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72k | Born in Princeton,New Jersey, 7 May 1774. Appointed Lieutenant, 3 August 1798: Master Commandant (Commander), 29 March 1799: Captain, 20 May 1800. Died 27 July 1833. At the age of 15 he entered the merchant service where he made an unusual and distinguished record. Upon his appointment as lieutenant in the Navy he was ordered to command the schooner or galley Retaliation, cruising in the West Indies. November 1798 - after a brave resistance, she was captured by the French frigates Volunteer and Insurgente and carried into Guadeloupe. While here Bainbridge secured the release of a number of American prisoners and the Retaliation was restored to him by order of the Governor, that he might take them to the United States. Upon his return he was given command of Norfolk and during the years 1799-1800 made a number of captures of French privateers. May 1800 - he was ordered to the frigate George Washington to carry “tribute” from the United States to the Dey of Algiers. He was employed by the Dey of Algiers to carry his ambassador and gifts to the Sultan of Turkey and was instrumental in securing an order from the Sultan to the Dey obliging him to release 400 prisoners. He returned to the United States and on 2 May 1801 was ordered to Essex, one of the vessels of the squadron of Commodore Richard Dale fitted out to cruise against the Barbary Powers. March 1803 he was superintending the building of vessels for the US Navy at Philadelphia and Baltimore. 21 May 1803 ordered to command the Philadelphia, 44-gun frigate, of Commodore Edward Preble’s Squadron, to cruise against Tripolitan cruisers in the Mediterranean. 13 July 1803 ordered by the Department to sail in advance of the squadron. 26 August 1803 off Cape de Gatt, captured the Moorish ship Meshboha and recaptured from the Moors the American brig Cecelia. 31 October 1803 while in chase of a Tripolitan cruiser, the Philadelphia struck on a rock in the harbor of Tripoli, struck fast in the sands, was surrounded by Tripolitan gunboats and captured. Captain Bainbridge, his officers and men were taken on shore and imprisoned in the castle overlooking the harbor for 19 months. Upon the establishment of a treaty of peace with Tripoli, 3 June 1805, Captain Bainbridge returned to the United States in the frigate President. He was granted furlough during the years 1806-1807 and made a voyage in a merchant vessel. 1809-1810 again on duty in the Navy commanding the President. 1810-1811 on furlough and made voyages in merchant vessels to India and Russia, where hearing rumors of trouble with England he gave up his ship and returned home. 28 July 1812 he was ordered to command the Constitution and sailed on a cruise 28 October 1812. 9 November 1812 captured the brig South Carolina. 29 Dec 1812 after an engagement of 1 hour and 45 minutes captured the British frigate, Java, of 49 guns and 400 men. During this fight Bainbridge was twice wounded. His next duty was in command of the Navy Yard, Charlestown, Massachusetts. July-December 1815 commanded the Independence, Mediterranean Squadron.1816-1819 on shore duty at various stations.1819-1821 commanding the Columbus, flagship Mediterranean Squadron.1821-1823 commanding first the Philadelphia, then the Boston Stations.December 24, 1824 - June 1827 Naval Commissioner. 1829-1831 commanding Philadelphia Station. He was again in command of the Charlestown Navy Yard until 19 November 1832, when he was granted leave. His health failed and his death occurred at Philadelphia in 1833. He was buried in the churchyard of Christ Church that city. Photo #: KN-1365. Commodore William Bainbridge, USN (1774-1833), oil on wood, 30" by 21", by John Wesley Jarvis (1780-1840). Painted circa 1814. Painting in the U.S. Naval Academy Museum Collection. Transferred from the U.S. Naval Lyceum, 1892. Official U.S. Navy Photograph. | Bill Gonyo |
| 105k | Undated, location unknwon. | Richard Miller BMCS USNR RET. |
| 117k | PCU Momsen DDG-92 (in the water), PCU Bainbridge DDG-96 (closest to Momsen) and PCU Nitze DDG-94 (on the right) at Bath Iron Works. | Rexford Dundon |
| 165k | Prior to float-off from the dry dock at the Bath Iron Works shipyard in Bath, Maine. Photo courtesy of Bath Iron Works - General Dynamics, November 12 2004. | Tony Cowart/Bill Gonyo |
| 120k | November 12 2004, the Arleigh Burke Flight IIA-class guided missile destroyer PCU Bainbridge (DDG 96) shown in a floating dry dock at the Bath Iron Works shipyard in Bath, Maine. US Navy photo. | Fred Weiss |
| 86k | Christening ceremony at Bath Iron Works November 13 2004. | Kevin Kelly |
| 104k | Christening ceremony at Bath Iron Works November 13 2004. | Kevin Kelly |
| 92k | Christening ceremony at Bath Iron Works November 13 2004. | Kevin Kelly |
| 160k | Four images taken off the Kennebec River, June 14 2005, the Arleigh Burke Flight IIA-class guided missile destroyer USS Bainbridge (DDG 96) shown conducting a missile exercise (MISSILEX). Photos by Paul R. Shepard, Second Mate, TSV-1 Prevail. | Paul R. Shepard |
| 59k | As above. | Paul R. Shepard |
| 108k | As above. | Paul R. Shepard |
| 78k | As above. | Paul R. Shepard |
| 169k | On sea trials in the Gulf of Maine. | Steven A. Cardali |
| 56k | On sea trials in the Gulf of Maine. | Steven A. Cardali |
| 83k | Commissioning pamphlet cover. | Tom Armstrong |
| 101k | Commissioning Day for the Arleigh-Burke class guided-missile destroyer USS Bainbridge (DDG 96). Photo by Brian Wyckoff. | Bill Gonyo |
| 91k | Norfolk, VA, September 12 2006, the Arleigh-Burke class guided-missile destroyer USS Bainbridge (DDG 96) as she sits moored pier side in Naval Station Norfolk. Copyright by terms of Creative Commons. Photo provided by T.M. Wolf. | Bill Gonyo |
| 77k | 070122-N-0318S-004. Tampa Bay, FL, January 22 2007, sailors man the rails as the guided-missile destroyer USS Bainbridge (DDG 96) pulls into terminal three in Tampa Bay, to participate in Tampa Navy Week. Tampa Navy Week is one of 26 Navy weeks planned across America in 2007. Navy weeks are designed to show Americans the investment they have made in their Navy and increase awareness in cities that do not have a significant everyday Navy presence. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st class Jesse A Sherwin III. | Bill Gonyo |
| 197k | 070409-N-5681S-016. Atlantic Ocean, April 9 2007, an SH-60B Seahawk assigned to Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron Light (HSL) 46 "Grandmasters" lands aboard the guided missile destroyer USS Bainbridge (DDG 96). The helicopter was transporting personnel from Bainbridge to USS Simpson (FFG 56) in support of Neptune Warrior exercises. The exercise will will test the interoperability of NATO coalition forces. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Michael Starkey. | Robert M. Cieri |
| 80k | 070413-N-2735T-195. Atlantic Ocean, April 13 2007, pilots from Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron Light (HSL) 46 perform "touch and go's" aboard guided missile destroyer USS Bainbridge (DDG 96). HSL-46 and the Bainbridge are on their way to participate in the Neptune Warrior training course, which will test the interoperability of NATO Coalition Forces. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Coleman Thompson. | Bill Gonyo |
| 112k | 070416-N-2735T-302. Atlantic Ocean, April 16 2007, sailors assigned to the visit, board, search and seizure (VBSS) team aboard guided missile destroyer USS Bainbridge (DDG 96) ride a rigid hull inflatable boat in preparation for the Neptune Warrior training course. The Neptune Warrior course is designed to increase interoperability among NATO coalition forces in a maritime combat environment. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Coleman Thompson. | Bill Gonyo |
| 104k | 070419-N-5681S-042. Faslane, Scotland, 19 April 2007, the guided-missile destroyers USS Bainbridge (DDG 96) and USS Laboon (DDG 58) are in port for liberty. American and European ships are in Faslane to prepare for Neptune Warrior, a ten-day course to certify ships for NATO deployments. The Neptune Warrior course is designed to increase interoperability among NATO coalition forces in a maritime combat environment. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Michael Starkey. | Robert M. Cieri |
| 150k | 070427-N-2735T-009. Atlantic Ocean, April 27 2007, a rigid hull inflatable boat leaves USS Bainbridge (DDG 96) on its way to FGS Hessen (F 221) during the Neptune Warrior training course. Neptune Warrior is a course designed to increase interoperability in NATO coalition forces. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Coleman Thompson. | Robert M. Cieri |
| 110k | 070917-N-5459S-002. Victoria, Seychelles, September 17 2007, guided-missile cruiser USS Normandy (CG 60) and guided-missile destroyer USS Bainbridge (DDG 96) are moored together during a port visit to Seychelles. Normandy is transferring duties as flagship to Bainbridge for commander Standing NATO Maritime Group (SNMG) 1, Rear Admiral Michael K. Mahon. SNMG1 is one of four joint NATO maritime task forces. U.S. Navy photo By Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Vincent J. Street. | Bill Gonyo |
| 123k | 071206-N-5459S-026. Indian Ocean, September 25 2007, the guided-missile destroyer USS Bainbridge (DDG-96) is underway off the coast of Somalia Sept. 25, 2007 while conducting anti-piracy operations. U.S Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Vincent J. Street. | Bill Gonyo |
| 96k | 071002-N-5459S-015. The Red Sea, October 2 2007, guided-missile destroyer USS Bainbridge (DDG 96) monitors the waters around the Yemeni island of Jabal at-Tair in search of survivors after a volcano erupted on the island Sept. 30. Bainbridge has been conducting search and rescue operations in the area for the past two days. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Vincent J. Street. | Navy News Stand |
| 112k | 071002-N-5459S-046. Red Sea, October 2 2007, sailors assigned to guided-missile destroyer USS Bainbridge (DDG 96) patrol the waters around the Yemeni island of Jabal at-Tair searching for survivors after a volcanic eruption on the island Sept. 30. Bainbridge has been conducting search and rescue operations in the area for the past two days. U.S. Navy Photo By Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Vincent J. Street. | Robert M. Cieri |
| 155k | 071008-N-0780F-002. Souda Bay, Crete, Greece, October 8 2007, Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Bainbridge (DDG 96) arrives in Souda Harbor for a port visit. Momsen departed her homeport of Norfolk, Va., in September and recently relieved USS Normandy (CG 60) as the flagship of Standing NATO Maritime Group (SNMG) 1. SNMG1 consists of vessels from various allied nations and has just completed the first ever circumnavigation of Africa by a NATO maritime group. U.S. Navy photo by Paul Farley. | Robert M. Cieri |
| 129k | Ouside of the port of Piraeus, Greece the USS BAINBRIDGE (DDG-96) which is a part of SNMG1 (Standing NATO Maritime Group One) on October 27 2007. | George Haralampides |
| 89k | Two views of the port visit to Piraeus, Greece, December 24 2007. | George Haralampides |
| 81k | As above. | George Haralampides |
| 93k | Souda Bay, Crete, Greece, January 10 2008, the Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer USS Bainbridge (DDG 96) arrives at NATO Pier Facility in Souda harbor for a routine port visit. Bainbridge is on a regularly scheduled six-month deployment. U.S. Navy photo by Mr. Paul Farley, ID# 080110-N-0780F-001. | Robert M. Cieri |
| 154k | 080110-N-0780F-002. Souda Bay, Crete, Greece, January 10 2008, the Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer USS Bainbridge (DDG 96) arrives at NATO Pier Facility in Souda harbor for a routine port visit. Bainbridge is on a regularly scheduled six-month deployment. U.S. Navy photo by Paul Farley. | Robert M. Cieri |
| 88k | USS Bainbridge in Norfolk, April 27 2008. | Larry Backus |
| 198k | 081216-N-6854D-001. Norfolk, December 16 2008, Ensign Jonathan Sieg explains bridge operations and capabilities of the guided-missile destroyer USS Bainbridge (DDG 96) to Rear Adm. Chris Paul, a U.S. Navy Reservist and a staff member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Paul and other committee staffers visited Bainbridge as part of a congressional oversight and orientation tour of shipbuilding programs. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Jon Dasbach. | Robert M. Cieri |
| | Manama, Bahrain, July 27 2009, Gen. David H. Petraeus, commander, U.S. Central Command, visited the guided-missile destroyer USS Bainbridge (DDG 96) while in port Bahrain today to thank Sailors for their hard work while deployed to U.S. 5th Fleet as well as their role in the successful rescue of Richard Phillips, the Maersk Alabama captain held captive by Somali pirates for five days in April. Bainbridge is on a deployment to the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility in support of Maritime Security Operations (MSO). Official U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Nathan Schaeffer. 090727-N-0803S-025. | Bill Gonyo |
| | 090727-N-0803S-034. Manama, Bahrain, July 27 2009, Gen. David H. Petraeus, commander, U.S. Central Command, addresses Sailors aboard the guided-missile destroyer USS Bainbridge (DDG 96) during the ship's port visit to Bahrain. Petraeus thanked Sailors for their hard work while deployed to U.S. 5th Fleet as well as their role in the successful rescue of Richard Phillips, the Maersk Alabama captain held captive by Somali pirates for five days in April. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Nathan Schaeffer. | Bill Gonyo |
| 161k | 090921-N-9900B-003. Norfolk, Va., September 21 2009, USS Bainbridge (DDG 96) commanding officer Cmdr. Frank Castellano presents Commander, U.S. Second Fleet Vice Adm. Mel Williams Jr. with a command ballcap during the ship’s homecoming. The Norfolk-based guided missile destroyer Bainbridge returned to its homeport of Naval Station Norfolk, Va., Monday, Sept. 21, 2009 following a seven-month deployment in support of the Eisenhower Strike Group as well as independent operations in the Fifth and Sixth Fleet areas of operation. During the deployment, Bainbridge Sailors conducted patrols of the trade corridor in the Gulf of Aden combating and preventing piracy. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Remus Borisov. | Bill Gonyo |
| 163k | 090921-N-2456S-117. Norfolk, Va., September 21 2009, the guided-missile destroyer USS Bainbridge (DDG 96) Commanding Officer Cmdr. Frank Castellano, gives an interview to local media, after returning home to Naval Station Norfolk, Va. On April 12, 2009, Bainbridge Sailors assisted in the rescue of Richard Phillips, captain of American container ship MV Maresk Alabama after being seized by Somali pirates. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class John Suits. | Bill Gonyo |
| 132k | 110104-N-0487P-079. Norfolk, January 4 2011, sailors aboard the guided-missile destroyer USS Bainbridge (DDG 96) man the rails prior to departing Naval Station Norfolk for a scheduled deployment. Bainbridge is deploying to the Mediterranean Sea to conduct joint operations as part of NATO operations. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Tamekia Perdue. | Bill Gonyo |
| 138k | 110104-N-1713L-070. Naval Station Norfolk, January 4 2011, friends and family members of Sailors aboard USS Bainbridge (DDG 96) watch from the pier, as the guided-missile destroyer stands out to sea. Bainbridge departed for a scheduled deployment to the U.S. 6th Fleet area of responsibility. US Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class LoLita M. Lewis. | Robert M. Cieri |
| 154k | 130614-N-WJ261-063. Norfolk, June 14 2013, the guided-missile destroyer USS Bainbridge (DDG-96) is assisted by a tug boat as it pulls away from the pier at Naval Station Norfolk. Bainbridge deployed in support of maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th and 6th Fleet area of responsibilities. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Amber O'Donovan. | Ron Reeves |
| 379k | In mid-May 2014, Commander Sean Rongers, Commanding Officer of the USS Bainbridge (DDG-96), discusses ScanEagle unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with Azore navy Rear Admiral Antonio Manuel de Carvalho Coelho Candido in Phonta Delgada, Portugal. | Tommy Trampp |

USS Bainbridge (DDG-96) at Norfolk, VA on May 24 2014. In some of the photos you can see USS Gonzalez (DDG-66) in the background also undergoing maintenance. | Cody Z. Shaffer |
| 145k | 141022-N-WL435-300. Norfolk, October 22 2014, Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Jonathan Greenert receives a system update brief in the combat information center aboard the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Bainbridge (DDG 96) before holding an all-hands call. Greenert briefed the ship's officers and crew on the current status of the Navy and answered questions about current events, Navy programs and policies. U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Peter D. Lawlor. | Ron Reeves |
| 106k | Norfolk Naval Station, January 30 2015. | S. Dale Hargrave |
| 190k | Ponta Delgada, Azores on May 12 2015. | Carlos Manuel Estrela |

| 208k
322k | Ponta Delgada, Azores on May 13 2015. | Carlos Manuel Estrela |
| 133k | 151118-N-WA937-103. Mediterranean Sea, November 18 2015, USS Bainbridge (DDG 96) fires its MK 45 5-inch lightweight gun during a live-fire exercise Nov. 18, 2015. Bainbridge, an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer, homeported in Norfolk, is currently conducting naval operations in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations in support of U.S. national security interests in Europe and Africa. U.S. Navy photo by Ensign Morgan Witten. | Ron Reeves |
| 8k | Ships patch. | Steven A. Cardali |
| 78k | Ships patch. | Mike Smolinski |