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| 72k | Norman Von Heidreich Farquhar was born in Pottsville, Pennsylvania, on 11 April 1840 and attended the U.S. Naval Academy during 1854-59. After graduation, he served with the Africa Squadron until September 1861. Lieutenant Farquhar spent most of the Civil War off the U.S. Atlantic coast and in the West Indies, serving in the gunboats Mystic, Sonoma and Mahaska and the cruisers Rhode Island and Santiago de Cuba. He was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander in mid-1865, a few months after the fighting ended, and was on duty at the U.S. Naval Academy from then until September 1868. For the rest of the 1860s and into the next decade, Farquhar served in the warship Swatara, was Executive Officer of USS Severn and USS Powhatan and Commanding Officer of USS Kansas. He also had two tours at the Boston Navy Yard on ordnance duty and as Executive Officer. Advanced in rank to Commander in December 1872, Farquhar spent nearly five years at the Naval Academy. He commanded the training ship Portsmouth in 1877-78, and the steam sloops Quinnebaug and Wyoming in European waters in 1878-1881. Five more years of Naval Academy duty were followed by torpedo instruction at Newport, Rhode Island, in 1886. From May 1887 until her loss in the March 1889 Samoan hurricane, Captain Farquhar commanded the steam frigate Trenton. He then served on several of the Navy's boards and, in March 1890 became the Chief of the Bureau of Yards and Docks. During 1894-97, he was Commandant of the Philadelphia Navy Yard, Commanding Officer of the cruiser Newark, and President of the Naval Examining Board. While holding the ranks of Commodore and Rear Admiral, Farquhar was Commandant of the Norfolk Navy Yard in 1897-99, commanded the North Atlantic Station during 1899-1901 and was Chairman of the Lighthouse Board in 1901-02. He retired from active duty in April 1902, upon reaching the statutory service age limit of 62. Rear Admiral Farquhar died at Jamestown, Rhode Island, on 3 July 1907.
Captain Norman Von Heidreich Farquhar, USN, photographed circa 1886. Naval History & Heritage Command photo NH 2845 | Bill Gonyo |
USS Farquhar (DD-304)
| 99k | Undated, location unknown. | Scott ? |
| 505k | USS Farquhar (DD-304) Off San Diego, California, soon after commissioning. Photographed by the Pier Studio, San Diego.
Naval History & Heritage Command photo NH 69336, courtesy of ESKC Joseph L. Aguillard, USNR, 1969. | Fred Weiss |
| 136k | In Miraflores Locks, Panama Canal, during 1920s. | Frank McNamara |
| 166k | The US Pacific Fleet in Hawaiian waters, probably at Lahaina Roads, during the early 1920s. Identifiable destroyers are from left to right are USS Farquhar (DD-304), USS Reno (DD-303), USS Kennedy (DD-306) and USS Hull (DD-330). | Darryl Baker |
| 349k | Destroyer Division Thirty-Three nested together off San Diego, California, 16 April 1921. Photographed by the Pier Studio, San Diego. These ships are (from left to right): USS Stoddert (DD-302); USS Paul Hamilton (DD-307); USS Reno (DD-303); USS Kennedy (DD-306); USS Thompson (DD-305) and USS Farquhar (DD-304).
Naval History & Heritage Command photo NH 72598, courtesy of ESKC Joseph L. Aguillard, USNR, 1969. | Fred Weiss |
| 108k | "Old Hen and Chickens" USS Kanawha (AO-1) with thirteen destroyers alongside, off San Diego, California, during the early 1920s. Photographed by Bunnell, 414 E Street, San Diego. Ships present are (from left to right): USS Meade (DD-274); USS Evans (DD-78); USS Kennedy (DD-306); USS Aaron Ward (DD-132); USS Woolsey (DD-77);
USS Wickes (DD-75); USS Buchanan (DD-131); USS Kanawha; USS Farquhar (DD-304); USS Paul Hamilton (DD-307); USS Thompson (DD-305); USS Reno (DD-303); USS Stoddert (DD-302) and USS Philip (DD-76).
Naval History & Heritage Command photo NH 98029, collection of Chief Quartermaster John Harold, USN. | Fred Weiss |
| 500k | USS Farquhar (DD-304) underway in San Diego harbor, California, circa the early 1920s. USS Reno (DD-303) is in the right distance, and the bow of USS Paul Hamilton (DD-307) is visible at left. Probably photographed by the Pier Studio, San Diego.
Naval History & Heritage Command photo NH 69337, courtesy of ESKC Joseph L. Aguillard, USNR, 1969. | Fred Weiss |
| 670k | USS Farquhar (DD-304) in port, circa 1920-1921.
Naval History & Heritage Command photo NH 54083 | Original: Fred Weiss Replacement: Robert Hurst |
| 416k | USS Farquhar (DD-304) photographed in harbor, circa 1923-1930.
Naval History & Heritage Command photo NH 67672, courtesy of Donald M. McPherson, 1969. | Fred Weiss |
| 350k | USS Farquhar (DD-304) underway, circa 1923-1930.
Naval History & Heritage Command photo NH 54082 (cropped) | Fred Weiss |
| 66k | Ship's race boat crew, circa the middle 1920s. Courtesy of the Naval Historical Foundation.
Naval History & Heritage Command photo NH 98078, collection of Admiral Thomas C. Kinkaid, USN. | Robert Hurst |
 0530411 |
66k | RPPC showing the filming of the 1929 silent film The Cock-Eyed World. Location is almost certainly Mare Island Navy Yard. Farquhar (DD-304) is moored at left. | Dave Wright |