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NavSource Online: Aircraft Carrier Photo Archive

Ship's Patch
Contributed by Mike Smolinski


Flag Hoist/Radio Call Sign: November - Golf - Hotel - Whiskey

Unit Awards, Campaign and Service Medals and Ribbons


Precedence of awards is from top to bottom, left to right
Top Row: Navy Meritorious Unit Commendation / Navy "E" Ribbon (2)
2nd Row: National Defense Service Medal / Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Service Medal / Global War on Terrorism Service Medal

Nimitz Class Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier
Awarded Laid down Launched Commissioned Decommissioned Stricken
26 Jan 2001 6 Sep 2003 9 Oct 2006 10 Jan 2009 (2059)  
Builder: Northrop Grumman Newport News, Newport News, VA


CVN-77, the 10th and final Nimitz-class carrier, will be a transition ship to the new CVNX project, and will incorporate new technologies and concepts applicable to CVNX (i.e., she will differ considerably from earlier Nimitz-class ships).

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President George H.W. Bush, White House, 15Feb89

CVN-77 is named after George Herbert Walker Bush (1924–2018), 41st President of the United States of America (1989-1993).

As President and Commander-In-Chief Mr. Bush led the United States and a coalition of 30 nations during the Gulf War (1991) that ended Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and liberated the people of the small Persian Gulf nation.

Official portrait of President George H.W. Bush, courtesy of Wikipedia
LT(JG) George H.W. Bush

US Navy pilot George Bush in the cockpit of an Avenger, 1942–1945.

(Read about LT(JG) George H.W. Bush, USNR, at the Naval History & Heritage Command website.)

Photo courtesy of the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum, via Bill Gonyo.
LT(JG) George H.W. Bush

Undated file photo of Navy pilot George H.W. Bush.

Photo courtesy of the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum.
George H.W. Bush quote

"The men and women of the United States Navy ... will keep America safe in the century ahead as they have in the century now coming to a close."

Remarks at the United States Naval Academy Commencement Ceremony in Annapolis, Maryland, May 27, 1992.

George Herbert Walker Bush, Forty-First President, United States of America.

Tommy Trampp.

An artist’s conceptual drawing of the U.S. Navy’s next aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) named in honor of the 41st President of the United States. U.S. Navy graphic (000314-N-0000X-001).

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Arlington, Va., The Pentagon, Dec. 9, 2002— Former President George H.W. Bush (center), the 41st President of the United States examines a model of CVN-77, the U.S. Navy’s 10th Nimitz-class aircraft carrier officially named USS George H.W. Bush by The Honorable Gordon England, Secretary of the Navy, at a ceremony held in the Pentagon. Photographed from left to right are Adm. Vern Clark, Chief of Naval Operations (CNO), Gordon England, Secretary of the Navy, former President George H.W. Bush, Senator John Warner, R-Va., and General James L. Jones, Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps. U.S. Navy photo by Chief Photographer’s Mate Johnny Bivera. (photo # 021209-N-2383B-001).

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Newport News, Va., Mar. 3, 2003— The first construction unit of the Pre Commissioning Unit (PCU) George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) settles into the drydock, where the ship would be constructed. The ship would feature numerous engineering and technology improvements, and was slated to be the 10th and final Nimitz-class nuclear powered carrier. Photo by Mr. John Whalen Northrop Grumman Newport News (# 030328-0-4780W-034).

USN, courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Newport News, Va., Sep. 6, 2003— Adm. Vern Clark, Chief of Naval Operations (CNO), makes remarks during the keel laying ceremony of the George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) aircraft carrier. U.S. Navy photo by Chief Photographer's Mate Johnny Bivera (photo # 030906-N-2383B-050).

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Newport News, Va., Sep. 6, 2003— Former President George H.W. Bush accompanied by his daughter and ship's sponsor Doro Bush Koch, wrote his initials with chalk to a plaque which was then traced by a welder’s torch and permanently affixed to the keel of the ship. During the ceremony, President George H.W. Bush authenticated the keel by announcing, “the keel has been truly and fairly laid." U.S. Navy photo by Chief Photographer's Mate Johnny Bivera (photo # 030906-N-2383B-132).

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Keel Laying & Authentication Ceremony for the Aircraft Carrier George H. W. Bush (CVN-77). (Video # m031049_384k).

Format: WMV (Windows Media Audio/Video file)  Duration: 45"   Size: 320 x 240

Courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

The rudders for the aircraft carrier George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) are in place during construction, June 17, 2004. Photo by Chris Oxley, Northrop Grumman Newport News (# DCS04-120-2.)

Courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Newport News, VA, Dec. 8, 2004 — Construction work on the Pre Commissioning Unit (PCU) George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) at Northrop Grumman Newport News (photo # 041208-O-0000X-022).

Photo courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News. Submitted by Tony Cowart.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Newport News, VA, Mar. 8, 2005 — The 700-ton bow unit, the final keel section of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier George H. W. Bush (CVN-77), is lowered into place in the dry dock at Northrop Grumman Newport News shipyard. George H. W. Bush was built using modular construction, a process where smaller sections of the ship below the waterline are lowered into place in dry dock. CVN-77 was the second carrier to have the new bulbous bow design that provides more buoyancy to the forward end of he ship and improves hull efficiency (photo # 050308-N-0000X-001).

Photo courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Northrop Grumman Corporation reached a construction milestone March 8, 2005 by lowering the final keel section of PCU George H. W. Bush (CVN-77) into place. The 700-ton lower bow unit was joined to the other keel sections in the dry dock (Dry Dock 12, the largest dry dock in the Western Hemisphere) and completed the length of the aircraft carrier, which is as long as the Empire State Building is tall.

Format: WMV (Windows Media Audio/Video file)  Duration: 30" (time-lapse video)  Size: 320 x 240

Courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

PCU George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) under construction, August 3, 2005. Photo by Chris Oxley, Northrop Grumman Newport News (# DCS05-400-8.)

Courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

The bow of the aircraft carrier George H. W. Bush (CVN-77) under constuction at Northrop Grumman Newport News, August 22, 2005. Photo by Chris Oxley (# DCS05_438_93).

Photo courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News.
Submitted by Chester Morris
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

The aircraft carrier PCU George H. W. Bush (CVN-77) under construction at Northrop Grumman Newport News, August 29, 2005. Photo by Chris Oxley (# DCS05-450-20).

Photo courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News.
Submitted by Chester Morris
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

The island of the aircraft carrier PCU George H. W. Bush (CVN-77), under construction at Northrop Grumman Newport News, November 2005. Photo by John Whalen (# DCS05-637-23).

Photo courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News.
Submitted by Chester Morris
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

The aircraft carrier PCU George H. W. Bush (CVN-77) under construction at Northrop Grumman Newport News, November 28, 2005. Photo by John Whalen (# DCS05-637-8).

Photo courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News.
Submitted by Chester Morris
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

The Pre Commissioning Unit (PCU) George H.W. Bush's (CVN-77) island upper levels are placed upon the lower levels to complete the island structure, March 9, 2006. Photo by Mr. John Whalen (Navy # 060309-N-4780W-001).

Photo courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

PCU George H. W. Bush (CVN-77) Upper Bow Lift, Northrop Grumman Newport News, Newport News, VA, March 15, 2006 (# m061018_384k).

Format: WMV (Windows Media Audio/Video file)  Duration: 36" (time-lapse video)  Size: 320 x 240

Courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

The upper bow unit of the Pre Commissioning Unit (PCU) George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) is lifted into place at Northrop Grumman Newport News, Newport News, VA, March 15, 2006. Photo by Mr. John Whalen (Navy # 060315-N-4780W-315).

Photo courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News.
Submitted by Tony Cowart.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

The upper bow unit of Pre Commissioning Unit (PCU) George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) is lifted into place at Northrop Grumman Newport News, Newport News, VA, March 15, 2006. Photo by Mr. Rick Thompson (Navy # 060315-N-3363T-001).

Photo courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News.
Submitted by Chester Morris.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

The upper bow unit of Pre Commissioning Unit (PCU) George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) is lifted into place at Northrop Grumman Newport News, Newport News, VA, March 15, 2006. Photo by Chris Oxley (# DCS06-145-123).

Photo courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News.
Submitted by Gerd Matthes, Germany.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

The propellers of the Pre Commissioning Unit (PCU) George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) are installed, April 26, 2006. Photo by Mr. John Whalen (Navy # 060426-O-4780W-009).

Photo courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News.
Submitted by Tony Cowart.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

CVN-77 island, painted and sitting on platen at dry dock 12, June 23, 2006. Photo by Mr. Chris Oxley (# DCS06-389-3).

Photo courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News.
Submitted by Chester Morris.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Northrop Grumman Corporation reached a major milestone July 8, 2006 as it lifted the 700-ton island onto the flight deck of PCU George H. W. Bush (CVN-77). The ship’s namesake and 41st President of the United States, George H. W. Bush, participated in the event. He was accompanied by his wife and former First Lady Barbara Bush. (Video # m061066_384k).

Format: WMV (Windows Media Audio/Video file)  Duration: 2' 13"   Size: 320 x 240

Courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

The completion of the last of 162 super lift evolutions scheduled during the construction of the tenth and last Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, George H.W. Bush (CVN-77). The lift placed the ship's 700-ton island superstructure in position on the flight deck, July 8, 2006. Photo by Mr. John Whalen (Navy # 060708-O-XXXXX-002).

Photo courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News.
Submitted by Bill Horosz, Chester Morris and Tony Cowart.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

As above. Photo by Rick Thompson (Navy # 060708-O-XXXXX-001).

Photo courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News.
Submitted by Bill Gonyo.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

The 41st President of the United States George H.W. Bush, left, and the prospective commanding officer for the aircraft carrier George H. W. Bush (CVN-77), Captain Kevin E. O'Flaherty, both place a personal set of Naval Aviator wings under the 700-ton island superstructure, July 8, 2006. The aviator wings were used to symbolize a naval custom, called "stepping the mast," which dates from antiquity and consists of placing coins under the step or bottom of a ship's mast during construction. One belief from Greek mythology is that should the ship be wrecked during passage, the coins would ensure payment of the crew's wages for their return home. Since at least the construction of USS Constitution in the 1790s, this tradition of placing coins or other items of significance has been passed on as a symbol of good luck for U.S. Navy ships. U.S. Navy Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Robert J. Stratchko (# 060708-N-8933S-003).

Chester Morris and Tony Cowart.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command, Commander, U.S. Atlantic Fleet Admiral John B. Nathman, left; the 41st President of the United States, George H.W. Bush, center; and the prospective commanding officer for the aircraft carrier George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), Captain Kevin E. O'Flaherty, attend the last of 162 super lift evolutions scheduled during the construction of the ship. Northrop Grumman Newport News Shipyard, Newport News, Va., 8 July 2006. U.S. Navy Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Robert J. Stratchko (# 060708-N-8933S-001).

Bill Gonyo
Robert M. Cieri
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Aboard Pre Commissioning Unit George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), the ship's namesake and 41st President of the United States, George H.W. Bush, left, observes the super lift Island landing ceremony, the last of 162 super lifts scheduled during the construction of the ship, placing the 700-ton superstructure on the ship's flight deck. Northrop Grumman Newport News Shipyard, Newport News, Va., 8 July 2006. U.S. Navy Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Robert J. Stratchko (# 060708-N-8933S-004).

Robert M. Cieri
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

PCU George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) with island house. Photo by Chris Oxley (# DCS06-422-51, Northrop Grumman Newport News file).

Photo courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News.
Submitted by Gerd Matthes, Germany.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Pre Commissioning Unit (PCU) George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) shown in dry dock, 10 September 2006. The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier was under construction at Northrop Grumman Newport News shipyard. Photo by Mr. Chris Oxley, courtesy Northrop Grumman Ship Building (# 060910-O-0000X-102).

Gerd Matthes, Germany.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Pre Commissioning Unit (PCU) George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) shown in dry dock, September 12, 2006. Photo by Mr. Chris Oxley (Navy # 060912-O-0000X-017).

Courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News.
Submitted by Chester Morris and Tony Cowart.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Pre Commissioning Unit (PCU) George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) shown in dry dock, Newport News, VA, 12 September 2006. The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier was under construction at Northrop Grumman Newport News shipyard. CVN-77 is the tenth and last Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, christened on 7 October 2006 and commissioned on 10 January 2009. Photo by Mr. Chris Oxley courtesy Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding (# 060912-O-0000X-043).

Robert M. Cieri.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Northrop Grumman Newport News shipyard workers flood the drydock where the Pre Commissioning Unit (PCU) George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) is berthed, 15 September 2006. Photo by Mr. John Whalen courtesy Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding (# 060915-O-4780W-126).

Robert M. Cieri.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Christening program.

Robert M. Cieri
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

This is a picture of CVN-77's (PCU George H. W. Bush) island the day of her Christening at Newport News, VA, October 7, 2006.

Wendell McLaughlin
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

The 41st President of the United States, George H.W. Bush, speaks at the christening ceremony for the 10th Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, and his ship's namesake, George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), at the Northrop Grumman Newport News shipyard, 7 October 2006. President Bush became the first president in the shipyard's 120-year history to participate in the christening of his namesake ship. U.S. Navy Photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Ash Severe (# 061007-N-1831S-143).

Robert M. Cieri
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Pictured left to right, President of the United States George W. Bush, former President and ship's namesake George H. W. Bush, and President of Northrop Grumman Newport News Shipyard Mr. Mike Petters, look on as ship's Sponsor Doro Bush Koch christens CVN-77, the aircraft carrier George H.W. Bush, October 7, 2006. "I would like to join my father, my brother, my family in saluting not only the men and women who built this remarkable ship, but also the courageous men and women who will soon man it," Koch said before christening the ship. Photo by Mr. Chris Oxley (Navy # 061007-O-0000X-001).

Courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News.
Submitted by Chester Morris and Tony Cowart.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Christening ceremony, October 7, 2006 (# m061093_384k.wmv).

Format: WMV (Windows Media Audio/Video file)  Duration: 2' 36"  Size: 320 x 240

Courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News.
Submitted by Chester Morris.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

PCU George H. W. Bush (CVN-77) afloat, October 9, 2006. Northrop Grumman Newport News photo by Chris Oxley.

Submitted by Mike Brock and Ron Reeves.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

PCU George H. W. Bush (CVN-77) move from Dry Dock 12 to OB1, October 9, 2006. Northrop Grumman Newport News photo by Ricky Thompson.

Submitted by Mike Brock.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Fitting out.

Submitted by Ron Reeves.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Former President George H.W. Bush signed his name to the first dead load before it was launched during catapult testing aboard the Precommissioning Unit (PCU) George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), 25 January 2008. Catapult testing consists of launching large containers, called dead loads, that are equal in weight to the planes that will ultimately be launched off the flight deck. U.S. Navy photo by Ricky Thompson (# 080125-N-0000T-157).

Robert M. Cieri
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Newport News, Va., January 25, 2008 — Former President George H.W. Bush prepares to signal the launch of two "dead loads" off the flight deck of the Precommissioning Unit (PCU) George H. W. Bush (CVN-77). "Dead Load" launches test the ship's catapult systems ability to launch aircraft. U.S. Navy photo By Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Susan Caraballo (080125-N-8544C-087).

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Former President George H.W. Bush prepares to signal the launch of two "dead loads" off the flight deck of the aircraft carrier that bears his name, 25 January 2008. "Dead Load" launches test the ship's catapult systems ability to launch aircraft. The Precommissioning Unit (PCU) George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) was under construction at Northrop Grumman Newport News Shipyard. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Narina Reynoso (# 080125-N-0000T-158).

Robert M. Cieri
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Airman Ryan Miller (left) Quartermaster 1st Class Christopher Dorner and Aviation Boatswain's Mate (Handling) Airman Ryan Jones, assigned to the Pre-Commissioning Unit (PCU) George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) prepare to be the first crewmembers to hoist the American flag over the fantail of the ship, at Norfolk, Virginia, 8 August 2008. Sailors had recently began eating and sleeping aboard the 10th and last Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, under construction at Northrop Grumman Newport News Shipyard. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Nicholas Hall (# 080811-N-3885H-002).

Chester Morris
Robert M. Cieri
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Quartermaster 1st Class Christopher Dorner (left), Airman Ryan Miller and Aviation Boatswain's Mate (Handling) Airman Ryan Jones hoist the American flag over the fantail of PCU George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), at Norfolk, Virginia, 8 August 2008. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Nicholas Hall (# 080811-N-3885H-029).

Chester Morris
Robert M. Cieri
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

CAPT Kevin O'Flaherty, commanding officer of the Pre-Commissioning Unit (PCU) George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), addresses the crew during a ribbon-cutting ceremony celebrating the opening of the ship's galley and crew's mess, at Newport News, Virginia, 11 August 2008. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Lawrence M. Shannon (# 080811-N-2176S-082).

Chester Morris
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Prospective Commanding Officer, CAPT Kevin O'Flaherty (left), thanked Benjamin Branch, a Newport News employee, for his work on the future USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) during a crew move aboard ceremony, 11 August 2008. Photo by John Whalen, ©Northrop Grumman Corporation.

Bill Gonyo
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

PCU George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) and USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) docked at Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding in Newport News, Va., 20 August 2008. (Carl Vinson was undergoing her only refueling and complex overhaul in a 50-year life span.)

Photo by Chris Oxley (# 189-5363).

Photo courtesy of Northrop Grumman Corporation.
Submitted by Bill Gonyo.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Operations Specialist Seaman Apprentice Steven J. O'Conner stands lookout while the aircraft carrier George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) transits to Naval Station Norfolk, 23 December 2008, in preparation for her commissioning. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Jeffrey M. Richardson (# 081223-N-5574R-050).

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Boatswain's Mate Seaman Apprentice Charles Norris polishes a bell aboard the ceremonial quarterdeck of the aircraft carrier George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), Norfolk, Va., 7 January 2009. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Nathan A. Bailey (#090107-N-5658B-011).

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Former First Lady Barbara Bush looks at a display in the museum aboard the aircraft carrier George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) during a visit to the ship, 8 January 2009. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Demetrius Patton (# 090108-N-5735P-131).

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Former President George H.W. Bush poses with Operations Department aboard the aircraft carrier George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), 8 January 2009. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Demetrius Patton (# 090108-N-5735P-257).

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Sailors from Air Department aboard George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) converse with former President George H.W. Bush, the ship's namesake, 8 January 2009. The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier would be commissioned two days later. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Demetrius Patton (# 090108-N-5735P-276).

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

George H.W. Bush, the 41st president of the United States, departs the aircraft carrier George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), moored at Naval Station Norfolk, 8 January 2009. Bush, the ship's namesake, was on hand to take part in the ribbon cutting ceremony for the official opening of Bush's Tribute Room aboard the ship. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Micah P. Blechner (# 090108-N-4408B-022).

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Former President George H.W. Bush looks at an exhibit of his former ship, the small aircraft carrier USS San Jacinto (CVL-30), in the tribute room aboard USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), 9 January 2009, in Norfolk, VA. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Nicholas Hall (# 090109-N-3885H-034).

Robert M. Cieri.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

CAPT Kevin E. O'Flaherty, commanding officer of USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77), escorts former President George H.W. Bush onto aircraft elevator No. 3 after a brief tour of the ship's tribute room. Bush, the ship's namesake, paid a visit to the carrier as the crew was making last-minute preparations for the ship's commissioning ceremony. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Michael Tackitt (# 090109-N-7656T-060).

Bill Gonyo.
Active, In Commission, 2009 –
Commissioning Ceremony, 10 January 2009.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) on builder's trials, 13 February 2009. Named after the nation's 41st president, the ship is the 10th and final Nimitz-class nuclear-powered carrier.

"USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), will be returning to Northrop Grumman Corporation for post-delivery maintenance work, also known as the ship's post shakedown availability (PSA)."

Photo by John Whalen, Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding, #DCS09-89-238.

Photo courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News.
Submitted by Bill Gonyo.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Northrop Grumman Newport News completed builder's trials of USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) on 16 February 2009. Photo by John Whalen, Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding.

Photo courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News.
Submitted by Bill Gonyo.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Builder's trials.

Format: WMV (Windows Media Audio/Video file)  Duration: 30"   Size: 720 x 480

Courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) underway from Naval Station Norfolk, 7 April 2009, conducting acceptance trials and the Board of Inspections and Survey to test the ship's material conditions and readiness.

U.S. Navy photos by Mass Communication Specialist 1st class Demetrius L. Patton (NS027792: # 090407-N-5735P-0037; NS027792a: # 090407-N-5735P-112).

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Northrop Grumman Newport News delivered PCU George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) on 11 May 2009. Photo by Chris Oxley, Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding.

Photo courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News.
Submitted by Bill Gonyo.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

An F/A-18F Super Hornet assigned to Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 23 passes by the landing signal officer on the way to making the first arrested landing aboard USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), 19 May 2009. The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier was underway off the coast of Virginia conducting flight deck certification.

U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Michael Tackitt, # 090519-N-7656T-124.

Chet Morris
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

An F/A-18F Super Hornet assigned to Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 23 makes the first arrested landing aboard USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), 19 May 2009. The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier was underway off the coast of Virginia conducting flight deck certification.

U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Eric S. Garst, # 090519-N-6125G-116.

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

An F/A-18F Super Hornet (BuNo 166449, modex SD121) from Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 23, LT Patrick McKenna and CDR Beau Duarte, making the first "trap" aboard USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), 19 May 2009, in the Atlantic Ocean.

Wendell Royce McLaughlin, Jr.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

An F/A-18F Super Hornet assigned to Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 23 makes the first arrested landing aboard USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), 19 May 2009, off the coast of Virginia, while conducting flight deck certification.

U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Michael Tackitt, # 090519-N-7656T-129.

Chet Morris
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

An F/A-18F Hornet (BuNo 166449, modex SD121) assigned to Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 23, piloted by LT Patrick McKenna and CDR Beau Duarte, became the first aircraft to be catapulted from USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), 19 May 2009. George H.W. Bush, the tenth and final Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, was underway off the coast of Virginia conducting flight deck certification.

U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Michael Tackitt, # 090519-N-7656T-311.

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

An F/A-18C Hornet assigned to Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 23 launches from USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) during the ship's first day of flight operations, 19 May 2009, off the coast of Virginia, while conducting flight deck certification.

U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Dominique J. Moore, # 090519-N-1985M-923.

Chet Morris
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush and his daughter, Doro Bush Koch, walk across the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), 26 May 2009. Bush and his daughter were aboard to observe flight operations during the ship's underway period in the Atlantic Ocean.

U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communications Specialist 3rd Class Dominique J. Moore, # 090526-N-1981M-126).

Chet Morris
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush and CAPT Bob Roth, executive officer of USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) watch a jet catapult off the flight deck during flight operations, 26 May 2009. The former president visited the Navy's newest aircraft carrier to observe operations during an underway period in the Atlantic Ocean. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communications Specialist 3rd Class Dominique J. Moore (# 090526-N-1981M-398).

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush and CAPT Bob Roth, executive officer of the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) watch a jet catapult off the flight deck during flight operations, 26 May 2009. The former president visited the Navy's newest aircraft carrier to observe flight operations during the ship's underway period in the Atlantic Ocean.

U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communications Specialist 3rd Class Dominique J. Moore, # 090526-N-1981M-450).

Chet Morris
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush and CAPT Bob Roth, executive officer of the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) speak with Sailors assigned to the "Red Rippers" of Fighter Attack Squadron (VFA) 11 aboard the ship, 26 May 2009.

U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communications Specialist 3rd Class Dominique J. Moore, # 090526-N-1981M-585).

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush and CAPT Bob Roth, executive officer of USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) watch as an F/A-18E Super Hornet launches from the flight deck, 26 May 2009. The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier was underway for flight deck certification in the Atlantic Ocean. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Demetrius L. Patton (# 090526-N-5735P-044).

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush and CAPT Bob Roth, executive officer of the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), watch as an F/A-18F Super Hornet from Fighter Attack Squadron (VFA) 211 "Fighting Checkmates" launches from one of the ship's waist catapults, 26 May 2009. The aircraft carrier was underway for flight deck certification in the Atlantic Ocean.

U.S. Navy photo by Mass Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Eric S. Garst, # 090526-N-6125G-111).

Chet Morris
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush and CAPT Bob Roth, executive officer of the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), watch as an F/A-18F Super Hornet is launched during flight operations, 26 May 2009. Bush, the aircraft carrier's namesake, was on hand to watch flight deck operations in the Atlantic Ocean, fulfilling a wish he made in 2006 at the ship's christening.

U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Michael Tackitt, # 090526-N-7656T-015).

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush watches from "Barbara," a specially painted tow-tractor, as an F/A-18F Super Hornet is catapulted off the flight deck of USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) in the Atlantic Ocean, 26 May 2009. Bush, the aircraft carrier's namesake, was aboard to watch flight deck operations, fulfilling a wish he made in 2006 at the ship's christening. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Michael Tackitt (# 090526-N-7656T-066).

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) at Pier 14, Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia, 29 May 2009.

Wendell Royce McLaughlin, Jr.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), undergoing Post Shakedown Availability (PSA); USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70), in the final stages of her Refueling and Complex Overhaul (RCOH); (background) USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71), in the initial stages of her RCOH; and USS Enterprise (CVN-65), conducting an Extended Drydock Selected Restricted Availability (EDSRA), Norfolk, VA; photo dated 1 September 2009.

Ron Reeves
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

CAPT "Chip" Miller, commanding officer of USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), presents a command ball cap to Susan Ford Bales, daughter of former President Gerald R. Ford. Bales, sponsor of the aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford, toured George H.W. Bush. Newport News, Virginia, 13 November 2009.

U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Kasey Krall (# 091113-N-8560K-057).

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) underway in the Atlantic Ocean, 27 January 2010, conducting sea trials. The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier returned to homeport at Naval Station Norfolk, Va. to begin the workup cycle towards deployment after an extensive seven-month post shakedown availability and selective restrictive availability trials.

NS027794: U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communications Specialist 1st Class Jason Winn (# 100127-N-1854W-071).

NS027794a: U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communications Specialist 1st Class Jason Winn (# 100127-N-1854W-070).

Chet Morris
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Seaman Daniel S. Jones scans the horizon with the "big eyes" during a lookout watch aboard USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), 27 January 2010, in the Atlantic Ocean.

U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Brent Thacker (# 100127-N-7908T-011).

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding returned USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) to the U.S. Navy, 28 January 2010, following the completion of modernization and maintenance work accomplished during the ship's post shakedown availability (PSA) and selected restricted availability (SRA).

Photo by John Whalen, Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding, #DCS10-46-7786.

Photo courtesy of Northrop Grumman Newport News.
Submitted by Bill Gonyo.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) heels hard to starboard during high-speed turns in the Atlantic Ocean, 27 February 2010. The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier was underway supporting fleet training operations.

U.S. Navy (USN) photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Micah P. Blechner (# 100227-N-4408B-613).

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

An MH-60S Seahawk helicopter from Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 9 "Tridents" flies alongside the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), 3 March 2010, in the Atlantic Ocean. HSC-9 was attached to the George H.W. Bush Strike Group and was underway supporting fleet training operations.

U.S. Navy (USN) photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Nicholas Hall (# 100303-N-3885H-172).

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) approaches Naval Station Mayport for her maiden port call, 10 March 2010. The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier stopped at Mayport to load supplies and personnel in support of upcoming carrier flight deck qualifications off the coast of Florida.

NS027793: U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Gary Granger Jr. (# 100310-N-8590G-001).

NS027793a: U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Gary Granger Jr. (# 100310-N-8590G-003).

NS027793b: Sailors stand by for line handling as George H.W. Bush approaches the pier at Naval Station Mayport. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Gary Granger Jr. (# 100310-N-8590G-005).

Chester Morris
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

CAPT "Chip" Miller, commanding officer of USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), holds up excellence pennants for enlisted surface warfare specialist and enlisted aviation warfare specialist during a command pinning ceremony in the ship's hangar bay, 28 April 2010, while steaming in the Atlantic Ocean. The excellence pennant signifies that 100 percent of a ship's eligible Sailors earned warfare qualifications.

U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Daniel S. Moore (# 100428-N-6509M-161).

Chester Morris
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

NATO Sea Sparrow missiles are launched from USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77). The aircraft carrier completed her first missile launch while underway in the Atlantic Ocean, 23 June 2010, conducting combat systems ship qualification trials.

NS027748: U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Nicholas Hall (# 100623-N-3885H-011).

NS027748a: U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Nicholas Hall (# 100623-N-3885H-033).

Ron Reeves
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Shooters assigned to USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) launch a C-2A Greyhound from Fleet Logistics Support Squardon (VRC) 40, while the aircraft carrier was conducting training operations in the Atlantic Ocean, 11 June 2010. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Daniel S. Moore (# 100611-N-6509M-942).

Robert Hurst
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) during her Post Shakedown Availability (PSA) and Selected Restricted Availability (SRA), Northrop Grumman Newport News Shipbuilding, 28 September 2009.

Ron Reeves
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

NOB Norfolk, VA, 2 October 2010.

John Hummel, USN (Ret.)
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

An MH-60S Seahawk helicopter assigned to Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 9 flies over USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), 10 October 2010. The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier was underway conducting training operations in the Atlantic Ocean. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Nicholas Hall (# 101010-N-3885H-426).

Ron Reeves
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) transits the Atlantic Ocean, 10 October 2010. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Nicholas Hall (# 101010-N-3885H-475).

Ron Reeves
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

An F/A-18 Hornet is decorated with Christmas lights on the flight deck of USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), in Norfolk, Virginia, 19 December 2010.

U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Kevin J. Steinberg (# 101219-N-6632S-012).

Bob Canchola, BT, USN (Ret.)
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) departs Naval Station Norfolk for her maiden deployment, 11 May 2011. The Navy's newest aircraft carrier deployed as a part of the George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group (CSG) in support of Maritime Security Operations (MSO) and Theater Security Cooperation (TSC) efforts in the U.S. 5th and 6th Fleet Areas Of Responsibility. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Nicholas Hall (# 110511-N-VQ827-135).

Ron Reeves
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

The Royal Navy Trafalgar-class submarine HMS Torbay (S90) underway in formation with the George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group and other NATO ships during the U.K.-sponsored joint exercise Saxon Warrior 11, 20 May 2011. USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) and her Carrier Strike Group were deployed to the U.S. 6th Fleet Area Of Responsibility (AOR) supporting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Nicholas Hall (# 110520-N-VQ827-880).

Robert Hurst
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

The Spanish Navy air defense frigate Almirante Juan de Borbón (F102), left, the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), the guided-missile destroyer USS Mitscher (DDG-57), and the Royal Navy frigate HMS Westminster (F237), underway in formation in the Atlantic Ocean, 20 May 2011, during the British Navy-sponsored joint exercise Saxon Warrior 11. The George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group was deployed to the U.S. 6th Fleet area of responsibility supporting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts.

U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Nicholas Hall (# 110520-N-VQ827-509).

Robert Hurst
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

The Royal Navy destroyer HMS Gloucester (D96), the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) and the Royal Navy frigate HMS Westminster (F237) underway in the Atlantic Ocean, 20 May 2011, during the Royal Navy-sponsored joint exercise Saxon Warrior 11. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Nicholas Hall (# 110520-N-VQ827-044).

Robert Hurst
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), left, and the British Royal Navy destroyer HMS Dauntless (D33) transit the Atlantic Ocean, 20 May 2011. The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier was deployed in the U.S. 6th Fleet Area of Responsibility in support of maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts.

U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Deven B. King (# 110520-N-XQ375-050).

Robert Hurst
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) is just weighing anchor in this photo, taken on 31 May 2011, following her first foreign port of call in Portsmouth, UK. The area is known as Stokes Bay in the Solent, the land in the background of the photo is the Isle of Wight and the building is Osborne House, Queen Victoria's seaside home.

Visit Daniel's GHWB gallery at Flickr.

©Daniel Grant, all rights reserved
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Sailors aboard USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) salute the Spanish Navy frigate ESPS Almirante Juan De Borbón (F-102) in the Mediterranean Sea, 8 June 2011. The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier was supporting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 6th Fleet Area Of Responsibility (AOR).

U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Billy Ho (# 110608-N-QL471-782).

Robert Hurst
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

A very nice photo of USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), signed by her CO, CAPT Luther, for USNS Laramie (T-AO 203), after a replenishment at sea, 24 June 2011.

U.S. Navy photo.

Austin C. Kone
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

The Royal Navy frigate HMS St Albans (F83) passes USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) during an exercise in the Middle East, 27 September 2011. Both St Albans and sister ship HMS Somerset (F82) were involved in a PASSEX (Passing Exercise) for three days with the US carrier and other smaller units: USS Mitscher (DDG-57), USS Gettysburg (CG-64) and USS Springfield (SSN-761).

Photographer LA(Phot) Simmo Simpson. Royal Navy (MOD).

NS027785: Photo ID: FK110141039.

NS027785a: Photo ID: FK110141034.

Robert Hurst
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) transits through the Strait of Hormuz, 9 October 2011. The aircraft carrier was deployed to the U.S. 5th Fleet Area Of Responsibility on her first operational deployment, conducting maritime security operations and support missions as part of Operations Enduring Freedom and New Dawn. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Betsy Knapper (# 111009-N-DU438-097).

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), front, and the guided missile cruiser USS Port Royal (CG-73) transit the Persian Gulf, 7 November 2011. The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier was on her first operational deployment to the U.S. 5th Fleet Area Of Responsibility, conducting maritime security operations and support missions as part of Operations Enduring Freedom and New Dawn. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Kasey Krall (# 111107-N-TU894-149).

Robert M. Cieri
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Seaman Matthew D. Trevino heaves a line aboard USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) after a replenishment at sea with the Military Sealift Command fleet replenishment oiler USNS Pecos (T-AO 197), 8 November 2011, in the Persian Gulf. The aircraft carrier was deployed to the U.S. 5th Fleet Area Of Responsibility (AOR) on her first operational deployment conducting maritime security operations and support missions as part of Operations Enduring Freedom and New Dawn. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Billy Ho (# 111108-N-QL471-026).

Tommy Trampp
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

RADM Nora W. Tyson, commander of Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 2, center, and LT Mike V. Minervini signal to launch an aircraft aboard USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), 8 November 2011, in the Persian Gulf. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Leonard H. Adams (# 111108-N-VA840-012).

U.S. Navy
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) underway with the Singapore Navy tank landing ship RSS Endeavour (210) in the Gulf of Aden, 15 November 2011. The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier was deployed to the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility conducting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Kasey Krall (# 111115-N-TU894-077).

Robert Hurst
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) off Walker's Point, Kennebunkport, ME, 10 June 2012.

Photos by Josephine F. Putnam.

Arnold A. Putnam
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

LT Kent Davis, left, the flight deck officer aboard USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77); CDR William Powers, the ship's air officer; CDR Michael Bissell, the ship's assistant air officer; and CDR Robert Rivera, the ship's safety officer, discuss a training evolution in flight deck control. The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier was conducting training exercises in the Atlantic Ocean, 10 July 2012. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Tony D. Curtis (# 120710-N-YZ751-184).

Ron Reeves
CVN-69 Dwight D. Eisenhower et al.

Naval Station Norfolk, 19 December 2012.

Ships are, right to left: USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69), USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), ex-USS Enterprise (CVN-65), USS Bataan (LHD-5), USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72), USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75), and USS Wasp (LHD-1).

U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Kevin J. Steinberg, # 121219-N-TB177-875.

Bob Haner, Robert Hall, Ron Reeves
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

An X-47B Unmanned Combat Air System (UCAS) demonstrator sits on an aircraft elevator of USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), 6 May 2013, in Norfolk, VA. George H.W. Bush was scheduled to be the first aircraft carrier to catapult-launch an unmanned aircraft from her flight deck, and was preparing to conduct training operations in the Atlantic Ocean. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Tony D. Curtis (# 130506-N-YZ751-728).

Tommy Trampp
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) transits the Atlantic Ocean, 24 November 2013, while conducting a composite training unit exercise (COMPTUEX), a scenario-driven exercise aimed at integrating the ships of the Strike Group through a series of live training events. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Brian Stephens (# 131124-N-MW819-257).

Robert M. Cieri
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

The U.S. Navy flight demonstration squadron, the "Blue Angels," fly in the Delta Formation over USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) off the Florida coast near Mayport Naval Station, 10 December 2013. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Terrence Siren (# 131210-N-KG934-050).

Bob Haner, YN1, USN (Ret.)
Bob Canchola, BT, USN (Ret.)
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

The George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group conducts a simulated strait transit, 10 December 2013, in the Atlantic Ocean, as part of its final pre-deployment evaluation to achieve mission readiness and the ability to work alongside international allies in the execution of the Navy's maritime strategy. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd class Scott Barnes (# 131210-N-EI510-173).

USS Leyte Gulf (CG-55) leads USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) and USS Philippine Sea (CG-58).

Robert M. Cieri
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Sailors carry supplies aboard the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) to prepare for an upcoming deployment. Norfolk, VA, 11 February 2014. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Michael Smevog (# 140211-N-FE409-007).

Robert M. Cieri
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Sailors load weapons aboard the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) to prepare for an upcoming deployment. Norfolk, Va, 11 February 2014. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Michael Smevog (# 140211-N-FE409-017).

Robert M. Cieri
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) departs Naval Station Norfolk, 15 February 2014. The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier was deploying as the flagship for Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 2 in support of maritime security operations, theater security cooperation efforts and missions in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in the U.S. 5th and 6th Fleet areas of responsibility. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Andrew Schneider (# 140215-N-XQ474-479).

Robert M. Cieri
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) departs Naval Station Norfolk, 15 February 2014. The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier was deploying as the flagship for Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 2 in support of maritime security operations, theater security cooperation efforts and missions in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in the U.S. 5th and 6th Fleet areas of responsibility. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Andrew Schneider (# 140215-N-XQ474-506).

Robert M. Cieri
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Sailors load an Evolved NATO Seasparrow Surface Missile aboard USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), underway in the Atlantic Ocean, 21 February 2014. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Joshua Card (# 140221-N-CZ979-611).

Robert M. Cieri
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) transits the Strait of Gibraltar, 27 February 2014. The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier was on a scheduled deployment supporting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th and 6th Fleet areas of responsibility.

NS027775: U.S. Navy photo by LT Juan David Guerra (# 140227-N-AP620-001).

NS027775a: U.S. Navy photo by LT Juan David Guerra (# 140227-N-AP620-003).

Robert M. Cieri
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush + CG-58

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), followed by the guided-missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea (CG-58), transits the Strait of Gibraltar, 27 February 2014. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Justin Wolpert (# 140227-N-VC599-024).

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) arrived in Piraeus, Greece, on 4 March 2014 for a three-day port visit.

Click here for a related video, also by George Haralampides.

George Haralampides, Piraeus Greece
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) drops anchor in Antalya, Turkey, 9 March 2014. The aircraft carrier was on a scheduled deployment supporting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 6th Fleet Area Of Responsibility. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Joshua Card (# 140309-N-CZ979-078).

Ron Reeves
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

A liberty boat departs USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) taking Sailors to Antalya, Turkey, 9 March 2014. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Eric S. Garst (# 140309-N-PS473-008).

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

The French navy frigate FS Cassard (D614) passes alongside USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) during a scheduled exercise in the Mediterranean Sea, 13 March 2014. The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier was on a scheduled deployment supporting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 6th Fleet Area of Responsibility.

U.S. Navy photo by CDR Tom Winkler (# 140313-N-ZZ999-003).

Robert Hurst
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Boatswain's Mate 2nd Class Ryan Wetzel, left, and Ensign Luke Paterna conduct small boat operations in the Arabian Sea, 19 April 2014, in a rigid-hull inflatable boat attached to USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77). The aircraft carrier was supporting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th Fleet Area Of Responsibility. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Harry Andrew D. Gordon (# 140419-N-VH054-052).

Ron Reeves
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush + T-AO 188

USNS Joshua Humphreys (T-AO 188) conducts a replenishment-at-sea with USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) in the Persian Gulf, 18 June 2014. The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier was deployed supporting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility. US Navy photo by MC3 Scott Barnes (# 140618-N-EI510-537).

Lee Wahler
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Sailors direct an F/A-18E Super Hornet assigned to the "Tomcatters" of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 31 on the flight deck of USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), 2 October 2014, in the Persian Gulf. The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier was supporting maritime security operations, strike operations in Iraq and Syria as directed, and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th Fleet Area Of Responsibility. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Brian Stephens (# 141002-N-MW819-206).

Ron Reeves
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) transits the Strait of Gibraltar, 6 November 2014. The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier was conducting naval operations in the U.S. 6th Fleet Area Of Responsibility in support of U.S. national security interests in Europe. U.S. Navy photo by LT Juan D. Guerra (# 141106-N-AP620-002).

Ron Reeves
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) departs Norfolk Naval Shipyard for sea trials, 23 July 2016. The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier had been at the shipyard since 16 June 2015 for a Planned Incremental Availability. Major work performed included upgrades to the carrier's Vacuum Collection Holding Tanks and close-in weapons system. U.S. Navy photo by Shayne Hensley (# 160723-N-MA158-005).

Ron Reeves
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Sailors gather for an all-hands call on the flight deck of USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), 3 August 2016, at Norfolk. The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier had recently started a training and qualification cycle in preparation for a 2017 deployment. USS George Washington (CVN-73) is in the background. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Tristan Lotz (# 160803-N-ME396-022).

Ron Reeves
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) conducts an underway and vertical replenishment (UNREP) with the Military Sealift Command dry cargo and ammunition ship USNS Robert E. Peary (T-AKE 5), 15 August 2016, in the Atlantic Ocean. The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier took on four million pounds of live ammunition during the UNREP. GHWB was underway conducting training and completing qualifications in preparation for a 2017 deployment. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Christopher Gaines (# 160815-N-YL257-335).

Robert Hurst
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), fast combat support ship USNS Supply (T-AOE 6) and the Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser USS Hue City (CG-66) conduct a replenishment at sea, 25 September 2016. The Nimitz-class aircrft carrier was conducting Tailored Ship's Training Availability and Final Evaluation Problem (TSTA/FEP) in the Atlantic Ocean. TSTA/FEP prepares the ship and crew for full integration into a carrier strike group through a wide range of mission-critical operations. U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Michael B. Zingaro (# 160925-N-KB401-071).

USS Oriskany Alumni Facebook Group, via Bob Canchola, BT, USS Oriskany 1971–1973
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) participates in a passing exercise with the Royal Danish navy frigate HDMS Peter Willemoes (F362) and the French Marine Nationale anti-air frigate FS Forbin (D620), 18 March 2017. George H.W. Bush and her Carrier Strike Group were deployed in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations in support of maritime security operations designed to reassure allies and partners, and preserve the freedom of navigation and the free flow of commerce in the region.

U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Daniel Gaither (# 170318-N-OX430-149).

Robert Hurst
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), with Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 8, off Portsmouth, England, 1 August 2017, during her third overseas deployment (21 January–21 August 2017).

James Sanderson
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

The Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08), the Royal Norwegian Navy frigate >Helge Ingstad (F313), the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) and the guided-missile destroyer USS Donald Cook (DDG-75) underway in formation for a photo exercise during exercise Saxon Warrior 2017, 8 August 2017, in the Atlantic Ocean. This was a U.S. and United Kingdom co-hosted carrier strike group exercise that demonstrated interoperability and capability to respond to crises and deter potential threats. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Michael B. Zingaro (# 170808-N-KB401-544).

Bob Haner, YN1, USN (Ret.)
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

The Royal Navy Duke-class frigates HMS Iron Duke (F234), left, and HMS Westminster (F237), the Royal Norwegian Navy frigate Helge Ingstad (F313), the Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08), the U.S. Navy guided-missile destroyer USS Donald Cook (DDG-75), USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), and the guided-missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea (CG-58) underway in formation during exercise Saxon Warrior 2017, 8 August 2017, in the Atlantic Ocean. This U.S. and United Kingdom co-hosted carrier strike group exercise demonstrated interoperability and capability to respond to crises and deter potential threats. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Michael B. Zingaro (# 170808-N-KB401-139).

Robert Hurst
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

The Royal Navy Duke-class frigates HMS Iron Duke (F234), left, and HMS Westminster (F237), the Royal Norwegian Navy frigate Helge Ingstad (F313), the Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08), the U.S. Navy guided-missile destroyer USS Donald Cook (DDG-75), USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), and the guided-missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea (CG-58) underway in formation during exercise Saxon Warrior 2017, 8 August 2017, in the Atlantic Ocean. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Michael B. Zingaro (# 170808-N-KB401-242).

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush + T-AOE-6

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) steams alongside USNS Supply (T-AOE 6) for an underway replenishment, 27 March 2018. The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier was underway in the Atlantic Ocean conducting sustainment exercises to maintain carrier readiness.

US Navy photo by MC3 Joe Boggio (# 180327-N-SO730-0180).

Lee Wahler
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush et al.

PCU Indiana (SSN-789) departs for Alpha Sea Trials, 22 May 2018. Carriers in the background are USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), right, and USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72), fully dressed for a Carrier Strike Group 12 change of command ceremony.

Photo by John Whalen, © and courtesy of Newport News Shipbuilding, Huntington Ingalls Industries.

Bob Haner
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Logistics Specialist 3rd Class Logan Davidson, left, and Aviation Boatswain's Mate (Handling) Airman Recruit Gabriel Gonzalez, conduct morning colors on the flight deck aboard USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77), 1 December 2018. The flag was flown at half-mast to honor the 41st president, George H.W. Bush, the ship's namesake, who passed away 30 November 2018. The ship was in port in Norfolk, Virginia, conducting routine training exercises to maintain carrier readiness. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Zachary P. Wickline (# 181201-N-NG136-0025).

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) sits in a dry dock, 26 February 2019, at Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) in Portsmouth, Virginia, during a docking planned incremental availability.

U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Steven Edgar (# 190226-N-LX838-0227).

Yu Chu
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) sits in a dry dock, 26 February 2019, at Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) in Portsmouth, Virginia, during a docking planned incremental availability.

U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Steven Edgar (# 190226-N-LX838-0237).

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) sits in a dry dock, 26 February 2019, at Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) in Portsmouth, Virginia, during a docking planned incremental availability.

U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Steven Edgar (# 190226-N-LX838-0246).

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Motion Models-built model of USS George H. W. Bush (CVN-77) presented to Captain Kevin E. O'Flaherty at the christening ceremony. This model will be a permanent part of the ship.

Courtesy of Joel Rosen, Motion Models.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Motion Models-built model of USS George H. W. Bush (CVN-77) exhibited in the museum room aboard the ship.

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Motion Models-built model of USS San Jacinto (CVL-30) exhibited in the museum room aboard USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77). San Jacinto was the carrier that the future U.S. President and namesake of CVN-77 flew off in World War II.

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Motion Models-built model of USS Finback (SS-230) exhibited in the museum room aboard USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77). Finback rescued future U.S. President and namesake of CVN-77 when he was shot down during World War II.

CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Model on display at the National Naval Aviation Museum, Pensacola, Florida. Photos taken on 13 June 2008.

Photos by Judson Phillips.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Radio-controlled model of USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) built by Spanish modelers José Romero Ávila, Luis Fernández Picazo, Daniel Camacho Soler and Antonio Gracia Villanueva. This is a 1:144 scale model, measuring 240 x 32 x 53 cm (7.87 x 1.05 x 1.74 feet).

Note that the Air Wing is Carrier Air Wing 8, as of 1977–87. This is a deliberate anachronism intended as a tribute to the entire Nimitz class, since the squadrons here represented made up CVW-8 aboard USS Nimitz (CVN-68), lead-ship of the class, during her early years.

NS027745d: Models of Spanish Navy frigates Álvaro de Bazán (F101), right foreground, and Santa María (F81), center-left background, were built by another Spanish modeler from Cartagena, Murcia, Spain. Álvaro de Bazán is the lead ship of a Spanish-designed and built, AEGIS-equipped frigate class. Santa María is the lead ship of a class of six guided missile frigates built in Spain and almost identical to the latter U.S. Oliver Hazard Perry-class FFGs.

José Romero & Antonio Gracia.
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

The official command patch for the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77). U.S. Navy illustration (# 090114-N-0000X-001).

Chester Morris
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H. W. Bush (CVN-77). Freedom at Work.

Wendell McLaughlin
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Operation Enduring Freedom — Operation New Dawn — 2011.

Tommy Trampp
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush CVN-77, Maiden Deployment, Saxon Warrior, First Combat Launch — Operation New Dawn, Operation Enduring Freedom.

Tommy Trampp
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

USS George H.W. Bush Maiden Cruise—Operation New Dawn, Operation Enduring Freedom—2011—Freedom at work—HSM-70, VAW-124, VRC-40, HSC-9, VAQ-141, VFA-31, VFA-15, VFA-87, VFA-213.

Robert M. Cieri
CVN-77 George H.W. Bush

Operation Enduring Freedom—2011—Freedom at Work 77—Operation New Dawn.

Robert M. Cieri

For more photos and information about this ship, see:

Read the
USS GEORGE H.W. BUSH (CVN-77) DANFS History entry
(Archived by the Internet Archive on 1 November 2019)

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Additional Resources
Hazegray & Underway World Aircraft Carrier Pages By Andrew Toppan.
The Official Web Site of CVN 77
  Search YouTube for videos related to "USS George H.W. Bush"  

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This page was created and is maintained by Fabio Peña
All pages copyright NavSource Naval History

Last update: 12 March 2025