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| 226k | Rear Adm. William Mervine, born 14 March 1791 at Philadelphia, Pa., was appointed midshipman in January 1809. Serving on Lake Ontario during the war of 1812, he later cruised off Africa and South America, in the West Indies and in the Pacific. While in command of Savannah during the war with Mexico, 1846-47, he led a detachment of sailors and marines against Monterey, 7 July 1847, took possession and hoisted the American flag over the city. Serving also during the Civil War, he commanded the Gulf Squadron from 6 May 1861, until obliged by ill health to give up the command 22 September 1861. He died at Utica, N.Y., 15 September 1868. Photo Digital ID: cph 3b53146, Library of Congress. | Bill Gonyo |
| 256k | Composite photo of launch of Mervine, 11 August 1919, with sponsor, Miss Eileen Dolores McCarthy. | Ron Reeves |
| 72k | Undated, location unknown. | David Buell |
133k | U.S. Navy destroyers fitting out, At the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation's Union Plant, Potrero Works, San Francisco, California, on 1 April 1920. Ships present are (from left to right): Kidder (Destroyer # 319); Selfridge (Destroyer # 320); Chase (Destroyer # 323); Mervine (Destroyer # 322); Marcus (Destroyer # 321); LaVallette (Destroyer # 315); and Yarborough (Destroyer # 314). Photograph from the Collections of the U.S. National Archives. Photo #: 19-LC-38-L-3. | Robert Hurst |
158k | USS Mervine (DD-322) circa early 1920's. Source: Naval History and Heritage Command, Photo No. NH 69425. | Mike Green |
| 102k | Underway at sea during the early 1920s, probably while conducting surface firing exercises. Note the target hung just forward of her mainmast. Photo from the collection of the Vallejo Naval and Historical Museum. | Darryl Baker/Robert Hurst |
| 109k | USS Mullany (DD-325), USS Robert Smith (DD-324), USS Chase (DD-323) and USS Mervine (DD-322) in Melbourne circa 1924. | Marc Piché |
168k | "Dress Ship" decoration for Washington's Birthday 22 February 1924 in Target Bay, Culebra, West Indies. (L-R) Identifiable ships are from left to right: (far left) USS La Vallette (DD-315), USS Hull (DD-330), USS Sumner (DD-333), (between Hull & Noa in the background) USS Mervine (DD-322), (behind Hull) USS Mullany (DD-325), (center) S-20 (SS-125) directly behind the submarine is the flagship USS Procyon (AG-11). | Robert M. Cieri |
| 92k | 1926 image at anchor, USS Mullany (DD-325) in the foreground and USS Mervine (DD-322) in the background. | The family of LTJG Robert E. Miller |
82k | The tender USS Melville (AD-2) with Destroyer Division 35 alongside and all are flying full colours during Navy Day in San Diego, California, 28 October 1927. From left to right are the USS MacDonough (DD-331), USS Mervine (DD-322), USS Marcus (DD-321), USS Mullany (DD-325), USS Chase (DD-323), USS Robert Smith (DD-324) and USS Selfridge (DD-320). Photo from Warship Boneyards, by Kit and Carolyn Bonner. | Robert Hurst |
201k | Coloured postcard of five Clemson class destroyer alongside their tender about 1930 . The vessels are as follows: USS Chase (DD-323), USS Mullany (DD-235), USS Selfridge (DD-320), USS Mervine (DD-322) and USS Marcus (DD-321) alongside their unidentified tender. | Robert Hurst |