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- | Joseph Cabell Breckinridge was born in Fort Monroe, Va., 6 March 1872 and graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1895. He served in the battleship Texas, where on several occasions, he displayed remarkable coolness and ability in times of peril. While serving in Cushing, Ensign Breckinridge was washed overboard and drowned in Cuban waters 11 February 1898. | Robert M. Cieri |
74k | Undated, location unknown. | Joe Radigan |
13k | Undated, location unknown. | Paul Rebold |
100k | Undated, USS Satterlee (DD-190), USS Hatfield (DD-231) and USS Breckinridge (DD-148) in Balboa, The Canal Zone. | Paul Rebold |
220k | USS Breckinridge (DD 148) appears to be transiting the Panama Canal in this photo. Photo from collection of the Vallejo Naval and Historical Museum. | Darryl Baker |
120k | USS Blakeley (DD-150) fitting out at the Cramp Shipyard, Philadelphia, on 1 October 1918. Other destroyers present are: USS Barney (DD 149), USS Roper (DD-147), and USS Breckinridge (DD-148). Note boilers on the dock, awaiting installation in the new ships. Source: United States National Archives, Photo No. 19-N-15765 | Mike Green |
33k | The non-self-propelled water barge YW-53 nears completion at the Norfolk Navy Yard, 3 November 1932, while the destroyers Breckinridge (DD-148) and Blakeley (DD-150), lie moored in the background, being prepared to resume active service in the reconstituted Destroyer Squadron Two after having been in Rotating Reserve Destroyer Squadron 19. U.S. Navy Bureau of Ships Photograph in the 19-LCM collection, National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Md. | Robert Hurst |
115k | U.S. Navy destroyers moored together at Balboa, Panama Canal Zone, circa 1934. Ships present include (from left to right): USS Breckinridge (DD-148); two unidentified destroyers; USS Dorsey (DD-117); USS Lea (DD-118); USS Rathburne (DD-113); USS Talbot (DD-114); USS Waters (DD-115); USS Dent (DD-116); six unidentified destroyers and USS Hopkins (DD-249). U.S.Naval Historical Centre photo # NH 50099. | Robert Hurst |
107k | Circa 1935-1936, location unknown. | - |
73k | Circa late 1930's, location unknown. | Marc Piché |

Charleston, SC, February 16 1943. | Mike Mohl |
125k | Charleston, SC, October 23 1943. | Mike Mohl |
156k | USS Breckinridge (DD-148), Off the Charleston Navy Yard, South Carolina, 24 October 1943. Official U.S. Navy Photograph, from the collections of the Naval History and Heritage Command. Photo #: NH 63303. | Robert Hurst |
90k | Charleston, SC, December 24 1943. | Ed Zajkowski |
107k | Charleston, SC, December 24 1943. | Mike Mohl |
67k | Undated, location unknown. Appears to be in her AG-112 configuration. | Paul Rebold |