The following images were taken during the attack and in the hours right afterwards.
These images are not presented in any kind of sequential or timed order.
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Images Of The Attack, Taken By American Personnel |
Destruction of the battleship Arizona, A direct hit to her forward magazine
destroyed the forward half of the ship killing over 900 of her crew instantly.
The time is 0810, approximately 12 minutes into the attack. |
Defenses better organized, a wall of anti aircraft fire greets the Japanese 2nd wave of the attack.
Most of the Japanese aircraft losses came during the 2nd wave attack. |
AV - 4, Curtis on fire after being crashed by Japanese aircraft.
The Japanese pilot wounded, or his aircraft fatally hit deliberately crashed his plane
into Curtis in a scene that would become much more common in 1944 - 1945, The Kamikaze |
"Battleship Row" West Virginia (left foreground) her side tore open by as many as 7 torpedo hits burns, sunken at her berth.
Tennessee, relatively undamaged is seen behind West Virginia trapped in her berth by
West Virginia on one side and the mooring quays on the other.
Tennessee had to keep her screws turning to push away the oil fires
coming from the devastated Arizona (right). |
NA 80-G-32414 |
The only color photograph I have personally seen of the Attack,
The Minelayer Oglala capsized at her berth at the 1010 dock.
In the background the overturned Oklahoma, and Maryland moored behind. |
Dry dock #1, The wrecks of the destroyers Cassin and Downes.
Pennsylvania in the background, This photo is from late on December 7th or early on December 8th. |
Nevada beached after her attempt to exit the harbor.
The Navy tug Hoga is alongside fighting the fire on Nevada's bow. |
NA 80-G-19940 |
Nevada, underway smoke pouring from her stack during her sortie.
She is down by the bow and smoking from hits forward. |
The light cruiser, St. Louis passing the listing California during her breakout at about 0940.
The over turned Oklahoma can be seen in the background.
In the far background a unidentified destroyer is also underway making her way out of the harbor. |
The target ship Utah seen here rolling over in her berth. |
Another view of Nevada during her sortie.
She is seen here passing the navy yard. |
NH 32559 |
The explosion of the forward magazine of the destroyer Shaw.
To the right Nevada can been seen making her escape attempt. |
This image from the 1010 dock shows the extent of the devastation on "Battleship Row" |
Looking towards the 1010 dock and dry dock #1.
Foreground the capsized Oglala and Helena.
To the right Pennsylvania in dry dock #1, while the destroyers Cassin and Downes burn forward of her. |
California, engulfed by smoke and flames from the burning oil of West Virginia and Arizona. |
0900, Looking up "Battleship Row". The inferno is from the fires on West Virginia and Arizona. California is a left listing from torpedo hits. |
NA 80-G-32640 |
Stern View of California listing to port.
Smoke to the far left is the fires from Dry dock #1, Mid left the destroyer Shaw. |
Bow on view of Maryland,
Oklahoma capsized alongside took 9 torpedoes in less than 15 minutes.
Directly behind Maryland the smoke from West Virginia and Arizona. |
NA 80-G-33138 |
The overturned Oklahoma (center) and Maryland (left)
White smoke rises from West Virginia as her fires are brought under control
Arizona burns fiercely in the background. |
Photo taken from the stern of Argonne (AG-31) berthed at the 1010 dock looking back at "Battleship Row".
Arizona and West Virginia burning (right) The overturned Oklahoma and Maryland are at left. |
NA 80-G-32691 |
One of the most published images from December 7 1941.
Arizona burning out of control at right.
West Virginia, decks awash sunken at her berth and burning fiercely
Tennessee trapped between the two raging fires. |
NA 80-G-32414 |
Late afternoon on December 7th, Fires still rage on board the shattered Arizona, her flag still flying.
Tennessee (left) had to keep her screws turning to keep Arizona's fires away.
The water pouring over the stern of Tennessee is the overflow from her flooded aft magazines. |
NA 80-G-32424 |
Looking at dry dock #1 from Ford Island, The destroyers Cassin and Downes burning out of control.
Smoke can also be seen from midships hit on Pennsylvania |
NA 80-G-32580 |
Another view of the explosion of the destroyer Shaw's forward magazine. |
From the 1010 dock looking towards the navy yard.
Oglala capsized in foreground, Helena to the left.
The large fire at the far left is from Cassin and Downes in dry dock #1.
The destroyer Shaw burning fiercely in floating dry dock in the background. |
NA 80-G-464887 |
Late morning, the shattered hulk of the destroyer Shaw in floating dry dock YFD-2. |
NA 80-G-19939 |
Looking over Pearl Harbor from Aiea, shortly after the last Japanese plane had departed the area.
The fire left center is from the destroyer Shaw, Nevada can be seen aground on Hospital Point.
right center the destruction of "Battleship Row". |
NA 80-G-32893 |
Looking towards the Navy Yard.
To the left smoke from the burning destroyers in dry dock #1
Center is the burning destroyer Shaw, with Nevada to her right (white smoke). |
The torpedoed and listing Raleigh at her berth about one hour after the attack.
The overturned Utah is astern of her and Tangier to the far left. |
NA 80-G-32650 |
Another of the most published images from December 7th, the Light Cruiser Raleigh fights to stay afloat.
Had she been at sea she would have been lost from the torpedo damage.
The fleet tug Sunnadin lashed 4 pontoons to her side to keep her from capsizing. |
NH 50769 |
The repair ship Vestal, beached off Aiea,
showing her scorched sides resulting from being moored alongside Arizona when she exploded. |
NH 50273 |
The shattered hulk of the Destroyer Shaw. |