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| 4k | George Hampton Yarborough, Jr. was born on 14 October 1895 at Roxboro, N.C. and enrolled in class no. 4, Marine Corps Reserve, on 7 April 1917, the day after the United States entered World War I, and was given the provisional rank of second lieutenant. After instruction at the Marine Barracks, Parris Island, S.C., he reported to the Marine Barracks at Philadelphia on 4 June 1917 for duty with the 16th Company, 5th Regiment of Marines. Taken to New York in Seattle (Armored Cruiser No. 11), Yarborough embarked in Henderson (Transport No. 1) on 14 June; sailed for France that day; and reached St. Nazaire on the 27th. Yarborough, promoted to first lieutenant on 11 August 1917, served two tours of detached duty while assigned to the 5th Regiment, first at Cosne, France, between 8 December 1917 and 4 January 1918, and then at Gondrecourt, France, between 22 February and 29 April 1918. On 23 June 1918, the height of the battle for Belleau Wood, Lt. Yarborough arrived on the front lines. The next day, intense enemy fire from skillfully placed machine guns pinned down Yarborough's unit—a platoon in a support position in the American lines. The young lieutenant dashed from one shell hole to another, in the open, steadying his men, until a burst of machine gun fire hit him. Severely wounded, he refused aid until other wounded men in his unit received medical attention. Finally moved to shelter, he succumbed to his severe gunshot wounds on 26 June. Cited for his bravery, First Lieutenant Yarborough received the Distinguished Service Cross and Navy Cross, posthumously. Photo from The Citadel Alumni Association. | Bill Gonyo |
| 66k | Undated, location unknown. USS Wood DD-317) followed by the USS Yarborough (DD-314) and other ships of the fleet. | Edwin Kaukali |
| 104k | Undated, location unknown. Photo 80G1024882. | Daniel Dunham |
133k | U.S. Navy destroyers fitting out, At the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation's Union Plant, Potrero Works, San Francisco, California, on 1 April 1920. Ships present are (from left to right): Kidder (Destroyer # 319); Selfridge (Destroyer # 320); Chase (Destroyer # 323); Mervine (Destroyer # 322); Marcus (Destroyer # 321); LaVallette (Destroyer # 315); and Yarborough (Destroyer # 314). Photograph from the Collections of the U.S. National Archives. Photo #: 19-LC-38-L-3. | Robert Hurst |
 0531408 |
227k | Part of Yarbrough's crew (and mascot) at San Diego, 18 February 1922. | Dave Wright |
75k | San Diego, CA circa 1920's. USS Shirk (DD-318), USS Kidder (DD-319), USS La Valette (DD-315), USS Sloat (DD-316), USS Yarborough (DD-314) and USS Wood (DD-317). Naval Historical Center photo NH 69509. | Daniel Dunham |
53k | Circa early 1920's. The four destroyers nearest the camera at the left are the USS La Vallette (DD-315), USS Wood (DD-317), USS Yarborough (DD-314) and USS Kidder (DD-319). Naval Historical Center photo NH 71034. | Daniel Dunham |
70k | Photo #: NH 77258: The USS Cuyama (AO-3) with twelve destroyers tied up alongside, during the early 1920s. The ships present include (from left to right): USS Jacob Jones (DD-130); USS Hull (DD-330); USS Thompson (DD-305); USS Corry (DD-334); USS Kennedy (DD-306); USS Reno (DD-303); USS Cuyama (AO-3; USS Stoddert (DD-302); USS Yarborough (DD-314); USS Sloat (DD-316); USS Litchfield (DD-336); USS Shubrick (DD-268); USS Young (DD-312); Courtesy of Mrs. C.R. DeSpain, 1973. From the scrapbooks of Fred M. Butler. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Fabio Peña |
86k | USS Yarborough (DD-314) underway in heavy seas, circa the middle or later 1920s. Courtesy of Donald M. McPherson, 1969. U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph. Photo #: NH 67818. | Robert Hurst |
73k | Circa late 1920s. | Marc Piché |
337k | Aerial view of six destroyers in Mare Island's dry dock #2 between August 13 - 25, 1922. The shipyard's records indicate that the six destroyers were in hull number order as: USS Yarborough (DD 314), USS La Vallette (DD 315), USS Sloat (DD 316), USS Wood (DD 317), USS Shirk (DD 318) and USS Kidder (DD 319). | Darryl Baker |
82k | USS Yarborough (DD-314) and USS Robert Smith (DD-324) anchored off Melbourne, Australia, July 1925. State Library Victoria, Photo No. H91.325/425 | Mike Green |