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97k | Roswell Hawkes Lamson was born in Iowa, and appointed to the Naval Academy 20 September 1858. After graduating in 1862, he saw action in the Civil War. Lamson commanded Mount Vernon in joint Army-Navy operations on the Wansemont River, and he played an important role in the capture of batteries at Hills Point. While in command of Gettysburg, he was in the forefront of the attack on Fort Fisher, and he gallantly piloted the powder boat Louisiana in under the fort. He resigned from the Navy in 1866. In 1895 Lamson was appointed lieutenant and placed on the retired list. Lieutenant Lamson died in Portland, Oreg., 14 August 1903. Photo #: NH 53730. USS Gettysburg (1864-1879) montage featuring a painting of the ship (by De Simone, Naples, 1878) and views of four officers who served in her in 1864-1865. The officers are (clockwise from upper right): Lieutenant Roswell H. Lamson., Commanding Officer; Henry S. Hutchings, Paymaster's Clerk; Acting Master's Mate H.J. ("I" ?) Derbyshire; and Acting 3rd Assistant Engineer Enoch B. Carter (probably - there is no Engineer named "William Carter" in contemporary Navy Registers). U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Bill Gonyo |
38k | Undated, location unknown. Photo from Jane's Fighting Ships 1914. | Robert Hurst |
91k | Undated, location unknown. | Richard Miller BMCS USNR RET. |
56k | Running trials 1909 - 1910. USN photo NH 88479 by J. W. Dawson, Philadelphia, PA. | Joe Radigan |
133k | USS Lamson (DD-18) on trials in 1910. Photo from the collection of the Vallejo Naval & Historical Museum. | Darryl Baker |
69k | Photo #: NH 85147. USS Lamson (Destroyer # 18) at anchor, circa 1910, before her smokestacks were raised. Courtesy of William H. Davis, 1977. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Tony Cowart |
65k | Photo #: NH 99253. USS Lamson (Destroyer # 18) underway in 1912. Photographed by O.W. Waterman, Hampton, Virginia. Courtesy of the Naval Historical Foundation. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Tony Cowart |
64k | Photo #: NH 99252. USS Lamson (Destroyer # 18) in harbor, circa 1912. Collection of Admiral Harold R. Stark, USN. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Tony Cowart |
| USS Benham (Destroyer # 49) Leaving Brest harbor, France, to take escort position, on 22 October 1918. USS Lamson (Destroyer # 18) is in the left center distance. Note the pattern camouflage worn by both destroyers. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Fred Weiss |
174k | USS Lamson (Destroyer # 18) taken at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, Pennsylvania, on 5 March 1919. It shows older destroyers in the Navy Yard's Reserve Basin, preparing to go out of commission. They are from left to right: USS Lamson (Destroyer # 18); USS Flusser (Destroyer # 20); USS Paul Jones (Destroyer # 10) and USS Decatur (Destroyer # 5). Other ships are in the distance. Note depth charge racks, after steering wheels and twin 18-inch torpedo tubes on Lamson and Flusser. | Robert Hurst |