AG-11). | Robert M. Cieri |